Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/325

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COHRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 315 II. 1893. £. William John Arthur CHARiiBB Jambs (Cavbndish- Bbntihck), Dukr of Portland [1716], Marqurss of TrroHFiiLD [1716], Rart« of PoRTbAND [1689], VisoouifT WooDOTOOK [1689], Baron Cirbn- CI8TBR [1689], and Baron Bolsovrr []880], to which last Barony he sue, on tlie death of his atep-mother, 7 Aug. 1893, abofenamed, under the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity, having fico. to the other titlea 6 Dec 1879. See < Portland ' Duke- dom, «r. 1716, under the 6th Duke." p. 372 ; line 17, after *' Jbanu/* add *' otherwise Sandford "; line 18, after " York," add "Will (aa Mchea. of Winchester) pr. 1681 "; line 22, after "1661," read "ed. at Winchester ss Lord Powlet and (1675) as Earl of Wiltohire" ; line 85» after " She," add "who was h, 14 Sep. 1667, at Hothfleld House, Kent." p. 373 ; line 6, /or "which," read « This"; line 17, fifr "in," read "21 July"; line 19, /or " Savillb," read " SAVrtB." Note («), line 22, eanelude " and toL i, p. 20, note 0*) eirea /tnrni." Note {^} line 9, for " alluded to," read " sUted." p. 874 ; h'ne 27, after " 1765," add "at St Qeo. Han. sq. "; line 29» after "d^ add " at Haokwood, HantSL" p. 375 ; line 7, after " 1807," ftdd "at Hackwood park*'; line 18, after " 1807," add " ed. at King^s Coll., Camhridge"; line 25, eenelude •' He d. 7 Not. 1895, aged 77, at Bolton Hall, and was bar. at Wensley. Will pr. at £224,590. IV. 1895. 4' William Thomas (Ordb-Powlvit), Baron Bolton OF Bolton Cabtlb [1787], 1st s. and h. ; b, 31 Jan. 1845 at Bolton Hall afsd. ; Lieut -Col. Yorkshire Hussar Yeo. Cav. ; $ue. to the peerage^ 7 No?. 1895. He m. 18 Aug. 1868, at Maltby, Algitha Frederica Mary, 1st da. of Richard Qeorge (Ldmlbt), 9th Earl of Sgarbrouob, by Frederica Mary Adeliaa, da. of Andrew Robert Drommond. She was b. 23 No?. 1847'y> " Une 42, far " Somerset, 12, or 81, Aug. 1392," read " Devon, 80 Aug. 1898." note (1>), line 2, eenelude "See also HaUiday's * FUtrleek Memmenie* [1882]." p. 376 ; line 8, for " 28 Sep. (1449) 28 Hen. VI," read " 10 March (1448/9) 27 Hen. VI "; line 6, after " Paul's," add "(See vol viii, p. 61, note (•), under Warwick)"; line 7, deU *'aoon";for "2," read "17"; lines 8 and 9, dde " at " to " DcTon " and ineert " the next day, by order of Mai^aret, the Queen Consort (in spite of a promise of safety from the King) "; line 9, /or " He m. secondly," read "who was living as his wife. May 1428. He m. secondly (bull, confirming the marriage, 9 Oct. 1427)"; line 10, /or "William," read

    • John;' for "10 March 1467/8," read "11 Feb. 1417/8"; line 16, (nfUr

"s.p.," Mtf " 18 Oct."; Une 23, for "10 In 1461," read '^8 in 1474." p. 377 ; between lines 17 and 18 intirt ae under-^ BORLASE. HuMPHRST Borlabb, of Treludro, oo. Cornwall, s. and b. of Nicholas Borlabb {d, 1677) of the same by Catharine, da. of (— ) Burt, was M.P. for Mitchell, 1660-62 (v.p.) and (again) 1679-80, and was Sheriff of Cornwall 1687-88. He is said to haTe been er.{^) by James II, after his ezpiil8ion,(«) LORD BORLASB OF BORLASE AND BARON OF MITCHBL, 00. Cornwall. He m. (settlmt 8 June 1663) Anne, da. of Sir John Wirtkr, of Lydney, oo. Gloucester. He d. s.p. and was bur, at Newlyn, 00. Cornwall. Will dat. 20 Jan. 1704. pr. 1 Dec 1709. add ae noU **{^) Hals (in his Obrmeall) savs {eirea 1750) "By letters patent yet extant"; add, alto, ae uete **{*) See Tol. i, p. 59, note 'a' as to Jaoobita Peeniges, where, howeTsr, this creation is, by mistake, omitted."