Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/141

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WHTTBLOOK — ^WHITWORTH. 131 (yiSCX)UNT WHITELOCK?) bj the Protaetor, whose signature to the bill for passing the patent is dated 21 Aug. 1668.(*)^ In the writ of summons bj Rtchanl Cromwell, 9 Dec. 1658, he is termed ** Bulstrod, Lord Whitelock, one of Lords Comrs. of our Treasiirjr.'*(^) He m. tbrioe, and d. 28 Jan. 1676, aged 71, at Chilton Park, Wilts, and was hur, at Fawley, Bucks. («) WHITEWOOD. I.e., "GoRMANSTON OF Whitbwood, 00. Meath/' Barony (fVeslofi), cr. 1868 ; see " Qormams'MII," Yisoountcy [I.], er, 1478, under the 18th Viscount. WHITLEY. • See "Hood op Whitlbt, oo. Warwick," Yiscountoy {ffood)^ er; 1796. WHITTINGTON. John db Whittington was suin, 26 Jan. 1296/7, to attend the King at Salisbury, but this cannot be considered as constituting a rsgtdar writ of summons to Parl.(') WHITWORTH and WHITWORTH OP ADBASTON, see WHITWORTH OF NEWPORT PRATT. WHITWORTH OF OALWAY. Barony [I.] /. Qharlbs Whitwobth, eldest of the six sons of I 1721 Richard WnrrwoRTH, of Adbaston, co. Stafford, by Anne(«), da. of the . ' Rev. Francis MosLST, Rector of Wilmslow, oo. Chester [1674-99], was . S?^ hap, at Wilmslow, 14 Oct. 1676 ; ed. at Westm. and at Trin. Coa, 1 / iO. Onmbridge, of which be was Fellow ; B.A., 1699 ; was a sncosssful diplomntist ; sometime Minister in residence at Vienna, Berlin, he,, and was cr., 9 Jan. 1720/1, BAROK WHITWORTH OF OALWAT, co. Qalway [I.] He m. Mngdalena Jnooba, CouNTiBn DR Yaulorbuont. He d, B,p. 23 Oct and was hur. 6 Ho?. 1726, in Westm. Abbey, ag<Hl 50.(0 when the peerage became extind. Will dat., at Berlin, 2/18 March 1722/8, pr. 1 Dec. 1725 The wUl of his widow was pr. 1734. (») See vol u, p. 84, note " a,'* eub " Bumell." (*>) Oenealogiat, K.8., fol. i, p. 55. («) In Le Neve*s KnitjKU is a pedigree of him and his descendants, which should, howerer, be corrected by a more accurate one in Croke*s Croke Family, vol. i, p. 652, He m. Rebecca Bennet,'lits first (not second) wife, 22 June 1630, at Mortlahe, oo. Surrey, who was the mother of one son, James. His second (not first) wife, the Hon. Frances Willoughby, wns mother of nine children, and H. 16 Mny 1649. He m., thirdly, U Sop. 1660, at Hackney, Mnry Wilson, widow. (4) See Tol. i, p. Ill, note " b,"*' tub " Ap Adam." (•) Mar. lie (Vic Qen.) 15 Dec. 1674, he aged 86 and she (who was liring in March 1722/8) affed 19. (<) Macky, in his CVUiraeffrt, spenks of him, when 25 years old, as being "of learning and good sense; bred up under Mr. Stepney, who mnde him resident at Hatisbon and Minister at the Court of Vienna in his absence ; next to him [he] understands the aflRiirs of the Bmpire better than any Minister we haye ; very handsome in his person ; of a fair complexion." He wn>te A n Account of /{titfia, at it mat in ike year 1710, which, in 1758, was printed at the Strawberry Hill press, and in the preface to which are a few particulars of his life.