Page:The Comic English Grammar.djvu/80

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Principally consists of two parts (which the flirt does not, for she is all body and no soul) Concord and Government.

Concord is the agreement which one word has with another, in gender, number, case or person.

Note.—That a want of agreement between words does not invalidate deeds. We apprehend that such an engagement as the following, properly authenticated, would hold good in law.

I ose Jon stubs too hunder dollar for valley reseved an promis to pay Him Nex Sattaday

Signed Willum Gibs is × Mark

March 18, 1844.

Also that a friend of ours, to whom the following bill was sent, could not have refused to discharge it on the score of its incorrect grammar.

1835 Mr.——
Jenery 10 ——— To J. Burton.

$ cts.
Reparing of Towo Tables & Muex Stand 1 00
Aultern of 2 Blines & Toulroler 0 50
(et cetera)
Newpot board Barers & scirtin &c. staple 1 50
Locks to Cubard dowrs & Esing do laying down flour cloth & fiting up Top of Butt 1 75
Fixing Lether to Dowrs in parlor & Cuting of sheters in first flour 1 20
Fixing webbin to Stand and fixing Legs to washing stule 0 38
Fiting up front of Dustbin & Cubbard on Landing altern lock of seler dowr 0 50
$6 83