Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/496

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486 OOtlRtGEHt)A, ETC., TO VOL. VI. p. 132; Una 2,<fA^ 1806, add "in Bruton itreei"; line 2l,a/Ur "1912," add

    • at St. Oeo. HaD. aq." ; lines 26 and 38, 8ee toL vL, p. 477 in the mrrigemdu to

this page; Une 86, for *<Ajaliam," read " Aylaham." Note (c) line 1, fi»r " name," read " aumameb" p. 133; line 6, afUr " 1710," add '<ed. at Trin. CuU^ Dublin" ; Une 10, aftgr " 1824," add " at CoUon, aged 87 " ; after " aged," add " nearly " ; Une 20, /ar " SHimvoTOV," read " BKEmwnon" p 134 ; Uoe 17, after '*m.," add " before 17 Nov. 1107 "; Une 19. catidude '* She was living 80 Hay 1488 " ; line 41, /or ** 1 April 1689," rtad *' July 1692, and tben aged 68. p. 135 ; Une 28, >br " 1787," read " 1786/7." p. 136 ; io margin, far '* 1791," read " 1790." Line 10. for " 1791," read " 1790. at Roatellan, co. Cork " ; line 16, after *' 6.," add '* 4 Sep." ; after ** 1777," add "in London" ; line 20, after "61|" add '* at Hampstead, having formerly been, on an eztentive scale, a linen manufacturer at Chester " ; condude " at Beaoonsfield " ; line 26, after ** 42," add '* at Hans place, Chelsea, of inOammation of the bowels"; eondude "in Oxford terrace, Paddington"; Une 88, afur " 1827," add " at Taplow court" p. 137; line Z, after *< 1867," add **ed. at Cheltenham College"; lines 24 and 30, fur '* April,'^ read '* Feb."; line 80, afur " 1881," add " Bankrupt in Aug. 1896, the debU being £200,876 "; after " 1868," add " at St. Geo. Han. sq."; Une 86, after " year," add " and valued, in 1896, at £242,100." p. 138 ; liue 9, for " the Earl of Douglas," read *' James, Earl of Dougks [S.], and been taken prisoner at Arkeuholm, 1 Hay 1466 (when his br.. Archibald, Earl of Horay [S.], was slam)"; liue 25, for '*1689," read "1629." Note {^), after " who,'^add " was Uving in 1606, and." p. 140: in margin, /(;r "1882," read "1382f" Line U, fur " privl^es," read " privileges." Top note, liue 18, for " quatour, ' read '*quatuur." p. 141 ; Hues 4 and 6, deU " Hargaret" to ** Howdkay," and euUetiluU " Hatilda, da. of William (db Ros), Loud Ros "; Hue 21, for " Eye," read •• Eyre." p. 143; line 4, for "ROCHFORT," read "ROCHFORD"; liue 20, for "2d," read "eldftsl(n)," and add ae said vote " (a) He is cuUed 2d son iu Qairdner's arUcle in the liicU Nat. Bioyr.t a mistake corrected in Hound's Anne Holeyn"; liue 21, after " K.B.," add *' (n. 1605) '; lines 28 and 24, dele " niece " to " Wiltshire." p. 144 ; Une 6, fur " being," read '* A writ directeil to him as * Tkomct BuUen de Ormond, CkVr,* was issued 12 Nov. (1516) 7 Hen. VIIL (about three moutlis after the death of his maternal grandfather next abovenamed), and he is oddly enough placed (which his said grandfather had not been) above all the Barons and immediately next the Earls. He does not, however, appear in the Pari, of 1528 and it was under the designation of ' Sir Thomas BuUen ' that he was." p. 145 ; Une 4, after " 1681," add " signed in July 1580 (as Oeorffe Roeheford) among other Barons [Qy. if not as the s. and h. ap. of an Karl t] the memorial to Po|»e Clement VIL"; for "6 Jan.," read "6 Feb."; line 5, ofter Rochford," add "and waa placed (apparently) in the precedence *of the Rarony held by his great gnmdfather, Lcjrd Ornioud, till his death 18 years before ' (^) "; inun't ae eaid vote " (^^) See letter by J. H. Round in the Athenroum (26 June 1898), who adds ' It is true that, according to the accepted dtictrine, this Rarony WAS ntill in abeyance [Jjiird R och ford 'h/i// /iff being but a coheir], but the case is exactly parallel with that of Henry Frederick Howard summoned, 1640, in the Barony of Howbrny, with which difficult problem I have dealt in my article on The hetnminatiou of the Moicbr»p Abeyance* [Iaw Quarterly Review, z, 63-77]"; liue 7, ftr "sUter," read "da."; lines 8 and 9, dele "da." to « Nkwi-ort," and euhetitute *<by Alice, da. of Sir John St. Jouii." Note (^), liue 1, for "must apparently," read " may possibly,"