Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/153

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WILLOUOHBY. 143 was hur. with her maiernal anoeatori at Tktteahall, oo. Lbooln. ILL Wfll dat. 18 July and pr. 80 Not. 1497. Inq. p.m. finding her heirs to be the deeeendaats of her great aunts. VII. 1452, 7. Joan, de jure{^) 9uo jure Baronrss WrLLouGHBT to DR RnKSBT, only dn. and h. by flret wife ; 6. about 1425, being aged 1469. 27 at her father's death in 1462 and then married as under. Sir Richard db Wblijes, b. and h. ap. of Leo (db WBLiiBs), Lord Wbllis, by his first wife, Joan, da. of Robert Watbrtov, wss b, about 1426, and hsTing m. before 1452 the above-nnmed Joan, was in her right sum. to Pari., in which he sat as early as 1464^^) receiving, also, subsequently, writs of summons directed "Sichardo de IFf/Zef, Ihmino WUUmqhhy, MaUi," from 26 May (1456) 88 Hen. VI., to 28 Feb. (1455/6) 8 Ed. IV., and thus becoming (▼.p.) LORD WILLOUOHBY. His said wife d before 1460. Eech. I Ed. IV. He, howcTer, appears to have retained the style of Lord Willouehby during his life, and was (as afsd.) sum. to Pari., as such, for at least six yeiirs after his said wife's death. On the death of his father, 29 Mnrch 1461, he, in consequence of that nobleman's attainder, did not at once succeed him in his peerage as Lord Welles, but as early as 1464-65, he obtained restitution of his paternal estate, and, in 1468, a full restitution in blood and honours, aoquiriug thereby the additional title of LOiiD WELLES. He m. seoondly (lie. 10 Aug. 1468,(®) to marry at her father's house at Harlesley), Margaret, widow of John Imglrbt, da. of Sir James Stranowats. He was beheaded, near Stamford,(<>) 12 March 1469, by order of Ed. IV., who had expected him to haTe restrained his son, then in rebellion against that King. jiU hii honoun were thus presumably/of/(fi^, tho' it was not till 1476 that a formal Act of Attainder was psst. His widow took the veil, 8 May 1475.(«) Sir Robbrt db WsiiLBS, oulj b. and h., having; BurTived, tho* but for a short time, his father (beheaded for high treason as afsd.h may possibly be consiilered to have become on his father's death, 12 March 1469, LORD WIIiLOUOHBY AND WELLRS. He wns, at that time, in command of the Liiicoliifilnre insurgents, but was defeated nnd beheade^l vei*y shortly afterwards. He d. B.p., and was bur, at Doncaster. He was included with his father in the act of attainder of 1475. He m. Elisabeth, da. of John (Bourobibb), Lord Bbrnkrs. Her will directing her burial to be at Doncaster afsd., dat. 2 and pr. 8 Oct. 1470, VIII. 1482, 8 or 1. Sir Richard Hastings, br. to William, Ist ijo Lord Hattimos, being 2<l sou of Sir Leonard Hastimos, by Alice, da. 1 505. of Thomas (Gamotb), Lord Camotb, was 6. before 1450 ; made Knight Banneret (by Ed. IV.), 8 May 1461. He, having m. before 1470, Joan the childless widow of RicliMrd FigooTi of London,(*) sister and heir of Sir Robert de Welles, being only da. of Richnnl (dk Wbllrb), I^rd Wblu» and Willouohbt, both abovenamed, obtttiued in thnt year a grant of the lands which his said wife would haTe inherited, had it not been for the attainder^) of her said father and brother, and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron from 15 Nov. (1482), 22 Kd. IV. to 9 Dec. (1483), 1 Uic III., by writs directed " Jtichartlo IloitingcM de Wellet, ChlW;* becoming thus LORD WKLtiKS. As such, he was at tbe coronation of Kic. III., 6 July 1483.(«) O Acoorrling to the precedent of the decision, in 1674, of the House of Lords in the case of the Barony of Clifton of Bromswold. (^) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (0) 7Vt<. Ehor, (Surtees Soc), vol. iii, p. 889 and 848. {^) " Contrary to faith and good promise : the worst example that might be.*' [PUfdore VtrgU.] (•) See notes on pages 78 and 79, f u& " Welles."