Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/378

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868 OOBRIGBNDA, BTO., TO VOL. HI. Imt ftfslliiMlniMl)Bi Wktow"; lme9,«/ier «'1799,«iU "at NevcMtle"; liiM 16. afltr *'at,'* citf "Etoo and ai"; line 19, tf/tcr -1822," mid *'ai WooHdwtn-. co. Olone."; line 33, after " i/^" mU *< at Naplea "; tifttr " 1857." «U " at SpeCdiley "; line 35, /or " Sha," read '* Em d. 10 March 1892, a««d 68, at Newnham Paddoz, and was bur. at Paiitaaa|ih monaaUry, oo. Flint. Hia widow, who "; aftet " 1833," mid ^'bving 1898 "; ddt linea 36 to 43, and tmaai mz mmda-— IX 1892. 9. RuDOLPD Robert Basil Ai/>TBn73 Augustinb (FULDMo), Kahl of Dbmbioh [1622], Vucookt Pkiloinq [1620], Bamom FllLDDio OP Nbwnham PaDOOCKB [1620], and Baeoii 9t. Ijz [1664]. alao Kahl op DttMOiiD, VucouHT Callam, and Baboh Fbim>iiio op Lboaobb [L 1662], lat a. and h. by aeouud wife ; h. 26 Maj 1859, at Dowoing, ca Flint ; ti§Ud Visoount Fkildiiio, 1865-92 ; ed. at OacuU Coll. and the Mil. Acad, at Wualwich ; Capt. IU»yal Hone Artillery, aerving in Egypt, 1882 ; A.D.C. to the Viceroy of Ireland, 1887 I $ue, to the v^erage, aa above, 10 March 1892 ; Uenk-Cul. Hon. Artillery Comp., 1893. He ai. 24 Sep. 1884 at the Kom. Cath. Chapel, Dgbrooke, Devon, Cecilia Mary, 6th da. of Charlea Hugh (Cuppord), 8th Babob Cufvokd op CHUDtBiGH, by AKnea Loniaa Catharine, da. of William Henry Franda (Pbtbb), 11th Baboh Fbtbb op Wbiitlb. She was 6. 11 Aug. 1860. [RuDOiJPH Edmund Aldtbius Fkildiko, UyUd^ since 1893, Visooukt Fbiumbg, lAt a. and h. ap. h. 12 OdL 1385.] between linea 46 and 47, interi tu undc — DENHAM, see Dinak. p. 63 ; line 10, mfter ** named," add ** He d. a. p. aomewhat sudilenly of heart dieeaae, 9 Aug. 1894, aged 89, at the King's Anna hotel, Berwick, and waa bar, at Alderaton. Will pr. at £11,831 gruaa. Hia widow living 1898. III. 1894. 3. Thomas (Dsnmam), Baron Dbnman or Dotbdali [1834], great nephew and b., being Ist a. and h. of Richard Dbnuan, by Helen Mary, da. of Gilbert MoMiOKiNO, of Miltoniie, eo. Wigtown, which Richard (who d. 5 April 1883, aged 41), waa Ist s. and h. ap. of the Hou. Kichard Denman, Barriater at Uw {d. 19 March 1887, aged 78, yr. br. of the Ute, and 3d a. of of the 1st Baron. He waa b, 16 Nov. 1874 ; ed. at the Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; Lieut. Royal Soota. Hemtcto the peerage, 9 Aug. 1894." line 22,/er « 26 Oct," read <" 24 Oct 1626 "; Una 27, ofUr " h.," odd '^ of "; line 40, far ** Baronecty," read '* Baronetcy." r. 64 ; liM 2, afUr " Middz./'read " Hed. 1 Dec. 1890, atSidham House, Folkestone, aged 71. II. 1890. 2. Gborgb Whxiam (Batbson db Yabburgh, subse- quently [1892], DB Yabbubgh-Batxsdn, but previously [Feb. to April 1876], Batbson- Y A BBURGH, and before that [182d-76J, Batbson), Baron Dbramobb OP Bblvoib, br. and b. male, 6. 2 April 1823. He m. 8 May 1862, at Httlington, co. York, Mary Elizabeth, 1st da. and coheir of Qeorge John Yarburgh, formerly Llotd, of Heslington Hall, by Mary Antonia, da. of Samuel Cheth<im Hilton, of Pennington Hall, 00. Laucaster. On the death of bis wife's father (16 March 1875), he, by Royal Lie. 26 Feb. 1876, took the name of Yarburgh, after that of Bateaont and 2 months later, 15 April 1876, the name of de Yarburi/h, in lieu of Yarburgh, taking aubsequently in like manner, 4 July, 1892, the uame of de Yarburgh- BoUboh, in lieu of that of BateMon-de Yarburgh. His wife d. 22 Oct 1884. He tue. to the peerage, 1 Dec 1890, according to the tpee, rem, in the creutiou thereof. He d at ParU, of heart disease, 27 April 1898, aged 70. Will pr. Aug. 1893, at £53,000. III. 1893. 3. RoBBRT Wilfrid (pb Yarburgh-Batbson, foimerly [1876-92], Batbson db Yarburgh, and Batbson- Yarburgh, but before that [1865-76], Batbson), Bauon Dbramobb or Brlyoir [1885], also a Baronet [1818], 1st s. and h., b, 5 Aug. 1865 ;tue, tothe peerage, 27 April 1893 ; 2d Lieut Yorkshire Hussars Yeo. Ca?alry. He m. 15 July 1897, at St Michael le Belfry, York, Lucy, da. of W. H. Fm, of Ijee Hall, oo. Hortbumberland."