Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/490

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480 OORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. VI. p. 63 ; line 6» /or « BmV rsad *« Barl "; line 29, after «' Dudlit/' add ** (ibiii at St. QuinUn, 10 Aug. 1557)." Note (>>), line 4, A^ " rtttunui," read ** rolio." p. 64; line 12, da* "ane. hie father 19 Oct. 1595"; line 22, i^/ko- <*Pedae," mU " 26 Sepi, or "; fir " about 60," rtad " 61 "; Hue 25, fir *' 1689," rmd •' 1640 "; line 26, afUr ** v.p.," add ** to the pari, thai met at the Utter date "; laet line, fir «* 26 Sep.*' r«a<i *' in Sep. or Oct" Note («l), line 5, fir <* Thia opinion," retid " Such objection." p. 86 ; line 23, fir « 18," read ** 1, or 18 "; line 28, after •' 6.," add "9 ICarch 1627, or "; Una 86, for ** 1," read " in." p. 66 ; line 28, after *' Franciaoa," add *' (ftiHune of aboTe £80,000) "; line 88, e^

    • fli.," add ** Nov. 1783 **: Hoe 84, deU '* 24 Sep." to '* Unoaater," and euhUUuU

aa in ?ol. Yi, p. 475, in the corrigenda to that page and line. p. 67 r line 19. ^ft^ " d.," add " at Norfolk House, St. Jamea' aquare." p. 68 ; line 35, itfter *< 1788," add " in Ducheaa atreet, Marylebone "; Una 86, fhr "till,"fMrf "1842, to." p. 69 ; line 20, after <* 1887," add *' Poatmaater Qeneral ainoe 1895 "; Hoea 20 and 21, for '* pro-Cathedral," read " Church of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri." Note (>>), line 12, fir *' similar," read "aomewhat ■"; last line, ineert aa in vol. vi, p. 475, in the corrigenda to thia page. p. 61 ; line 7, after " 1818," add ** at Umealey, co. Durham "; line 10, infler ** 1798," add " at Ravensworth Castle "; line 11, fir " to Queen Victoria," read <« 1837-41 "; line 15. e^fUr " 1819," add " in Portland place "; line 25, after •< 1844,'* add **at Bnrneaton." p. 62 ; line 28, /or « Liitdbix," read *' Ltodbll "idde*' She " to the end, and tubetUaU "He d at 22 Bunismore gardena, 19 Deo. 1896, aged 78, and waa bur. at Bllingham, Hauta. Will pr. at £82,261 jieraonaltj. Hia widow, who waa 5. 21 Oct 1884, living 1898 "; linea 83 and 34, dele, and eubatUuU aa under— IV. 1896. 4. SiDNir Jamkb (Agar), Earl of Normanton [1806], ViaoouNT SoMBBTOM [1800] and Baron Sombrtom [1795], in the peerage of Ireland, alto Baron Soubrton op Sombrlrt [U.K. 1873], 2d but lat aunr. B. and h., 5. 9 April 1865 ; etyled Visoodnt Somkrton, after hia brother'a death, 17 Jan. 1894, till he eue. to the peerage, aa above, 19 Dec. 1896. He m., 8 Nov. 1894, at the Chapel Royal, St Jamea, Amy Frederica Alice, 2d and yat da. and coheir of Henry William John (Byno), 4th Barl of Strafford, bv Henrietta, da. of Count Chriatian Dannbskiold-Samsob, of Denmark. She waa h, o Dec 1865. p. 63 ; linea 14 and 15, dde '< He d." to " waa bur.," and eubeiUuU " Hia wife waa livug 2 Oct 1595. He d. about 20 (before 29) June 1601. Burial reg: at Bngleaeld, Berks, and (5 Aug.)"; line 28, after "m.," add «in or ahorUy e^fter Marah 1598/9 "; line 25, after " Burohlby," add <* She waa 5. 6 April 1584 "; line 27, for " 1628/4," read ** 1621/2(««)," and ineeH ae taid noU ** («•) See vol. vi, p. 476 in the corrigenda to this page "; line 40, after " Abbey," add <* aged 29." p. 64; line 8, after " 1496," add <*ed. at St Paul'a school, London, and at Peter hoiiae, or Caiua OolL, Cambridi^e"; line 20, after ** property," add *'She waa hur. at Kirtling, 22 Aug. 1560"; for "1559," read *' 1561 "; line 26, for

    • widow," read " widow(^i>)," and insert a» eaid naU ** (*»») She, aa a widow,

had a grant of arms, 1 Feb. 1564/5 [Mie. Oen. et Her., 3d S., vol ii, p. 198], being therein called da. of Richard Butler, of Loudon, grocer. See, however, ped. of Boteler, of Biddeulmm, in the Vi»it of Beda, 1684"; line 81, V<«r " 1558/9," add **L.-L]eut of Oambridgeahire, 1569"; line 85, /or *<Zulphen," r«ai< '*Zut- phen "; line 89, after ** d," add ** at hia houae, called the Charterhouse, London." p. 66; Una 8, after "m.," add "in or shortly before April 1602"; line 11, deU "The will"; after ** waa," odd "6iir. at KirUing, 28 Feb. 1677. Will"; Una 18, after " h.," a</({ " 6. about 1 Nov. 1602"; afier "1616," add being theo