Page:The Code of Honor, Or, Rules For the Government of Principals and Seconds In Duelling.djvu/34

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The Degrees of Insult, and How Compromised

  1. The prevailing rule is, that words used in retort, although more violent and disrespectful than those first used, will not satisfy,--words being no satisfaction for words.
  2. When words are used, and a blow given in return, the insult is avenged; and if redress be sought, it must be from the person receiving the blow.
  3. When blows are given in the first instance and not returned, and the person first striking, be badly beaten or otherwise, the party first struck is to make the demand, for blows do not satisfy a blow.
  4. Insults at a wine table, when the company are over-excited, must be answered for; and if the party insulting have no recollection of the insult, it is his