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82 e Ed. n to 29 Julj (1814), 8 Ed. IL He a. Hud, widow of ThonM Nsrax, of CiMtlMiii. H« d. &pb, bong dain by tha Seoidi, 24 Jiuw 1814, ai tha battle ol BrannoAbom, wheo the Btmmp became aUtMcL loq. p^m. 5 Aa|^ 1815, at III. 1449, i. Sib Hsnut Bbomvlri, of Ifalton, Ac., oo. York, odIj to sanr. a. and h. of Sir Tbomaa BaoMPurri, of the aame, hj Anaatacia, 1469. ^ umI h. of Sir Bdward St. Johh, and AnaaUcia, da. and coheir of William (db Atov), Liwd Atom, haviug inherited, thro* hii mother, the eatatee of the family of Atoo, which indaded thuee of Di YksciC*) ; had Urery of hia father^a etUto (143081), 9 Hen VI., being then a knight ; waa Sheriff of ca York, and Oov. of York Ca^te ; Ambamador to the ConnciT at Baale in Germany, 1488-84 ; and waa aum. to Pari, aa a Baron (LORD DB VBSSY). 24 Jan. (1448/9), 27 Hen. YI., the writ being directed " Hemrico BnnUei, mulUi^ Baromi(^)d€ Fajy," and containing the remarkable (indeed unique) danae that the Barong of de Vnnf ahould be hereditary to the hein male of hia bod^.(«) He waa lo aum. till 28 Feb. (1465/6), 6 Ed. lY., but had obtained, in 1456, diapenaation from attoodance in pari, in con- dderataon of hia eminent Berricea to Hen. Y. in the ware in France and Normandy, aa alao of hia own advanced age. He m. Srstly (pardon 14 Aug. 1416), Joan, widow of Henry (Lb Sobopb), Lord Scbopb db'Mabham, formerly wife of William (WiLLOUOHBT), LOBD WiLLOUOHBT DB Ebbbbt, and, befora that, of Edmund, (Plan- taobbbt), Dukb of Tobk, 2d da. of Thomea (Holabo), 2d Earl ov Kbkt, by Alice, da. of Uichard (Fitbalah), Eabl op Abuhobl. She d. B.p., 12 April 1484. He ia aaid to have wu aeoondly (about 1465 f)> '* Eleanor, da. of William, Lobd Fm- BUBaB.(<^) Had •.p.m.(«) 16 Jan. (1468/9), 8 Ed. lY., when Oe i^oroay became See Db Ybsoi of Abbbt Lbiz," Yiacountcy [I.] {Ve$ey er. 1776 ; (alao) Barony [(J.K.], or. 1884. though the form of them eomewhat justifiea auch a condudou, aa the landa of which he died leiaed devolved on the h. of hia putative father, vtz, Gilbert de Aton 1., lat Baron de Aton, he being a. and h. of William, br. and h. of Oilbert, a. and h. of William, a. and h. of Gilbert de Aton, by Margery, da. and h. of Warine de Yead, br. of Euatace III. Baron. In 28 Hen. Yl., Henry de Bromflete bdug deaoended from a cob. of the aaid Gilbert de Aton, waa aum. to ParL aa ' Henry Bromfleto de Yflaay.' "—[CouHhope.] (*) William, lx>rd Aton, above named, waa only a. and h. of Gilbert, Lord Aton (aee that dignity), who inherited the de Yeaci eatatea iu Yorkshire, &o., on the death a.p., 1814, of William, Lord de Vead, under the aettlemeut of the preceding Lord de Yeed, the putative father of the laat named William. The aaid Gilbert waa a. and h. of William de Aton, of Aton, co. York, by Margery, da. and h. of Warine de Yead, a yr. br. of Euatace de Yead (one of the 25 Barona of Magna Charter), who waagrandfinther to William, Lord de Yead, 1295-97, the putative father of the aaid William, Lord de Yead, who d. in 1814. ^) Nicolaa and Courthope give (errnneoualy), the worda aa " Domino de ^eaay." («) " Yolumua euim voa et hsoretlea veatnta maaculoa de corpore veatro legitime exeuntea, Baroneaa de Yeacy exiatora." Thia dauae aeema to go far to prove that at that dato a mere writ of aummoua waa nut held aa auffideot of itaelf to creato an hereditary peerage, for the clauae waa preauniably one of augmentation, not one of reatriction, which would prevent that aaid Henry from obtaining by the aaid writ a Baronv (am, according to later decivioua iu audi ciiaea, would have been the reault), heritable by all hia deacendauta. Though audi a clause never ocouired, before or after thia dato, in any Ungluk writ of aummona, it waa made uae of, in 1689, by Jamea II., aftor hia depoaition from the Eugliifh throne, in the creatiou of three Irim fiaroniea; See vol iii, p. 856, noto '* b." »ub <* Fittou of Goaworth." {^) Burke a " Exiinot Peerage, 1883." (*) Marga*^t, hia only da. and h , aged 26, waa then the wife of Sir Lancdot Threlkeld, having formerly been wife of John (Clifford), Lord de Clifford. She d, 12 April 1498. The title of ** Lord Yeacy " waa aaaumed by her deacendauta. See Tol. ii, p. 292, note " b," •m6 " CUfford."