Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/133

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WHARNCLIFFB. 128 KKif«R,(*) previously (1795-1808) Stuart-Wortlbt and, before that (1747-95), Stuart, by Maiigaret, da of Sir David Cuniiiohamr, Bart [8.], which James Archibald lait uamed (who d. 1 March 1818 aged 70) was 2d a. of John (Stuart), 8d Barlof Bun [8.] and br. to John, Ist Marqiibss ok Dutb. He was b. 6 Oct and bap, 1 Nov. 1776 ; ed. at Charterhouse ; entered tlie aniiy 1801, serving in Canada and at the Cape of Qood Hope, and being, 1796, IJent-Col. 12th Foot and, 1797, Capt let R^. of Foot Quard«,but retiring in 1801. He took (together with his father), bj royal lie., 17 Jan. 1795, the nnme of Wortlejf after that of his patronymic of Stuart, assuming (in like conjunction) in 1803 after Kuch names the addit name of Mackenzie, which last was confirmed to him (for himself and his successors in the Mackeniie estates) by royal lie, 17 June 18'J6 ; wss M.P. for Hosainey 1802-18 and for Yorkshire 1818-26, having $uc. 1 March 1818, on the death <»f his father, to the family estates. He was er. 12 July 1826 RAKON WHAKNCLIFFK(»>) OF WORTLEY, co. York; P.C., 1884 ; L. Privy Real, 1834-85 ; and L. President of the Council, 1841-46 ; L. Lieut of West Hiding of Yorkshire, 1841. He m. 80 March 1799, at the house of the Earl of Bristol in St James* Square, St James' Westm., Caroline Elisabeth Mary, da. of John (Criohtom), 1st Earl Erni op Crom Cabtli [I. J, by his second wif**, Mary, da. of Frederick Augustus (Hrrvrt), 4th Earl op BRISTOL. He t9, of giMit and a|MiplRxr, 19 Dec. 1845, nt WhnrnclifTe House Curzon Street, Mayfair, aged 69. (c) Admou. March 1816. His widow d, 23 April 1856 at 46 Grosvenor Street, aged 78. Will pr. July 1856. II. 1845. 2. John (Stuart- Wortubt-Maokbnzib, formerly^ 180 1 -45, Stvart Wortlby), Baron Wharhouppr op Wortliy, Ist 8. and h., 6. 20 April, 1801 at Egham, oo. Surrey ; mat at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 7 Dec 1818 ; 1st class classics, 2d maths, and B.A. 25 Hay 1822 ; M.P. for Bossiney, 1823-80 ; for Perth burghs, 1830-81 ; for Yorkshire (West Riding), 1841-46 ; Sec. to the Board of Control for India, Feb. to Dec. 1830 ; iue, to the peerage 19 Dec 1845 ; Col. Com. Itt West York Mil. 1846. He m. 12 Dea 1825, at Sandon, oo. StafTord, Georgiami Klixabetli, 8d da. of Dudley (Ktdbr), 1st Earl OP Harrowbt, by Susan, da. of Gniuville (Lkvbson-Gowbr), 1st Marqubss op Stapford. He <{. of disease of the lungs, 22 Oct 1855 at Wortley Hall, aged 64, and was bur, at Wortley.(<l) Will pr. Dec. 1855. His widow, who was b, 23 April 1804, d. 22 Aug. 1884, at 8 Tilney Street, Mayfair, aged 80. d, s.p. legit , 14 March 1665) which lady m. the Hon. Sidney Montagu and was mother of Edward Wortley -Montairu, who (by his wife, the well known Ladv Mary Wortley- Montagu), was father of Mary, wo jure Baroness Mount Stuart of WorUev, wife of John (Stuart), 8d Earl of Bnte, and mother of the aaid James- Arehibald Stuart- Wortley-Mackensie, being grandmother of the 1st Baron Whamclifle of Wortlej. (*) His right of succession to the estates of Sir Oeorge Mackensie, of RoMOAugh (whose da., Agnes, was wife of his paternal great-grandfather, the 1st Earl of Bute [S.l), was confirmed hj the House of Lords, 4 March 1803. (^) WhamoliflTe Lodge, in the parish of Tankersley, appears to have given the name to this peerage. (0) He was practically the leader (and not a very successful one) of the Conservative party in the House of Lords from 1842 to 1844. Charles Orsville speaks of him [^esiotVf, vol. ii, p. 209] aa " a very honest man, with a right view of things, and a fair and unprejudiced understanding — vain and imprudent — without authority, commanding no respect." On 22 Dec 1845 (after his death) he adds : " He was not popular, and his manners were ungniciuuH . . . but he was deservediv loved by his family and friends ... He was kind hearted, aflectionate, hospitable and obliging, an eicellent, well-meaning man ... He was very far from being a man of first-rate capacity, but he had good strung sense, liberal opinions, honesty, straightforwardness and courage ... He was for above 20 years Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, and for 4 years Lieut of his OMinty, and in both capacities acteil with credit and approba- tion. In public life thus playing a secondary, but an hononrable and useful part ; in private life he was irreproachable, amiable and respected ... no man ever died with fewer enemies, with more seneral goodwill, and more sincerely regretted." He edited an edition of the lei ters of his great-grandmother, Lady Mary Wortley-Montagu. His poHrait, "after H. P. Briggs, 1836." is engraved in Doyle.^* (^) A moderate Conservative in politics, his interest was chiefly in agriculture.