Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/333

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CORRIGBNDA, BTC, TO VOL. U. 328 pr. Jan. 1861 "; line 28,/or " wns liviDg 1886/' read d. 9 Feb. 1888, at Aahridge park and waa bur. afc Belton "; line 38, after ** lUly/* add *' and waa bur. 2 March at Belton. Will pr. 20 Jane 1867, under £160,000 "; line 46, for " 1885," rtad

  • ' 1886-86 ; Paymaster Oen., 1887-89 ; Under Sec. of State for War, 1889-92."

Del$ note (•) and insert ** Her ' Slight Reminiaoenoea of a Septnagenartan, from 1802 to 1815 ' were pub. in 1848." p. 41 ; in margin, /or ** 1804," read " 1304 to 1371." Line 6, after <*8um.," add "24 June (1296) 23 Ed. I."; line 12, after "1306," add "aa Robert I. [S,] "; llnee 13 and 14, deUfrem '* on," to the end, and interi '* the death a-p. of hia only a. and h. King David IL [S.], 22 Feb. 1371, when it fell into abeyance between hia daughters, the aiaters and coheira of the said King David." p. 42 ; line 8, afUr " aaaigns," add " cr. M. A. of Oxford, 80 Aug. 1605 "; line 12, /or "jrem;' read " when in "; line 13, for " from," read " then m." p. 44 ; line 22, after ** h," add " of "; imeH between linea 20 and 21 ae under— BRUNTISLAND, see BURNTISLAND. p. 46 ; between linea 14 and 15 ineeri ae under— BRTMESFELD. See "Gtffabd db Brymbsfbld/' Barony (Giffard) er. 1295; forfeited 1822. Note (»), Une 1, after " 1390," add " (CM, Top, et Oen, iii., p. 264)." p. 46 ; line 44, for '* Jamea Lulib, eiyled Lord Bamobt," read " Alexander LB8LU ityled Lord Baux)nii "; line 45, after " [&,]" add " da. of John (Lbslib), Eabl OF ROTHBS [S.]." p. 47 ; line 4, for " 1637," read " 1647 " ; line 16, after " 11," add "and bap. 18 "; line 24, for ** being," read *< and was reoogniaed aa "; for *' 20," reoci " 28." p. 48 ; lines 5 and 6, for " 1732," read <* 1731/2 "; line 12, after 1723," add '* and hap. 26 "; line 15, after *' year," add *' Admou. 20 Sep. 1748 "; line 22, /or <« waa," rend " and the heirs male of his body were." p. 49 ; in margin, for " VIII," read " VII." Line 2. after " widow," add"d.6 and "; line 8, conclude " Will pr. Dec. 1765 "; Ime 26, for " Father, 1 April 1750," read "Grandfather, 22 April 1761"; line 47, after "there," add ^<Will pr. June 1812 "; line 49, after " Northampton," add " Will pr. Jan. 1828." p. 50; line 12, /or *' in London," read " at Lord Sydney's house, Groevenor aqnare"; line 15, a/ter** 1819," acU"WiU pr. 18 June 1819*'; last Une, /or "was living 1886," read ** d, 28 March 1896, in her 84th year, at Ditton Park, Bucks, and was bur. at Dalkeith. WiU pr. at £1,901." p. 51; line 16, a/kT"]875," add**'K,Qt. 1897"; laat line, a/)er "1836," oiM «*V«  and A., 8d dass ; Mistresa of the Robes, 1885-92, and again 1895." Note (•), line 1,/or "possess," read "in 1883, possessed"; line 18, in 4th column, /or " £30,000," read " £16,613." p. 52 ; line 9, after " Abbey," add " sometime Lieut. RK. ; M.P. for Rozbnighshire since 1895. He m., 30 Jan. 1893, at St. Paura, Knightsbridge, Margaret Alice, 2d da. of George Cecil Orlando BRnMBMAN, Hyled ViBOOUifT Nbwpobt, by Ida Annabella Frances, da. of Richard George (Lumlbt), 9th Earl or Scabbbouou. She waa h. 20 Jan. 1872]. [WAi/TBR-JonN Montagu-Douolab-Sgott, generally knotm a$ Lord WBiTCBBsniR, 1st 8. ft h. sp., ft. 30 Dec. 1894]." p. 53 ; line 27, dde " she " ; last line, /or " 1889," read " 1289." p. 54 ; in margin, for " 1313," read " 1308." Line 2, for " o," read " of " ; line 3, for " wore," read " swore "; line 6, frfUt " when," add " in Scotland "; linea 9 and 10. deU'*wM living 1312/3, but"; line 10, for "28 April 1313," read "3 Deo. 1308, when the wardship of his lan«1s nnd the custody of his (minor) heirs were disposed of by Edward IL"; line 18, for " about 1810," read " before 27 March lail "; lifter " ooheur of," add "Sir Alexander CouTV, being niece and heir of