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WESTMINSTER. 109 Hf/Ud VnoouHT BicixiRAVX, 1784—1802; wm M.P. fur East Looe, 1788-90 ; for ChMter, 1790-1802 ; a Lord of the Admirmlty, 1789-91 ; P.O., 1798 ; a Commissr. for Indian affairs, 1793 ; raised a reg. of Vols, in Westminster, of which he was Major Commandant in 1798; L. Lient. of oo. Flint, 1798—1845; Col. of the Flintshire Militia, 1798 ; tue. to the jie^age as above, 6 Aug. 1802. He was cr., 13 Sep. 1831(<^), MARQUESS JOF WKST.INSTKll; was bearer of the third sword at the corona- tion of Victoria, 28 June 1838 ; K.O., H March 1841. He m. (s|>ec. Ho.), 28 April 1794, E1ean(»r, only surv. da. and h. of Thomas (Borrton), 1st Earl op Wiltov, by Eleanor, 2d da. and coheir of Sir lUlph AssiiRTON, Bart. He d, at Katon Hall, 17 and was bur. 25 Feb. 18-15. at Kcclenton, co. Cheater, aged 77 (^) Will pr. May 1845, nnder £350,000. Ht« widow, who was 6. 10 July 1770, cf. 29 Nov. 1846, in Qrosvenor square, aged 76. Will pr. Jan. J 847. II. 1845. 2. Richard (Grostskor), ^^ARQUBS8 of Wbstmikbtbii, Earl QiioavKKOR, ftc, lat s. and h.('} ; 6. 27 Jan. 1795, at Milbanke House, Westm. ; H^Ud ViaoouNT Bblorayr, 1802-81 ; ed. at Westm. and at Ch. Ch., Oxford; B.A., 20 April 1815; M.A., 5 June 1818; was M.P., in the Liberal interest, for Chester, 181 8-30; for Cheshire, 1 830-82; and for South Cheshire, 1832-35 ; Iteing ttiffed Karl GmisvRNOR, from 13 Sep. 1831, till he tue, to the pecrof/ff M above, 17 Feb. 1845: L. Lieut, of Cheahirn, 1845-67 ; P.C., 1850; L. Steward of the Household, 1850-52 ; K.O.. 6 July 1857. He m., 16 Sep. 1819, in the pariah church at Trenthani, oo. Staffoixl, Elizabeth Msry, 2d and yst da. of Geoige Granville (Lrvrsiir-Gowrm), 1st Dukr or Suthrkland, by RluBabetb, mo jure CuUNTRSS ov SUTIIKR1.AMD [8.] He d., lifter a short illuesn, 31 Oct. 1869, aged 74.(<l} Will prove<1 un«ler £800.000. His widow, who was b. 8 Nov. 1797, d. 11 Nov. 1891, agod 91, at In wood (the residence of her da. Lsdy Theodora Quest), and was bur. at Motconilje, Dorset. Will pr. July 1893 [«t>] under £150,000. III. 1869. 3 and /. Huon Lurus (Grosvexoh). Marqukss of nnkAdom Westmihstbr 11831], Earl GRoevimm [1784], Vnoouitr Brixiravr xruKoaom. M784J and Baron Grostrnor of Eaton [1761], also a Baronet 1. 1874. [1622], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h.;(') b. 13 Oct. 1825, at Eaton Hall, generaUtf known at VincovVT Bklgravr, 1881-45; ttyUd Eknh Urosvrnoii, 1845-69 ; ed. at Kton and at Bali. Coll. Oxford ; was M.P. for Chester, 1847-69 ; Lieut-Col. Comm. of the Westm. Rifle Vols., 1860-81, and of the Chefihire Yeomanry, 1869 ; $uc. to the peerage^ as above, 31 Oct. 1869 ; K.G., 6 Dec. 1870; was er. 27 Feb. 1874, DUKE Ol^" WESTMINSTER; P.O. 1880; Master of the Horse, 1880-85; L Lieut, of Cheshire, 1883; L. Lieut of the "County of Loudon,** 1888. He m., firstly. 28 April 1852, at the Chapel Royal, St James, Con^tiince Gertrude, 5th da. of his maternal uncle, George Granville (TiRVBSON-GoWRR), 2it DuKR OF SuTRRRLAND, by Harriet Elimbeth Georgiana, da. (*) This was one of the coronation peerages of Will. IV., for a list of which see ▼ol. ii, p. 812. note *' a ** »ab *• Cloncurry.*' (^; In 1803 he cominencefl the rebuilding of Kiiton Hall on a very extensive scale, and in 1826 he employe<l Cubitt to lay out the Rbury estate at Pimlico, now called Belgravia. He largely iiicreased the famous Grosvenor gallery of pictures which he had inherited (nee p. 110, note b"), nnd was "a diatinguished patron of the turf.*' In politics he sup|H)rted Pitt, but, after his death, sccoded to the Whigs, contributed to the Anti-Corn Ijaw Ii(*ngue, and voted for the Ueforni Hill. His portrait, by Gainsborough, is at Kiiton Hull. Ouo by Hoppner has been reproduced in mezso-tint, and is engraved in " Vofffe.'* («) The second son, Thomas, who tvik the name of Egerton, sue his matenuU grandfather in 1814, as 2d Earl of Wiltcm ; while the third son, Robert, was er., in 1857, Baron Ebury. {^) " Of reserved habits and iuexpenstve tastes, he disliked any kind of ostentation and extravagance. Hh gave generously tf> charit-ible objects and built and restored many churches and scIhk>I8, prinripnlly in Cheshire. To (/hester he presented a large park." [Nat. lUntjr.] Mo is cleHcrilKvl, in '* The lloutie of Lordt, 1867" [Gent Mag.] as having " strongly [irouounccd features and a shirt collar of extra- ordinary dimensitms." (•) The eldest son, Gilbert, b. 10 April 1823 ; d. 2 Jan. 1824. The yst., Richard, was <T., 1886, Darou Stalbridge.