Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/392

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882 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. III. p. 182; line 6. afUr '*Riohard/' add *'Li FttBiR, a/Emmnlt '* ; Una 7, tifimt "1877," add *<but dtad in 1882-88"; line 12, for before 1861, OaUieitne," TtaA "m. 25 Dea 1357, Catberine, de. of lUlph (Stafioed), lit Bari. or STAvroBD, by MArgarei «tto jwrt BABOmns Auoliy. She d. Deo. 1861 "; line 29, afUr " Ayala," cuid " da. of Don Diego Qomes de Toledo." p. 183 ; line 2, fnr *' 1887/' nod *' 1487 "; laat line, eandttd* " AdmoD. (to WiUian Lynde) before 14 Nov. 1541." p. 184 ; line 21, for " in, or befora 1565," read aariy in 1566 "; line 46, ^fter "wl,'* add '* in or before 1586." P- 185 ; line 12, dde " («)," and dde aUo noU " o " which refera thereto. p. 186; note(^), line 6 and 7, ddt **of Albrighton, Salop"; linea 10 and 11, dde

    • She," to ** left iaaue "; line 14, for *' Stowell, near Birmingham," rmd "Stonhall,

in Shenetone "; line 19, after ** at," add *' at Haleeowen, and m. at "; <fefo ** and m. there." p. 187 ; note {^) condadt " See further remarki un tUa patent, mft ' (TCaauMpcii ' and ' WoroiUr: " p. 188 ; line 22, afUr '*<!.," add **in Sloane atreet, 7 Aug."; line 23, /ur "thirdly," read *' fourthly "; line 81, afi€r '* widow," add " who waa 5. 21 July 1754." p. 189; line 27, for *M855, at St Geo. Han. iq.," road "1865, at St Paura, KnighUbridge "; line 80, for *" 1890," read '* 1898 "; Une 34. after " Eton," add " He m. 14 Sep. 1891, at Trinity chur«h, Sloane etreet, Rachel, yet da. of Charlea Henry Qurmit, by Alice, da. of Henry Thoby Pbdmip, of the Bengal Givil Serrioe." [William-Huublb-Erig Ward, stffJed Viboount Ednax, b. and L ap., b. 80 Jan. 1894]." p< 190 ; Hue 4, after " er ," add " for the political eervicea of her ion Jamee and at hia rwiuiMt"; linttH 10 and 11, dde "aud for," to <*afad."; after "c/.," add "in Hiude Btretft"; line 20, «i^(er "81," add "at Ballyleidy Houee, oo. Down, and waa bur, 16. at Killylengh "; line 24, for <• Fen," read "Ten"; Une 28, after " 1848," add " ngwl 65, at the Mat of Stewart Keir, oo. Antrim "; line 81, for "Callanoab," recuf " Callindkr '*; line 82, after "Stirling," add "afterwarda Sir James Campbbll, Bart., of Arding^Ass." p. 191 ; line 8, for " Clanbotb," read " Clanbbotb"; line 19, for " Havard Univ. (Amerda)," reoif " Hanrard Univ. (America)"; line 27, after " 1868," add "at DufiTerin Lodge, Highgate af«d."; between linea 84 and 85, ituert ae under^ DUFFTOWN. See Mount Stbphin of Mount-Stiphin, ibo., and op Dufftown, oo. Banff," Barony (Stephen) er. 1891. p. 192 ; Une 8, eondude " She d. 18 April 1677 "; line 11, /or "in," read " on." p. 193 ; linea 12 and 18, for " Skelbo," read *< Skibo "; line 22, aflier " 1827," add " in Harley atreet, aged 80, and waa 6«r. 7 Feb. in the church of St Marylebone "; line 24, after "or," add ""M it lukd." p. 194 ; Une 80, aft» " DUMFRIES, add " [S.] "; linea 89 and 40, lee << eorrigeadar thereto in ▼ol. iii, p. 410. p. 196; Une 16, after "1762," add "at Ayr"; Une 28, oondude "She d 21 Aug. 1811, aged 78, at Brandabury." p. 196; Unea 4, 11, and (lat entiy on) 28, ^fier " d," (uU " at KUboy "; Une 8, t^ter «!»."«« "at DubUn." p. 197 ; Une 8,>r " Dunbaraa," read " DunUr aa "; line 10, for ** er. Eabl or," read <* entruated with the OoTemment of "; Une 11 dde " of that Earldom "; Une 12,