Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/420

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410 OOBBIOSHDA, KTC., TO VOL lY. ^dT; Hoe 12; /0r " ia 1890," rmd "2 Feb. 1892"; Ine 15» mfter «<KadMriM," «U " Bddmor ": liM 17, «/^ " Navy," «U •^SbsdL 17 Pebi 1897. ai 12 Upper Gnwrcoor etoeet Wm pr. at £11,280 **; line 32, mfter " kc," mdd ** He out. ei Ozford (Ch. Ch, 12 March 1679/80." pi 83; Unmil.fir "maM tobaveek," rmd ««. BiBbcfth, nid to have lioe 42, lUi '^ I^" |0 *" 1771/' and iwrl *" She dL io Bedhiidahin^ 29 Sep. 1766 ": i|/lcr " l^** add " and wm ter. ai Havnee, Beda., 19." Nute (<) WKlvde; aa in ▼oL iWf p. 266, in the carnfcade to thk pi^ which k there (etrooeoiiely) ealled |i8& p. 84; NoU (^), fine 14, /«r «16M," rmd ^'Feb. 1696;7'*; Knee 16 and 17. >br "CanBK* d. 1744," rMd OaBRur, dL 1696"; line 16, >!«- "1714," reed «1716/' p. 86 ; line S, >^ " Will pr.," rwad ^kmr. at Stone, eot Stafibrd. Will pr. vnder £160,000, on 2S "; line 29, /0r 1891," rmd " 1898 "; line 86, after " Eton,*' add "a Lord in Waiting, Feb. to Jolj 1895 ; See: in the p. 87; in margin, far 1314," reed *'1514." line 4, aee toL it, pi 426, in the a»7V0ida to thia pege ; Unee 12 and 18, /ir •^ the mat Mariachal of Scotland," fMd •^ WiUtam, afterwarda let Babl Maebohal [&J "; line 86, a/i€r *'h.,"edd " h. 1688 "; line 89, after " Diblrouv [S.]," aid *« She wee Uving 21 Jolj 1694." p. 88 ; fine 7, >W- •'[QlambV read (Ltob)." Koto {% linee 1 and 2, /»- "Grey,* fwd "Qiay." p. 89 ; Hm 44, after Chstle, odd <« and wae »»-. at Fonlie"; after "1858," add at Weirieton Hoiiee,near Bdinhoigh"; bat line, e/lBrr "1838," add "at St. Qeo. Han. 6q." p. 90 ; llM 14, a/Ecr " George," add " niifip "; Une 2(^ ayier " Gbat rs 1" odd " He d. onm. 16 Haroh 1895, aged 78, when the SaMom of Moray, &a [S.ldevolTed on his eooain and heir male^ but the Banmy of Qrajf devolved ee ander— r XIX. 1895. 19, EvELSKN, auo jure Babonbss Gray [S.], uieoo and heir of line, being da. of Jeremieh Lonsdale PoueoKV, of Brownewood, eo. Wexford (d. 8 March 1887), and only child of bia second wife,(>») Jane, relict of Sir John Archibald Dmmmond Stiwabt. 6th Bart. [S.] (who d. s.p., 20 May 1838), which Jane (who d. 14 March 1880, aged 77), was th« only sister who had ianie of George Philip (Stoart), Earl or Moray, 4ms., and Lord Gray [3.]. laat abovenamed. She is atated (by herself), to have been 6. at Dresden, 3 May 1841, and to have been hap. 18 years afterwards in Ireland. She m. 9 May 1863, at St Geo. Han. sq., Jamea Machuren Smith, afUrwairdt Smith-Gray, of The Bolttios, South Kensington. Go the death of her maternal onde (the Earl of Moray), abovenamed, 16 Msreb 1895, she SIM. to the Banmy of Qray [S.], her right thereto, being declared by the Committee for privileges, 7 Jaly 1896. Bv royal lie., 7 May 1897, she and her hiisbaud took the name of Smi^-Oray, instead of Smith, their children tiJiing the name of Oray only.*' Add M »aid note ** (f) The marriage ceremony between them was twice performed, vit., 25 Aug. 1888 (8 months after the death of the Lady's first husband), at St. Mildred's, Bread street, London, and 5 Sep. 1840, at St. Jamea', Weatm. Marriage licencea for each (the first from the Bbhop of London's, and the second from the Faculty office), were procured by Mr. Puunden, who in his affidavit for Mch, deolarea lumself a widower, describing the Lady's father in one instance aa ' Gent', and in the other as ' Esquire,' but in neither case aa a Peer, which, at those dates, he was both in Scotland and Great Britain." p. 91 ; lioe 16, afUr " dL," add *« of putrid fever "; Une 27, for " 35," read " 33." p. 03 ; line 7, for " emacipation," read " emancipation." Between lines 29 and 80, imert oi under— QREVILLE. Tho oourtesy title of " Lord Qreville " is used by the family of that neme^ Bablb Brooki or Warwick Oastli, since 1746, and Earls or Warwick, since 1760.