Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/29

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VAUX. 19 d«. and h. of Hrary HcrDtnrov, of Irthlingboronrii afad.(*) or (iiooordiiig to another statement) hj Anne, da. of Sir William Parr, K.Q. aboTenamed. He d before Not. 1666 and apparently befoni 80 May 1 656. (^) tho' admon. of his gooda waa not granted till 20 Not. 1674. Hia widow, who waa aged 9 in 1618-14, d. 20 Not. 1656. Inq. pntl mortem, 1 Uay (1567) 8 and 4 Ph. and Mary. III. 1556 f S. William (Vaux), Lord Yattx db Harrowdsn, s. and h., $ue, in the peeraift about 1566, aged 22 and more in May 1557. He took hia aeat in Pari. 20 Jan. 1658/9, and waa anm. thereto till 4 Feb. (1688-9) 81 Elis.(«) He waa aevenU times convioted of reousaney, waa tried in the Star Chamber, 15 Feb. 1581, for harbiraring Edward Campion, the Jeauit, and aentenced to imprisonment and a fine of £1,000. He m. firstly, Elisabeth, da. of John BlAUMOirr, of Qraoedieu, Cfi. liciceater, Mnaterof the llolls (156C-52) by Klisaheth, da. and h. of Sir William Hastihos. He m. secondly, Mary, da. of John Trrsiiam, of Rnshton, oo. Northamp- tiin, by Eleanor, da. of Anthony Catbsbt, of Wiaton. He ci. 20 Aug. 1595 and waa hur. at Irthlingbfirough. Inq, poit Mortem, Will pr. 1696. His widow in her will, dat. 28 April to 26 Sep. 1597, pr. 6 July 1698, direots her burial to be with her husband. A proTious admon. is dat. 4 Feb. 1697/8. IV. 1595. 4, Edward (Yaux), Lord Yaux di Harrowdsn, grand- son and h., being s. and h. of Qeoiige Yauz. of Pabenham, Beda., hr Elisabeth, da. of John (Ropik), lat Baroit Titnhah, which Geom, who was the(<>) second but 1st snnr. s. and h. ap. (being 1st a. bT the second wife) of the late Lord, d* T.p. 18 July 1695, about 5 weeka before his father. He tuc to ike peerage, 20 Aug. 1696 being 7 years old on 18 Sep. following. He waa sum. to pari. 8 Jan. (1620/1) 18 Ja& I. He at. in June 1632, within 5 weeka of her late husband's death, Elisabeth, widow of William (Knollts), 1st Earl or Bamburt, l8tda.of Thomas (Howard), 1st Earl op SurroLK, by Katharine, Ist da. and coheir of Sir Henry KifTTirr, of ChaHton, Wilta. He waa reputed ti be actual father of her 2 sons, Edward (^. 10 April 1627, d. a minor and unro. 1646), and Nicholas (6. 8 Jan. 1630/1, when the Earl, her huaband, waa about 86 years old), the latter of which sons went by the name of Vaus. At all CTenta, on 19 Oct 1646, he aettled the whole of hia estates on the said Nicholas, speaking of him as " now Earl of Banbury, heretofore called Nicholaa Vaux " to the total ezchision of his own lawful heirs. She, who waa hap. 11 Aug. 1586, at Saffron Walden, died 17 April 1658, aged 71. He ri. 8 Sep. 1661, aged 74. Both were hur. at Dorking, Surrey. M.I. His will dat 25 April 1661, proTcd 9 Sep. following. y. 1661, 6. Hknrt (Vaux), Lord Yaux dr Harrowdkn, br. and to h. He, who inherited none of the family eatatea, sua to the peerage. 1663. 8 Sep. 1661, but never sat in Pari He d, num. 20 Sep. 1668, and was bwr. at Eye, Suffolk. M.I. Will dat 11 Sep. 1661, to 19 Sep. 1666, proTcd 12 Oct following. On his death the Barony fell into aheyanee between (I) Joyce, hia second sister, a nun at Eye, who d. nnm. 1666 ; (2) Elisabeth, Visooortiss Modntoarrstt [L], only child of Mai^ his eldest sister ; and (3) Qeorge, Lord ABRKOAVCifif t, Ist sunr. s. and h. of C^thanne his third and youngest sister. Between the descendants of these two last named sisters it continued in moities, nearly two centuries, till the abeyance was terminated aa below. (•) Bridgea'a " Northamptonikire " under ** Irthlingborough." (^) In Machyn's ** Diary '* it ia aaid that Lord Vanx waa bur. in Oct 1656. &) It appears from the list of summonses that this William was sum. to Pari, till 4 Feb. [1588/9] 81 Blis., and that in the next Pari., vis. 19 Feb. [1692/8] 85 Elix.

    • Tkomae Vaux de Harrowden, Ohel'r." was sum. The name of Vauz doea not occur

again among the Barons until 18 James I., vix. 8 Jan. 1621, when Edward Vaux waa sunn. Aa no 2%oma$ Vaux sue. to the title [i.e. none after the said William*a father], it ia possible that the entry in the Hat of summonses waa erroneously transcribed from the Roll. [Nicolae alightly altered by Oourthorpe.} {*) Henry, his elder br. (of the haUblood), d. T.p. 1587-88). o"