Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/236

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226 zoncHB. OAMTBLun,(*) dAt. 14 June 1617, pr. 20 Sep. 1626b7hiioottiinSirBdward Zouoli.p>) Hit widow m. for the 4th and Uit time (Lio. London 11 Sep. 1626, both bdng then aged 60) m his seoond wife Sir Thomaa Bomonos, TretBurer of the Houiiehoid, whose •dmon. is dat 8 Dec 1689. She herself was bur. 8 Oct. 1629, with her first husbaod at Ashby de la Zouoh. XII. 181 5| 12. Sm Cecil B[sshopp,(<') Bart., of Parham park, oo. to Sussex, s. and h. of Sir Cecil BiaSHOPP, 6th Bart, of the same {d, 1828. 1779) by Susan (<f. 1791) 1st da. and only child that had issue of Charles HKDaii8,(d) of Fiuchley, oo. Midx., by Catliarine (m. 1720) eldest of tlie two daughters, the only children who had issue, of Bartholomew Tatb (d. 1704 aged 88) s. and h. of William Tatb {d. 1695), a. and h. of Zouch Tatb {d. (») See p. 225, note " a." (^) To him, who was Knight Marshal of the Household, he deytses his estate of

  • Bramshill House Park" and hb manor of Odiham, both oo. Hants, ** he being of mj

blood, end the son of him I loved best in my life, except the Lord Gray of Wilton.^' This deyisee, however (who was a worthless Court favourite), soon afterwards sold them. Testator mentions also in his will, in justification of this devise, that he has given £2000 to each of his daughters on marriage. The estate of Haringworth was sold, shortly after his death, to the family of Foxley, and soon afterwards (before 1648) to that of Tryon. (0) Tabiddur pedigree ehewing the repreeentaiion of tkit Barony in 1816 : — Bdward (La Zouohe), Lord Zouche de Haryngworth, d, s.p.m. 1625^ r oTT W Sir William>j>BliBabeth, 1st da., Thomas Leighton,^Mary, 2d and==William Oon«  Tita,of Dela- I m. 1597; d. v.p., m. 4 March 1608. | yst da. and nard.bywhom pre; 12.1617. 1617. I ooheu*. no issue. L Zouoi Tate, of Delapre afsd.a eokdr (repre aenUng a moiety) ; d, 1650. William Tate, of Delapre, coheir ae a/ed,, d 1695. Bartholomew Tate, of Delapre, coheir at afuL ;^ h. 1666 ; d 1704. J T T Among the issue of this match a moiety oJ[ <Aii Barony devolved and was remaining (presuming such issue to be then in existence) in 1815. I 1 — I 1 Bartholomew Tate, other Charles Hedges,s^atherine, Samuel Long,nrMary 5ap. of Delapre, which issue, yst. s. of Sir he sold 1750; te- died William Hedges. heir ae o/td*, but unm. d. S.P.S., 1776. bap, 7 May Capt of Dra- 1698 ; m. goons ; d, 1720.* 1767,aged67. 14 Dec. 1701; m. 19 Sep. 1728*; d. 16 June 1765. X Sir CeoQ Biashopp, 6th^^naanna, only child Robert Long, 1st surv.^ Bart,of Parham, Sussex that had issue, m. 8 Jan. s. and h., (. 1729. d. Sep. 1779. 1 1750 ; d. 1 Dec. 1791. T I other issue. Sir Cecil Bisshopp, 7th John =jpJane ^ath- Bart., coAetr (represent- Oliver, ing a 4th part) of thie of Hoole Barony of Zoudue in Hall, 1815 ; when the abey- Ches- ance thereof was ter- hire. minated in his favour. 1 erine Sarah, 1st da. ; CO' heir (rapre- senting a tweith part) . of thie Ba- I roiiyinl815 1 ■ 1 Samuel=pMary Thomas=T=Luoy Char- Bayley j Anne lotte, Howell, 8d and Souda more Hem- ing. 2d da., of Prink | ystda. eohtfir nasli,co. aeafed^ Qlouc. inl815 coheir ae a/ed., in /K1815.

  • At Bomenet House ohapeL

(4) He was 2d. and yst s. Sir William Hedges, sometime (1681-84) Gov. of Bengal, and afterwards (1698-94), Sheriff of London.