Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/356

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846 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. II. p. 274 ; line 10, afUr ** widow," mU *< who wu 6. 22 Oot 1661." I». 275 ; line 20, fw " 12 April," read " 2 Jan." Between lines 29 end SO iutert t,e., Clarbncs," Dukedom {H.FLH. Prince Albert Victor ChrisUan Edward), er. 1890 ; ex. 1892. See vol. viii, p. 287 in Appudu." P- 276 ; top note, line 8, for " Townsbnd," rtad ** Towmbhimd." p. 277 ; line 15, after *' under," add " (and indeed waa even inimical to)"; line 16, M **Jany. 1661," read «a few days before 26 Jan. 1660/1"; line 17, dele "Tbwkbsbuby" to "Bbnnit,,, and ineert *' Haoham, by Klizabeib, da. and h. of Sir Charles Mobbison"; lio«» 20 to 22, lie^ ** William" to "Hants," and interi " Sir John Baokhoubb, K.B., by Flower, da. of Benjamin Hkmshaw, of London. She d. 17 Julv 1700 "; line 26, for Deo.," read ^ 28 Nov."; line 27, for " Ibbaokam," read '^O'Bbibh (s. and h. ap. of Henry, 5th Babl op TaOMOBD [I.]"; line 30, after '"d.,"* add "B.pA at Chelsea.' p. 279; line 10, for "8 Dea," read "at Stony Stratford, 8 Sep." p. 280; Une 2, efter "1846," add <'in Belgrave square"; line 10, after "1857," add "and d, 9 May 1894, being 6ttr. in Watford cemetery"; line 80, after "1815," add "aged 71. Both were hur. in Bath Abbey"; after " ,;* add ♦'at Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 84, fn- " He c£.," read " of Cork. He d. of fever "; line 85, after *' 1810," add «* Will pr. 1811 at Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 48, ajter

    • Campaign," add " Rbp. Pbbk [I.], 1888-97. He d, unm. of pneumonia 10 and

was hur. 20 Dec. 1897, from Elm Park, aged 67." y. 1897. 6. LiONSL Edward (Massbt), Baron Clarika op Elm Pabk [I. 1800], next surv. br. and h., being 8d s. of the 8d Baron ; (. 20 April 1887 ; an officer m Uie ScoU Fusileer Guards, 1855 ; Lieut.-Col 1866, retiring 1870; mo, to the peerage [I.] 16 Dea 1897. He m. firstly 24 Nov. 1877, at St. Peter's, Bournemouth, Elisabeth Ellen, 1st da. of Alexander Banmattnb, of Woods- down, oo. Limerick. She d. 18 Jan. 1883, at Algiers. He m. secondly, 28 Aug. 1887, Sophia Kary, 2d da. of James Butlbb, of Onstle Crine, co. Clare." p. 281 ; line 28, after " who," add " wns sum. to Pari. 8 April (1860) 16 Ed. III., but never afterwards, and who." p. 282; line 28, for '*Wiii," read Will"; line 80, after "1764," add Lieut, in the Army, 1788; Lieut Col., 1800"; line 81, after *'<i.," add '*at Ravensdale park, CO. Louth"; line 82, for " 1822," read " 1829." p. 283; in margin, for " 1625." read *• 1626"; for " 1887," read " 1887 to 1898." Line 7, for '* living 1887," read *'d. 8 Nov. 1896, after ten days' illness, at Ravensdale park "; line 26, conclude " Lord Carlingford (for, notwithstanding his succession in 1887 to the more ancient Barony [I.], he continued to be so styled), <f. s.p. of influenza, at Marseilles, 80 Jan. 1898, aged 75, and was bur. with his wife, when all hie honoure became extinct "; line 88, after ** cr.,** add '* 5 Feb. 1625/6." p. 285: line 2, for "85th," read 65th"; line 9, after <*FiT8liOT,'* add " formerly Palubb." p. 286; line 4, after "<f." add "of small pox"; line 6. (^fter "Abbey." add '<Admon. 12 Jsn. 1680/1, and 19 Sep. 1688"; line 20, for "in 1781," read "22 Jan. 1781/2." p. 287 ; in margin, for the second " 1864," read " 1864 to 1891." Line 11, after "1787." add "at Hackwood, Hante"; line 14, after "1807/* add "in her 41st year, at Cleveland House, St. James' square. Admon. Nov. 1816"; line 16, after " Sq.," add "and was 6iir. at Staindrop "; after " 1842," add " under £1,000,000 "; line 29, for " 16," read '* at St. Geo. Hhii. sq.. 18 "; Hue 44, after " 1815," add " at St. Qeo. Han. sq." p. 288 ; line 8, for " She was 6. 1 June 1819," read " He d. s.p. 21 Aug. 1891, at Cleveland House, 16 St. James' square, aged 88, when all hie honoure, save the Barony of Barnard [1699], became extinct. Will pr. at £1,440,889. His widow, who was b, 1 June 1819, living 1898"; line 34, after ** 1789." add "in Ireland and was bur. at Gowran. Will pr. 1739. at Prerog. Ct. [I.] "; line 85, after " M.I.," xM '* Will pr. as above, 1802 "; line 46, after " n^;^add " at Blenheim and was bur. 29 there"; after ** d." add "in Hanover square."