Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/330

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320 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. U. p. 2 ; line 16, for '< 1609/' read " 1599/000 ; Her admon. 4 Mardi 1600A t^d 9 Not. 1609 "; lioe 82,/ar «< io MuthiU, co. Perth." read*' in Orange, oo. Banff." NoU (^), after "property," a^ltf "see aomewhat aimflar eaacs in the T^acountcy of Deciea p.], 1678, the Viacoantcy of Tamworth, 1711, the Viacountcy of Hood i/ WhiOeg in 1796, aud the Earldom of Roaslyo, 1801"; line 8, /or who/' reaif which Francea." p. 3 ; line 27. for '* 1676/' read " 1674/5 "; line 80, after " fielda," add " (Lie. Lond., he 22, ahe 18) " ; line 33, for '* 1695/' read " 1694/5 "; afUr *< 1708," add ** at Twickenham;" line 88. after "m./* add ahortly after 1 Not. 1680" ; line 41, after " 1723," add '* in Soho aquare " ; after " d." mM " at High Ercall, Salop." p. 4 ; Une 6, after " 1762," add " at Weaton "; line 18, tkfUr " Derby." add '* by (— ) Stbingkb, grand da. of Franou S. of Sutton upon Loond " ; after " 1800/' add " in Old Burlington atreet. Will pr. Not. 1800 "; fine 20. after « Warwick,' add ** WUl pr. 1806 "; line 27, after " 1825," add " at Weaton afad. Will pr. Not. 1825 ;" after " 1844." add " in Park lane "; Une 32, after *' 1818," add " at St. Geo. Han. aq."; for " 1840," read '* 1810 "; line 84. after '* 1842/' add " at Norwood, aged 52 "; line 86. afta- 1849." add " at St. Peter'a, Pimlico "; line 88, after " a&d.," add " WUl. with 19 oodicila (in all 348 folioa), pr. 81 July 1865 under £140,000 "; Une 48. after "1819." add** in NotUngham plaoe, Marylebone"; line 20, deie " M.A. 1840." Note (»). line 3, for " the age." read " hia age "; line 6, for " d. lunatic," read " was a lunatic at hia mother'a death, and d aa auch." p. 5 ; in margin, for " 1862." read " 1882 to 1892." Line 8, after " Rutland." add "She d. at Weaton park. 25 Not. 1894, after a long illneaa and waa bur. at Weaton-underLisard. Will pr. at £12.850 groaa"; Une 81. for "(—)," read " Martha SiKDXN. apinater. She d 5 June 1889, at 17 Oadogan plaoe, in her 54th SMur. He d. B.p. 9 May 1892. in hia 84th year, at Holmwood, Edenbridge^ oo. ent, when the peerage became exUnot, p. 6 ; line 10, after "a.p.," add " in Merrion aquare, DubUn." p. 7 ; Une 7, deU " (•) "; Itnea 18 and 14, /or " (»»)." read •' (•)." Note (d). line 1,/or " AUna." reed " AUTa "; Une 8, for •' dejure (apparently)." read **tuoJ%tre." 1>. 8; Une 21. after " Kvtit," mid ** She d. li Sep. 1887 on board the yacht 'Sun- beam." about 1,000 milea off Port Darwin, and waa bur. at aea. He m. aeoondly 18 Sep. 1890, at St Paul'a KnighUbridge, Sybil de Vere. aiater of tlie 7th Earl OF EssBZ, 8d and yat. da. of Arthur de Vere Capkll, Hyled ViaoooNT Maldbn, by Emma Martha, da. of Sir Henry Miuz, lat Bart. She waa 6. 29 Not. 1858." p. 10 ; Une 9, after " 1796." add "at Paddington"; Une 19, after "1856," add "at Audley End"; line 20. afUr "Euez," add "WiU pr. 22 April 1858. under £120,000 "; line 29, for " Hbxlby," i-ead " Hktlby "; laat line, after ** Bubka/' add " She waa b, 27 Oct 1825." p. 11 ; Unea 10 and 11, A>r "thia method," read *' terminationa of thia olaaa "; line 20, qfter " Holwell," add "by Jane, da. of Sir John Norbubt "; line 22, after " widow," add " who m. Sir Urian Brkrbton "; qfier " 1568," add " and wtmbur, at Eaton BraTO "; line 30. after " 1 557," add " from wounda received at the battle of 6t Quintin. and waa bur. 23 Not. at Chelsea"; Une SS, after **m.,"add " 18 Not. 1561 at Sheffield." For " who d. 1568 " read " (who d. 1568), and d. 8 Feb. 1584, being bur. with him at Healaugh, co. York. Will pr. 25 July 1585 at York "; between lines 33 and 34, ineert a line of aateriaks. p. 13 ; line 8, after " 1862." add "aged 93, at 14. Great Staohope atreet"; line 4, after "coheira." add ** Will pr. 24 April 1862, under £80,000"; between Unea 4 and 6. ineert a Une of asteriaka ; line 9. for " She. read " who d. 26 Sep. 1888, in hia 88th year in GixMTenor atreet The Baroueaa"; Une 10, after "afad.," add " Wm pr. 24 Dec. 1879 under £9.000 '*; Une 26. for " Eabl " read " Earl." p. 14 ; line 4. for *' Being impUcated," read " Aa regarda hia connection with "; line 5, for "but," read "aa having advocated the Stuart cause in the Highlanda, but. on hia explaining that thia waa only to enable him the better to betray it, he waa "; laat line, afUr "Ormouy," add " [Ormelie]." p. 15 ; line 26, after " Holyroodhouse," add " Will pr. June 1783 "; Unea 29 and 30. for "in London," read "at St Geo. Han. aq."; line 35. after "founded/' add

    • WUl pr. May 1787 "; line 44. after " 1762." add " ed. at Westm."; laat line,

for " Having joined the army in 1795. he," read " He/'