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APPKNDJX. 243 INVERCLYDE OF CASTLE WEMTSS. ^ Barony. 1, Sir John Burkb, Bart, was er. 28 July 1897(») BARON I 1897 INVERCLYDR: of castle WRMTSS, 00. Renfrew. He wtis Isb 8. and h. of Sir George Bubns, 1st Bmri. (so er, 24 June 1889) of Wemjss B«j, on. Renfrew, bj Jaoe, dft. of James Cliland, LL.D. of Glnsgow : WM h, 24 June iind hap, 1 July 1829, in the Barony parish ; ed. at Glasgow UniT. ; Hon. Lieut naval reserve ; me, his father (who d, 2 June 1890, aged 94) as ieeond BnronH ; well known in shipping and oommercial circles, being Chairman of the Cunard Steamship company, of which his father was one of the founders, and was railed to ikt pttrage 28 July 1897, as above stated, and introduced the 80th inst. He m. 27 Nov. I860, at Mavisbank House, in Lass wade, co. Midlothian, Emity, da. of George Clerk Arbuthmot, of Mavisbank House afsd., by his flrst wife, Agnes, da. of John Rait, of Anniston. Site was h. 14 June 1840, at Liverpool, and hap, at Walton.^ FamU^ Atolei.— These, in 1888, were under 8,000 acres. PrvM^ Aaoi.— Cattle Wemysa, in the parish of Inverkip, oo. Renfrew. INVERNESS. t>., "Intsrnbss Earldom f"/^. /?.//. Prince Oearge Frederick Emeei AlheriJ cr. 24 May 1892 with the DUKIDOM OF TORK, which see. JAMES OF HEREFORD. Banmy. i. •• The Rt. Hon. Sir Hbkrt Jamis " was cr., 5 Aug., I 1895 ^^^^* BARON JAMES OP HEREFORD, eo. Hersfoid. He waa 8d. s. of Philip Turner Jiiin, of Hereford. Surgeon (d, 20 Jan. 1880, aged 70), by Frances Gertrude, da. of John Bodbkbam, of "The Grove,'* Presteign, co. Radnor ; was h. SO Oct. 1828 at Hereford ; ed. at Cheltenham College ; l.«cturer's priKemsn, Inner Temple, 1850 and 1851 ; Barrister (Mid. Temple) 1852 ; "pMStmnn" in the Court of Exchequer, 1867-69 ; Queen's Counsel, 1869 ; M.P. for Taunton 1868-85. and (as a Liberal Unionist) for Bury 1885-96 ; Bencher of the Mid. Temple 1700 and Treasurer, 1888 ; Solicitor Gen., Sep. to Nov. 1878 ; Attorney Gen. 1878-74 and 1880-85, being kniuhied 12 Dea 1878 ; P.O. 1885 ; Attorney Gen. to the Prince of Wales, 1892-05 ; Hon. LL.D. of Cambridge 189'i ; Chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster since 1895, being raifecl to ike peerage 5 Aug. 1895 as above stated and introduced 1 1 Feb. 1896(**) ; a member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy council, 1896. KELHEAD. i,e.f ** Kblhbad of Kelhead, oo. Dumbarton," Barony (Douglas), er, 26 June 1893, rx. 19 Oct. 1894; see " QuBKOTBBnBT.". Marqnessate [S.], cr. 1682, under the a. and h. ap. {ityled VnoouNT Druml^nbio) of the 9th marquen. KELVIN OF LARGS. Barony jf. Sir William Thomson, President of the Royal Society, I 1892. ^'^ ^* ^ ^^^ ^^^ BARON KELVIN OF LARGS, oo. Ayr. He was 2d s. of James Thombov, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow Univ., by Margaret, da. of William GaRDiirBB ; was 6. at Belfast 26 June 1824 ; ed. at Glasgow Univ. and at St. Peter'a Coll., Cambridge, of which he was Fellow, 1845-52, bein^ again elected in 1872 ; was 2d Wrangler, first Smith's prise- man and Hopkins* pnsemsn, and B.A. in 1845 ; M.A. 1818; LL.D. 1866, being also LL.D. of Dublin, Edinburgh, Montreal, Glasgow, Heidelberg, Bologna, and cr. 18 June 1866, D.C.L. of Oxford ; Professor of Natural Philosophy in the univ. of Gksgow since 1846 ; F.R.S. ; was knighted 10 Nov. 1866 for his services as an electrician in (») This was one of the creations for the " Diamond " Jubilee. See p. 289, note " a." (^) Thia was one of no lees than 8 introductions, for a list of which see p. 281, note •'a,"«i5. "Aldenham." R«