Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/172

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162 WILTON. She, who waa 5. 28 March 1801,(2. 16 Deo. 1808 at Egeiion lodge, near Helton Mowbray, oo. Leicaster. He m. aeoondly, 12 Sep. 1868, at St Qeo. Han. aq., Suaau laabella, da. and h. of Elton Smith, of Ilminater, oo. Somerset, Major in the Madraa army. He d, at Egerton lodge afad., 7 March 1882, aged 82.(*) Hia widow, by whom he had no iasue, liYing 1897. [THOMAS-Qiuir Egsrton, styled Yiboount Qrbt db Wilton, lat s. andh. ap. by first wife; 6. 9 Oct. 1825 at Knowaley Hall, oo. Lane. ; d, Y.p. in Qroa?enor iquare, 28 April 1880, aged 4.] [Arthur-Grbt Egshton, styled Yisoount Qrby ds Wilton, 2nd but lat aanr, a. and h. ap. by firat wife ; 6. 2 May and d, 29 June 1831.] IIL 1882. S. Arthur-Edward-Holland-Grby (Eobrton), Earl OF Wilton [1801], Visoount Qrbt dk Wiltom [1801] and Barun Grit dbRadguffr [1875], 8rd but lat surv. a. and h. by first wife ; 6. 25 Nov. 1883 and ttpUd ViBOOUNT Qriy db Wiuton till 1882 ; ed. at Kton ; raatrio. at Oxford (Ch. Cfa.)> 22 Oct 1851 ; an officer in the 1st Life Guards, 1854-59 ; M.P. for Weymouth 1859-65 and for Bath 1878-74, being cr. v.p. 14 June 1875 BARON GREY DE KADCLIFFE, 00. Lancaster ; sue to the KarUlom and Viseountcy, as above, 7 March 1882 ; Lt C(»l. of the Duke of I^wcaster's own Reg. of Yeomanry, 1882. He m. 11 Aug. 1858, at S. James', Weatm., Elisabeth Charlotte l^uisa, let da. of Williitm (Ciiavxn), 2d Barl of Oravbit, by Emily Mary, da. of James Walter (Griubton), 1st Earl ov VXRDLAIL He d, a.p. 18 Jan. 1885, at Egerton Ix>dge afad. aged 51, when the Barony of Orey de Baddife became txtintt. Will dat 23 Much 1882 to 17 Nov. 1884, pr. 9 Not. 1885, at Mancheater, above £108,000, leaving all (but £800 to hia widow. She, who waa 6. 18 June 1836, m. 14 Sep. 1886, at St Geo. Han. aq., Arthur Yickris Prtob, of Hy lands, near Chelmaford, oo. Essex and waa living 1897. IT. 1885. 4. Sbtmour John Grbt (Egbrton), Earl of Wilton [1801] and Yisoount Grbt dr Wilton, only surv. br. and h., being yst. a. of the 2d Eai*l by his first wife ; 6. 17 Jan. 1839 ; ed. at Eton ; an officer in the lat life Guarda, 1855-68, retiring as Captain ; Jue. to the peerage, 18 Jan. 1885. He ». 9 Aug. 1862, Laura Oaroline, 2d da. of William Rubbbll (nephew of the 5th and 6th Dukbs of Bbdford) by Emma, da. of Col. John Campbkll of Shawfield. She waa b, 81 Jan. 1842. [Arthur Qborob Egbrtok, styled, after 1885, Yisoount Grby db Wilton, only a. and h. ap. ; &. 17 May 1868 ; Hon. Col. 2d Vol. Batt. Muiicheater Regiment. He m., 28 Aug. 1895, at Trinity church, Sloane street, Mariota, 4th and yat da. of Frederick William Brook (Thbllubson), 5th Babon Rbndlbshau [I.], by tfgidia, da. of Archibald William (Montqombbib), Earl of Eounqton [S.] She was 5. 8 May 1878. y] (*) He took little part in politics, being a thorough sportsman, tho' more known in the hunting field than on the race oourse ; waa an owner of varioiia yachts, Commodore of the Royal Tacht Squadron, and the author of a work entitled ** Sporti and Purtuiti of the Englith. He waa alao a musical amateur, an organist and a oom- poaer of paalm tunea, of which one is the well known '* Prostwick." He is thus described by Charles Sheridan : —

    • Next upon awiah-tailed bay, with wandering eye.

Attenuated Wilton canters by ; His character how difficult to know, A compound of Paalm- tunes and Tally-ho ; A forward Rider, half inclined to preach, Though less disposed to practise than to teach ; An amorous Lover, with a Saint-ly twist, And now a Jockey, now an Oi^niat." One of "H. B.'b*' clever sketches gives a good likeness of him on horseback in Hyde Park.