Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/470

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460 CORRIGBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. p. 251 ; Use 6, fw " April/' read " April "; line 8, f&r ** preYiout," rwad " before"; Une 11, after " hui^ add " d."; Uua 25. ti^fter ** Wilte," add ** {d. 7 June 1574) "; line 40, for •< 1595/' read "1593"; line 45, t^fter "her/' add "(who was dur. 6 Oct 1618, sRed about 40, at Westbury alad.) "; €^fier " Jane," add '< then aged 17 "; laat line, for " Lincoln," read " Uncolu'a." Note (>), line 2, /or '^ toL iii, p. 818, note (^)," read " toL viii, p. 245, note (•),in supplement^ under LnoHTON." Note (^). line 2, for " er.;' read " who were er. Earls." p. 252; line 1, eonelude "Inq. p. m. at SalUbury, 2 May 1688"; line e, for "h. before/' read " 6ap. at Westbury, 8 Dec"; line 12, after " by," add '* his arst wife "; line 18, afUr " 1688," add '* Inq. p. m. 27 Sep. 1638, at SaliBbuiy "; line 28, for ** 6. about 1599," reiui ** bap. at Westbury. 10 or 12 March, 1612 "; line 80. after <* 1679," add '*and wmm hur, at Weston, near Bath"; line 85, See voL T, p. 481, in the corrigenda to this line. p. 256; Une 84, /or "June/* read "Deo."; Une 86, after "Suney," add ^'aged 96." p. 256; Une 7, after "1706/* add "ed. at Eton "; line 20, c^fter " Elisabeth," add " (£20,000) "; Une 85 and last line, eondude " Both bur. at Blenheim." p. 257; line 7, after « 1819," a^U "at St Qeo. Han. sq."; line 18, /or "Echo/* read "EiiCHo"; line 19, for " Hving 1898," read " d. 24 March 1897, at 28 QrusvHnor street, aged 79, and was bur, at Brompton cemetery. Will pr. at £22,167"; line 27, coneltuU "at St Qeo. Han. sq., or St James' Westm."; line 28, after " Vani," add " formerly "; line 29, for " Harry," read " Henry " Une 82, /or "1893," re^ "1898." Note (»), lines 1 to 2, <i«fe from "She" to " Duke/' and ineert " She was, in 1896. one of five ladies then lifing, all of whom were then styled, or had been entitled to the style of, Duchess of Marlborough." p. 258 ; line 5, for " U?ing 1893." read "m. 80 April 1895, at St Qeo. Han. sq., Lieut Ool. Lord William I^eslie Db-La-Pokr-Birbsford, yr. s. of the 4th Marqubss of Watbrford [L]. Both living 1898 "; line 10, after " India," adil "bap, 21 June 1872, at the OImimI Rnyal, St Jamee'"; line 11, t^fter "ed.," "cuU "at Winchester (1884) and"; line 12, eonelude "He m. 6 Nov. 1895, at St Thomas', Fifth Avenue, New York, U.S.A., amsuelo, da. of WiUiam Kissam Yandkrbilt (u well known and enormously wealthy financier), of that dty, then deed. # [John Albbrt Edward William Sp]bnobr-OhurohiI(L, styled Marquus OF BLAMOPORD, Ist s. and h. ap., bap, 16 Oct 1897, at the Royal Chapel afsd., the Prinoe of Wales (Albert Edward), one of the Sponsors, being present]." line 28, for " whenever," read ** wherever." p. 2&9 : in margin, for ** I.," read II."; after the first " 1628." add <« April to May." Une 6, conclude " and was living there (1347-48) 22 Ed. III."; line 17, conclude **K.B.. 1494"; line 29, afUr "1509," add ** knighted at Touraine, 25 Deo. 1518"; line 82, after '* VValdboravk," add '* by Margery, da. of Henry WiMTWORTH." p. 260 ; line 7, for "name," read ** manor." p. 261 ; line 1, for " 1199," read " 1194 "; line 7, after <' have," add <* been "; line 9, for •• GiuiKRT," read " Qilbrht "; line 13, for " Marshal^' read " JforiAafC*)," and ineertae eaid noU *'(<») J. H. Round writes, 23 Aug. 1897, As to the Marshalship, I think your statemeut [vol. v, p. 260 : vol. vi, p. 200] is erroneous. The OonttUuUo Domus Kegie (circa 1135) dt Alareadiancia shews us John (Marshal) as Magiaier MaretcaUue with quatuor JUareecaUi under him. Having worked up the actual charter {RotuU ehartarum I (i), p. 46^) I find that this was the office confirmed to Earl William, 20 April 1200, ' Sciatis nos ooncesse et presenti carta nostra confirmasse dileoto et fideli nosti-o Willelmo Marescall, Comite de Penbroo, et heredibus suis Magistratum Mareac[alcie] curie nostre, quem Magistratum QiUebertus. Marescallus Henrici liegis, avi patris nostri et Johannes Alius ipsius QUberti discretione tenerunt coram predicto Hm Henrico in curia nostra contra Rob. de Veneis et contra Will, de Haatiugfes^' Ac This