Page:The Columbia River - Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery Its Commerce.djvu/588

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the Lewis and Clark party, 79;
navigation on, by Lewis and Clark party, 81

Kootenai River, character of navigation, 280-281;
Bonnington Falls of, 294

Kootenai Lake, description of, 295-296;
sporting on, 296


La Camas, paper mill, 375

Ladd, Carrie, steamer on Willamette, 236

Lamazee, or Lamazu, brings news of destruction of Tonquin, 123

Lark, wreck of, 124

Lausanne, Methodist mission ship, 142

Lawyer, Indian chief favourable to whites, 214-216

Le Breton, G. W., part in founding Provisional Government, 192

Ledyard, John, connection with Jefferson, 70;
comprehension of fur-trade, 101

Lee, Rev. Daniel, missionary to Indians, 141;
mission at The Dalles, 142

Lee, Rev. Jason, missionary to Indians, 140;
locating mission at Chemawa, 142;
in the East for reinforcements, 142;
death, 143;
connection with Ewing Young, 144;
memorial to Congress, 144;
influence, 145;
lecture at Peoria, 163;
chairman of meeting of settlers, 189

Lewis and Clark expedition, its inception by Jefferson, 71;
summary by Captain Lewis, 87;
mention of, by Jefferson, 88

Lewis, Jo, part in Whitman massacre, 206

Lewis, Meriwether, selection by Jefferson for leader of party, 72;
description of crossing Divide, 75

Lewiston, founding of, 245

Linn Senator, presenting memorials to Congress, 189;
his death, 197

Lisa, Manuel, organises the Missouri Fur Company, 108

Looking Glass, famous speech, 215

Lot Whitcomb, the steamer, on Columbia River, 235

Louise, Lake, beauties of, 274

Louisiana Purchase, significance, 71


Macbeth, Miss Kate, opinion about Indians who looked for “Book of Life,” 136-137

Mackenzie, Alexander, expedition to Pacific Coast, 71;
journey to the Arctic Ocean, 106;
reaches Pacific Ocean, 106

McBean, Wm., account of Walla Walla Council, 217

McCellan, Robert, partner of Pacific Fur Company, 89

McClellan, Geo. B., assists Stevens in reconnaissance for Pacific Railroad, 260

McDougall, Duncan, smallpox bottle, 122;
marries daughter of Comcomly, 122;
sells out Company, 124

McKay, Dr. W. C., physician at Pendleton, 319

McKenzie, Donald, partner of Pacific Fur Company, 89;
leads division of party, 92;
sells out Company, 124

McKinley, Allen, building of steamer on Columbia, 235

McLoughlin, Dr. John, as factor of Hudson's Bay Company, 130;
reception of Methodist missionaries, 141;
meets the Whitman party of missionaries, 150;
connection with building Star of Oregon, 166;
sees approaching success of Americans, 167;
stories connecting him with Americans, 168;
account of Provisional Government, 195;
becomes an American citizen, 196;
land troubles, 196;
sadness of old age, 196;
summary of character, 197

Maldonado, extravagant stories, 46;
map, 48

Maquinna, Indian chief, 202

Martinez, voyage on coast of Oregon, 55

Mary, steamer on Upper Columbia, 235;
rescues victims of Indian war, 236;
on her regular route, 237