Page:The Collected Poems of Dora Sigerson Shorter.djvu/186

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That she should deem him false, untrue,
Who loved, as never others do,
His dear, his only dove!
He said—as such are prone to say—
“Through all his years for one brief day
He hath no other love.”

And she for this fond faith would give
No sweet return, not even live.
But fling her in the tide!
And here his voice did fail and break.
He trembled on the words he spake.
And turned his face aside.

Because a tear stood in his eye.
She did herself accuse and cry,
As all poor women will.
Her crime he promised to forgive.
Since for no other did he live;
O'er all he loved, her still.

Did she his story quite believe
Or hold him guiltless to deceive.
Because she wanted to?
I do not know, but only this—
The quarrel ended in a kiss.
As may all others do.

As for the champion—Heaven sent.
With their sweet joy was he content.
Although he was forgot?
The teasing fly that flitted past
He snapped and slew upon the grass.
All happy with his lot.