Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/488

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i^i OORRIGIENBA, ETC., TO VOL. VI. p. 28 ; Una 8, tifUr ** hutbuid d./' udd " at Killetter *'; line 8, b/Ut " 1776/' mdd " ILP. [I.], for 00. Longford"; Une2l,dglt "and"; after " 1696-98," oiU and for Bucks, 1698 "; line 23, after " She," add « d. 8 Oct and "; line 26, after " Radmob," add " (She about 40) "; fin- " oo. Kent," read *< Bidborough, co. Kent, by laabella, da, of Robert (Riou), 1st Earl op Warwick"; lines 40 and 41, dek "" to "end," and tubUituU " Hia will in which he signs himself ' Chbtni," directs his burial to be at Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks, and leaves everything to bis wife, is dat. 26 May, and pr. 6 June 1728. His widow d. U June 1732, in * Lisle street, near Red Uon square.' Will dat 28 May 1728 to 12 Jan. 1731, pr. 12 June 1732(0." tnjer/ m iaid naU " (0 She is said to have left * about £40,000 to Mrs. Tollace, her Gentlewoman.' Undoubtedly, after bequeathing very lai^ge sums of money to divers relataves(e.jf., £12,000 among the 8 younger children of Lord Gower), she makes her ' cousin ' and ' faitliful kinswoman,' Mrs. Gertrude Tollhurst, her ezeeutrix and residuary legatee." Note (<^), line 1, aftar '* He," add " who was an active Tory." Note (•), last line, fi^r <<says," read *'and the Qent. Mag. erroneously say." p. 29 ; line 6, after " Galbraith," add " of Balgair." p. 30 ; Una 17, ^fter " m," add in 1667 "; line 18, far *« about," read '< at Newport house, St MarUn's in the fields, 26 May." p. 31 ; line 11, /er " 1620," read ** 1616." p. 32 ; Une 28, emudude " WQl, 1724, in Prerog. Ct [L] "; Une 40, /or <* Essex," read " Suflfolk." p. 33 ; lhi< 33, eondude " in the Isle of Man, and was hur. there. His widow d, 1671 "; line 35, i»fter " h.," add « 6. 1 and bap. 21 Sep. 1620 "; last line candyde " in the Isle of Csrlaverock, and waa bur. there." p. 34 ; in margin, /or " 1696/6," " 1683." Line 13, after " m.," add '< (contnct 19 Aug. 1626) "; Hue 16, for << He d. 1677, " read '* She was living 1645. He d between 23 Feb. and 29 June 1677"; Une 17, after "h.." add ** b. about Jan. 1628"; line 18, tifter *<m.," add "(contract dat Edinburgh 6. and Terregles 25 March 1669)"; lines 19 and 20, for "March 1695/6," remf *< shortly before 23 March 1683, and waa 6tir. at Terregles. Will dat 7 Aug. 1682. His widow dL 8 Jan. 1713 "; line 23. for " Cahlylb," read " Carlull "; line 24, after '* was," add <• &. 1676 ; was "; line 25, /or " 1695/6," read 1683 "; line 30, afUr " WoBomn," add " Their nuiT. contract dat Paris, 2 Mardi 1699 "; line 32, for ** 1744," read

  • • 1743/4 "; for " 1749." read " May 1749 "; line 33. for " to whom," read " b.

27 June [— ]• To him "; line 37, /or " 1730." read " 30 Jan. 1731/2, probably on 27 June 1731 "; line 38, for '*4th," read "8th"; line 39, after "She," add " who was 6. 4 March 1705. Note («), eonelude " See an article in The QeneaJoffieal Magazine {vol i,pp. 262-267), for Sep. 1897, as to the heir male to this Earldom." p. 36 ; line 31, after ** 1822," add <*in Great Denmark street, Dublin, aged 64"; conclude "under £138,000"; line 36, eondude "of dropsy on Uie chest, at Farrall's Hotel, Dublin "; Une 38, after " s.," add " of the 1st Earl." p. 36; line 3, after <* 1808," add "(siiec lie.) in Rutland square, Dublin"; line 6, for "Wiil,*' read "and was bur. 6 Jan. at Tullamore. Will"; line 17, /br " 1893," read " 1898." Note («) Une 3, dde the first " de." Note (<>), Une 6, for ** Stralra," read " Stalra." p. 37 ; line 3, for " inherited," read " inherited(»»)," and intert ae eaid noU " (••) In E. Chester Waters' forthcoming work, on the early Earldoms of England, the account of thia Earl and his successor differs entirely from that in this teat and is aa follows. The Earldom of East Anglia [Norfolk and Suffolk] was bestowed (probably at Christmas 1067, but certainly before Feb. 1067/8) on Ualph de duader or Wader (so ctdled from his castle iu Britany), who was an Englialiman by birth, with estates in East Anglia and Lincolnshire, but who had m. the heiress of Quader and Montfort-aur-Meen. His name occurs iu 1055 as * dbfinuter,' in 1060 as ' JUffU Dajdfer,' in 1062 as * Regis auUcut,' and in 1064 aa * Rau^ SUdkrc' He was Uving in 1070, being then stvled the old Earl (Comes vetus), and probably died in 1071. He was succeeded oy his son Ralph, who is so oft«&