Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/16

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6 ULSTER. impriBODed in Dublin. He m. in or before Feb. 1281, Margaret, da. of Sir John DB Burgh, of LauTalay or Lanville, He d. in tlie monastery of Athaasil afsd. shortly before Midsummer day in 1326. [WAi;rBB DB Burgh, possibly ttpled Lord db Buboh, Ist s. aud h. ap., d B.p. and v.p., 1804.] [Sir John db Burgh, possibly styled Lord db Burgh, 2d but (after 1804), Ist surv. s. and h. ap. He m., about 1806, in Kngland, Klisabeth, 8d da. of Gilbert (db Clarb), Garl ov Qix>uob8TBR and Eaul or Hkrtford, bv his second wife, the Lady Joan Plantaqbnbt, 8d but 2d surv. da. of Bdward L. He came into Ireland, 16 Oct 1809, and d v.p. at Qalway, 18 June 1813. His widow, who on the death. 24 June 1314, of her br., Earl Gilbert, became a coheir of the great family of De Glare, inheriting the Lordship of Clare, &c., co. Suflfolk, m. secondly, in 1815, Theobald (Vbbdon), Lord Vbrdoh, and thirdly, Roger (D'Amobib). Lord D'Amobib, both of whom d. She </. 4 Nov. 1860, nearly 60 years after her first husband, <tged about 68. See fuller particulars of her in vol. ii, p. 268, iub " Glare."] William (db Burgh), Earl of Ulbtbr [1.1, grandson d h., being only s. and h. of John db Burob, by Elizabeth, his IV. 1326. and wife, both abovenamed ; 6. 1312; mc, his grandfather, June 1826; hnigkUd in London, 1328 ; sat in Pari. [I.], 1829 ; in England about 1830. He m. Maud, da. of Henry (Plamtaqknst^ Rarl op Lanoastbr (grandson of Henry III.)» by Maud, da. and h. of Sir Patrick Gha worth. He d. (before his mother, the heiress of Glare) 6 June 1838, being barbarously murdered near Garrickfergus,(*) in his 21st year. His widow m. Sir Ralph db Ufpord.(1>) Justiciary [L], 10 Feb. 1848/4 till his death at Kilmainham Gastle, 9 April 1816, when she became a nun at Gampsey, oo. Suffolk, where she d 5 May 1877, and is bur, with her second husband. V. 1333. 4- Elizabbth, guo Jure, apparently, (^) Countbss op Ulbtbr [I.J. only du. and h. ; b. 1332, an<l tuc, her father in the Ist year of her sge. She la. 9 Su|». 1342, at the Tower of Londou, Lionbl Plamtaobnbt, HffUd * of Antwerp," 3d but 2d surv. s. of Bdward II][.. whidi Lionel, having been 6. 29 Nov. 1338, at Antwerp, had then not completed his 4th year, the marriage being consummated in 1352. By this match be apparently became in her right EAUL OF ULSTER [L], and was recognised as such previous to 26 Jan. 1347. By the death of his wife's grandmother, ^ Stizabetk de Burg, Dame de Ol^re,"(^) relict of John de Bui^h abovenamed, he, in her right, inherited the vast honour of Glare and other estates of the great family of De Glare (Earls of Gloucester and Hertford) and was accordingly er. 18 Nov. 1862, in full Pari., DUKE OP GLARENGB C'de Olareniia:*) His wife, the tuojurt Gountess of Ulster [L] d 1868, and was bur. with her ancestors in Glare priory. Tho' he m. secondly, 28 May 1368, he had no issue by his second wife. He d. s.p.m. 17 Oct. 1868, in his 80th year, when (As Dukedom of Clarence became extinei. He was bur. at Pltvia in Italy, but removed subsequently to Glare priory afsd. See fuller particulars of him under "Clarence" Dukedom, cr. 1862 ; ex. 1868. (•) The parUculan are in Lodge,*' vol. i, p. 124, tub " Glanrioarde," where it is stated that *' the county people destroyed the murderers with their abettors, killing in one day above 800 of them " ; adding that " in all pardons granted about that timu, this clause was inserted excepting the death of William, late Earl of UlUer." Q>) See p. 800, note *< a," »ub *' Suffolk." («) It is presumed that this Barldom devolved, with the teJritory of Ulster, on the heirs general of Walter de Burgh, who have in many instances been recognised as possessing the same, «.^., on 26 Jan 1847. {^) She BO styles herself in her will, fer tho' John de Burgh, her first husband, was not a Peer, while both of her other huabands (Verdon aud D'Amorie) had been sum. to Pari., the position of the families of De Buigh and De Glare was by far more eminent than that of Verdon or D'Amorie.