Page:The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, vol. 2.djvu/239

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In reply, we beg to state that it is quite true that Mr. Laughton, in his note of the 9th inst., asked for a private meeting with you, but we would draw your attention to the fact that, before that interview had continued many minutes, you told Mr. Laughton that he was to recollect that every word which he uttered would be reported by you the following morning to your colleagues in the ministry; and also that you gave him your permission to repeat everything that had taken place between us to our clients.

We beg, on Mr. Laughton’s assurance, to assert what was said at the meeting was in effect accurately recorded in our letter to you of the 10th instant, but in order that there may be no misunderstanding, we shall be glad if you will point out the inaccuracies to which you refer.

We have the honour to be,
Your obedient servants,



January 12, 1897



We have the honour to acknowledge a letter, signed by the Principal Under- Secretary, of yesterday’s date, wherein he informs us that he is instructed to reply to our two letters to the Colonial Secretary of the 8th and 9th instant, as follows:

“Your proposal for the landing of the passengers quietly and unknown to the public is impossible. The Government understand that you have requested the Port Captain not to bring the vessels inside without special instructions. This action on your part, and your letters now under reply, show that you are aware of the intense feeling throughout the Colony against the landing of the Indians, and they certainly should be informed of the existence and strength of that feeling.”

We cannot but acknowledge the feeling, which at present exists among a certain class in Durban, against the landing of the Indians. But, at the same time, we must most respectfully inform you that this feeling has been fostered by the Government, rather than discouraged, in the manner pointed out to you in our letters of the 8th and 9th instant.

We beg to express our surprise at your making no reference to the following facts brought to your notice in our above-mentioned letters: