Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/434

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424 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. ]>. 249 ; Une 6, fw «22 July 15S6/' riod *<80 Oct 1681 "; line 9, afUr *<1562/' r9U '<but d. before 27 Feb. 1563/4"; line 19» okfUr "teoondly," add "before 8 May 1568": line 22, eowAudt "and wai living 9 Jan. 1580/1 "; line 88» /»r " before 29 Nov. 1586," read *< 9 Jan. 1535/6 "; Une 86, ofiet *' her," add, " who waa, apparently, living 1 July 1592"; line 45, after **h./' add by aeoond wife." p. 260 ; in margin, for « 1706," read " 1706. July." Line 10, for « Colding," read "Oolding"; line 24, afur "oi.," add **19 April 1671"; line 27, for. "June 1650," read '* 17 June 1650 ; d. 22 Aug. 1672, and waa bur. at Wiihyam. Note (*•), line 4, for "finen," read "/««»." p. 251 ; io margin, for "1706," read "1706, Aug." Line 80, for «' Hinil," read "Hirael"; line 82, after "<f.," add *<at Edinburgh"; line 88, afUr "1814," add "aged 68, at Scrotty Hall, Norfolk "; line 46, for " Hume," read " Home '; line 48, ^fter "1887," add "at Hirael"; line i9,coni^ude "Both were 5iir. at Dalkeith "; line 58, for " 1810," read " 1819." p. 252; line 8, after 1882," add "at Ditton park, Buoka"; line 9, eondude " Both bur. at St. Bride'a, Douglas, M.L "; line 19, for " 1820," read " 1870." p. 253; in mai^n, for "1782," read "1782." Une 6,>or "CecelU, da. of Sir," read " Joan, da. of "; line 8, for "James," read " Sir Thomas." Between lines 20 and 21, insert a$ under — HOOD OP AVALON. t.0., " Hood op Avalon, oo. Somerset^" Barony {Hood cr. 1892 ; see ▼oL viii, p. 242, in Afpbhoiz. Note (•), Une 1, fbr «W. J.," read "W. D.". p. 254; line 8, after "1806," Mdd "aged 76"; line 20, after "82," add "at Whitley afsd. '. p. 255 ; line 8, eondude " both being Uving 1898 "; line 45, for " d. at," read " who waa h. July 1787, d. in SL Andrew'a square "; for " 51," read "50 "; line 50, /or " Hon," read " (Hops." Note (4, last line, for " ruce," read " Bruce." p. 256; lines 10 and 11, for "in London," read "at Annandale House, Harley street, Marylebone"; line 20, /or " severely," read "aeverely"; line 85, for " 57," read " 58, and was bur. 1 Oct. at Aberoom "; Une 40, after " h.," add "by second wife"; Une 52, for "Quads," read "Guards." Note 0"), Une 4, for " denth," read « death," p. 257; line 10, after "1886," add** to Aug. 1889"; line 11, for "1886," read 1886-95 ; Paymaster Oen. since 1895 "; line 25, after " 1600," add " at Witham, near Bath "; Une 88, /or " Sep.," read " of ague, 8 Oct. (N.S.)." p. 259; line 6, for " 1621," read " 1622 "; line 28. after " 1872," add "at Buxton, Norfolk." p. 260; line U, after "1886," add "Viobrot of Irujlno (as L.-Lieut.), 189206. Havingi on the death s.p. 8 Jan. 1893, of his maternal uncle, the 8d and laat Baron Crewe, sue. to the Crewe estates, he took, by Royal Lie, 8 June 1894, the name of Crewef before that of Milnet, and was er., 17 July 1895, EARL OF CRBWB in the oo. pal. of Chester." p. 261 1 lines 48 to 45, dde " who "; " appears to have d. before her husband "; "is "; " by some said to have "; Une 46, dde " to have "; eondude " before Nov. 1595, when they were parties to a suit sgainst the 8d Viscount "; line 48, after " br., add "of the whole blood." p. 262 ; Une 17,/or " Marv," read " Mnry "; line 25, for " Carlisle," read " Carli8le(~)," ineert ae taid note '^ (**) The ' iguumiuious example ' (as Hallam calls it), of this bribe-taking nobleman, was followed by but two others, vu. the foolish Salisbury, and the cowardly debauchee Pembroke "; Hue 83, after " firstly," add *' privately tu July 1646 "; Une 85, V^* " secondly," add " in June 1677." »»