Page:The Code of Honor, Or, Rules For the Government of Principals and Seconds In Duelling.djvu/47

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"Rule 1.—No party can be allowed to bend his knee or cover his side with his left hand; but may present at any level from the hip to the eye.

"Rule 2.—One can neither advance nor retreat, if the ground be measured. If the ground be unmeasured, either party may advance at pleasure, even to touch muzzle; but neither can advance on his adversary after the fire, unless his adversary step forward on him.

"The seconds stand responsible for this last rule being strictly observed; bad cases have accrued from neglecting it."

This precise and enlightened digest was rendered necessary by the multitude of quarrels that arouse without "sufficient dignified provocation:" the point of honor men required a uniform government; and the code thus formed was disseminated throughout the island, with