Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/12

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2 UPFORD — UGHTRBI). rV. 1364 4f or /. William db Upford, 2d and eventuallj ' to Ut •uiT. 8. and h. ad. of Robert, Eabl of Suffolk and Lord 1382. Uffobd, being br. of Robert, Lord Uffoed [1842], both above- named ; b. about 1889 ; waa, like hie elder br., aiim. v.p. to Pari, (aa Lord Uffobd), preaumably in hia father'a Barony, but posaiblv in the life- time of hiaaaid elder br. and in right of hia own wife, (a coheir of the Barony of MonUcute), by wriU from 4 Dec. (1864) 88 Ed. III. to 20 Jan. (1366/6) 89 Ed. III. He iuo. hia father, aa EABL OF SUFFOLK, 4 Not. 1869. He d, a.p.a 18 Feb. 1881/2, when the Earldom of Sngdh became extmct or lapted to iko Oroum^ and the Barony of Ufford fell into abeyanoeL(») [RoBKBT Uftoiu), presumably dyled Lord Ufford, Ist s. and h. ap. ; d. T.p. in boyhood before 1874, leaving three yr. brothera then li? ing, all of whom d. young and within a year from that date]. e 9 1(3 3 I. hi. 1360, 1. John db Ufford, p. and h. of Sir Thomas db to UFFOBO,(t>) by E?a (heima of Langley, oo. Norfolk), da. and h. 1361. of John (di Clavbrivo), Lobd Clayiring; ttie. hit father (who waa alain at the battle of Bannockburn) 24 June 1818, and waa aum. to pari, aa a Baron (LORD UFFORD) 8 April (1860), 84 lfid.III.,ontheaameday thathiaatepfather,SirRobertdeBenhale, waaaoaum. He d. unm. next year (in the lifetime of hia aaid mother) 1861, and waa bur. at Langley aforoaaid, when lAe Borowy became «9B<tn6f.(«) Each. 85 Ed. III. UGHTRED.

    • w5t^^ i. Sir Thomas Ughtrbd, a and h. of Robert

Writ. UoHTRED, of Scarborough, Gatton, &c, ca York (who waa aum. in I 1343 ^^^^ ^ attend ^*equi% et armU ** at Newcaatle on Tyno), tuc. hia ^ ' father (1309-10), 8 Kd. 11., beiug then aged 18 or 23 ; aerYed from I ^AR ^^^^ ^ 1889, with great diatinction, in the ware with Scotliiud ; ^*'^^* waa QoT. of Scarborough Caatle, 1819 ; obUioed from Ed. III. the (considerable) Lordship of Boukill in Scotland ; waa Admiral of the Fleet, north warda, 1336 : waa a Banneret in 1837 ; Qov. of Perth, 1338, which town however he, after a gallant reaiatance, surrendered, 17 Aug. 1339; waa aum. to Pari. aa a Baron (LORD UQHTRRD) by wriU from 30 April (1343), 17 Ed. IIL to 4 Dec. (1364), 88 Ed. IIL ; waa in the ware of France, 1345-47 and of Goecony, 1359 ; K.O., between May 1858 and April 1360. He m. Kargaret, du. and h. of Bruiu Buudon, of Kezby, oo. York* He d. ahortly before 28 Muy 1365, and waa bur. at Catton afsd. 8iB Thomas Ughtrbd(^), s. and h., of full ago and a knight at his father'a death, 1865, who, altho' he waa a distinguished commander both iu Soutland (where he waa Qot. of Lochmaben Caatle), and in France, waa never sum. to |hu-1. HedNoT. 1401.(«) (•) For the ooheira of thia Barony, see ¥oL vii, p. 808, note " a," tti6 " Suffolk.'* (^) Ha waa 2d aon of Sir Robert de (Jfford, the first of that surname, being yr. br. of Robert, lat Lord Ufford, and uncle of Robert, lat Earl of Suffolk. («) Sir Edmund de Ufford, his only aurv. br. and h. acquired, hj marriage, the estate of Wrentham, oo. Suffolk, and d Sep. 1874, being father of Sir Robert de Ufford, the last male of hia moo, who d a.p.m., 1390-1393. His granddaughter, Ela, heireaa of Wrentham (only da. and h. of Sir William Rowett, by Joan, the only child of the said Robert, that had issue), m. Sir Thomaa Daoro, and waa anoeatresa of the &imily of Fiennea, I^orda Dacre. {^) In Banka'a ** Bar. Ang. Oono.** ia a tabular pedigree of this family, and much information not to be found in ** DugdaU," Thia pedigree is the foundatiun for the account which, after 1401, ia given in the text. (*) Conaiderjng the great poaition of thia family and the personal merits of thia Thomaa (1865-1401), the fact of their non-recognition aa membera of the i>eerage tends strongly agtUntt the memorable decision of their Lordships, that a Summons and Sitting in ParL oonatituted an hereditary peerage dignity.