Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/107

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WBNTWORTH, 97 tf. and T.p. Mt CnUis, about 1554. He m. aeeoadlj, about 1565-56t his lata wife's cnasiD, Anne cir Agnes, da. of Henry Wintworth, of Mountnessiog, co. ISissex, by Agner, da. ami h. of Reginald Haiioito, of Mountnessing afsd. and of oo. Kent. She d. 2 and was bur, 8 Sep. 1571, or 1576,(*) in Stepnej church. He, who is said to have rebuilt the hall at Nettlestea*!, d, at Stepnej, 18 Jan. 1588/4, and was doubtless bur. there. Admon. 18 Jan. 1588/4.(^) III. 1581. »7. Hrnrv (VrBXTwoiiTn), IiOBD Wkntworth, 2iu1 but Ist surv. s. and h.(^) by second wife ; b. 1558 ; »ue. to the peerage 13 Jnn. 1583/6. He was onB of the Peers who sat in judgment on Mary, Qiteen of Soi»ts, in Oct. 1586 at Foiheringay,(<l) and was sum. to Pari, down to 19 Feb. (1592/3) 85 Elia. He m. nbout 1585, Anne, da. of Sir Owen HoPTOit, Lieut of the Tower of Lontlou, by Anne, da. and h. of Sir Edward Itchinoram. He d. of the plague (like his eldest br.) 16 Aug. 1593, at Sir John Harrington's house, at Burley, 00. Rutland, aged 85. Inq. pi mort Admon. 30 Aug. 1593. His widow m. in 1596 Sir Wtlliam PoPR, Bart, (who, after her death, was er. in 1628 Earl of Downr [I.] and who d, 2 June 1631), and was 6iir. 10 May 1625 at Wrozton, oo. Oxon. IV. 1693. 4' Thomas (Wbktwobth), Lord Wbntworth, Ist 8. and h., b. about 1591 : tuc. to the peerage^ 16 Aug. 1598 ; matria at Oxford (Trin. Coll.) 12 Not. 1602, aged 11 ; K.B., 4 June 1610. By the death, 16 April 1614, of his great aunt Anne, da. of Thomas (Wi.tfworth), Ist Lord Wrntwoktr, and widow of Henry (Chbnkt), TjORD Ghirrt ds TosDiNQTOR, he inherited the estate of Toddington, co. Bedford, which thence- forth became the chief residenoe of his family. He was sum. to Pari, from 80 Jan. (1620/1) 18 Jac. to 17 May (1626) 1 Car. ; was Joint L. Lieut, of Beds, 1625, as he was also in 1660. Being a friend of the Ring's "favourite," the Duke of Buckingham, he was er, 5 Feb. 1625/6(«) RAUL OP CLBVK- LAKD^O CO. Vork. He was in the futile expedition of 1627 to Ija Itochelle. IVaking part with the King in the civil war, he joined the Royal standard at York in 1639. In Afay 1641 he attendo<l his cousin, the Karl of Straflford, on the scaffold. He was Cnpt of the band of Qent. Pensioners, 1642-43, as he was again in 1660 ; was (as was his son) one of the Peers that snt in the parL of Oxford in 1644. He hnd been Col. of a Reg. of Horse since 1642, and on 29 May 1644 he "executeil a btild but hHZirdoufl surprise on the enemy at Abingdon. "(8) He gallantly distinguished himself at the battle of Cropredy, 29 June 1614, («) Norden ('* Speeulum Britannia" 1594, p, 89) writes of Stepney church that " There lyeth also the Lady Anne Wentworth, wife to Thomas, Lord Wentworth, and da. to Henry Wentworth, Esquire. She died the second of September, 1571," while, according to Lysons [" Envircm of London "], the Stepney register reoords, 8 Sep. 1576, the burial of the "The Right Hon. La<ly Agnes Wentworth." The names " Anne " and " Agues " were at that date continually interchfrngetl,but the (<a<et differ. (^) As this was granted to his son, the presumption is that he died a widower, but it is not quite clear whether he may ncit have married a third iuim and left that wife surviving. William Borough, a well known navigator, who d. 1599 aged 63, speaks in 1589, of his " getting a good wife " in the person of Lady Wentworth, and such a marriage took pluoe at Stepney, 9 Sep. 1589. (e) The eldest s, William Wentworth, m., in 1581, Elizabeth, 2d da. of William (Cecil), 1st Bnnm Burgliley, at whose house at The<»balds, Herts, he d» of the plague, s.p. and v.p., 7 Nov. 1582, and was bur. at Cheshunt. {^) See their names, vol. iii, p. 72, note " a," tub " Derby." (*) See vol. ii, p. 183, note ** s," tub " Clevelaml/' for the creations on that day. (0 " The ancient connection of his nice with Yorkshire, having probably determined the designation of hit Earidom" [Rutton's " Wentwrn-tht" as on p. 96, note "a," where it is added that] " the lands in Yorkshire and in Lincolnvhire named in the inq. p. m. of Sir Richard Wentworth [1528] are not mentioned in the later inqnidi- tious .... leading to the inference that they were alienated by the first Lord Wentworth." (i) Rutton's " Wentworth," as on p. 96, note *'a." n