Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/511

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CORRI(}ENDA, BTO., TO VOL. Vh 501 p. 417 ; between lines 18 and 19, in$eri as und$r — ROSMEAD OF ROSMEAD AND TAFGLBERO., " RosMEAD OF RosMBAD, CO. Westmcath, and of Tafblbbro ill South Africa/' Barony {Robinaon), er, 1896 ; see vol, Tiii, p. 248, in Atpbudix. Top note, line 12, after "%9i^** add "which race he again won the next year (1895), with 'SirVisto.' p. 418 ; line 82, far « 1882/8," read '< 1822/8." p. 419 ; Note («), line 8, deU " [t].'* p. 420; line 4, far "c. 1881," read "at Perth, 27 Feb. 1881"; line 48, for "Justicary," read " Justioiary." p. 422 ; line 20, far " arrange to get," read ** have." Note (s), line 4, far the last " the," read ^' thus." p. 423 ; Hoe 1, afUr " m.," add *' about 1560 "; line 2, after « Carltlk," add " She WftB living 14 Nov. 1678 "; Hue 8, after *< h.," add ** 6. about lft62 "; lihe 4, afUr

  • 'm.," add before 1592, probably about 1590"; line 6, /or "14 Aug. 1618,"

read " before 20 Feb. 1606 "; line 20, for " 16," read " 17." p. 424: line 12, far •* 1738," read " 1737/8 "; line 18, far " 1760," re,id " 1749/60." Note {% line 4, for "devolves," read "devolved." Note («), Hne 2, for " survivor," read " survivor." p. 425; line U, for "1 May," read "30 April"; line 2Z, after "1771," add "at Bellisle." p. 426; line 14, aondude " Will, 1702, in Prerog. GL [I.] "; Hne 24, dele "was " to the end, and eubetUute " m. 15 Nov. 1754, as hi« second wife, llobert (Jooblyn), 1st Viscount .Tcxjklym [I.] L. ChauoeUor [I.] (1739-56), who d. 8 Dec. 1756, n$^ 68. She d. 25 May 1772. Will, 1772. in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; Hne 82. after " Kdwards," add "of Castle Qore, en. Tyrone, by Anne, da. of Audley Mbrvtn, of IVelick, in the said county "; Hne 88, after *' m," add ** in or shortly before Oct. 1770 "; Hne 84, eondnde " tho' (per contra) both are sometimes said to have been living in 1799, and she to have cf. 11 April 1820, near Dublin, in her 90th year." p. 427 ; line 11, aftar " 57," add " He was bur. at St Brandon's, Parsoostown." p. 428; line 6, after "Oxford," add <*B.A. (honours in Nat Science), 1895; Lieut Coldstream Quards," p. 429 ; line 10, condttde " by EHssabeth, da. of ( — ) Taylor, of Qalnsborough "; lino 11, for '* Sep. 1781," read " Feb. 1781, at Line. Inn Fields, aged 36." Note («), conchtde " See vol. vui, p. 820, in the corrigenda to vol. H, p. 2, note (^), for somewhat similar cases." p. 430 ; line 86, eondude " and was 5ur. 22, in Roeslyn chapel "; line 38, after " 5.," add " at Apeley hall, Notts "; conclude " suddenly (on a voyage from Uavannah to New Orleans)." p. 431 ; line 18, for "1895," read "1898"; line 18, aftar "Oxford," add "He, in 1896, sold Dysart House and estate, and, in 1897, was in the Bankruptcy first elected), 1800-01 "; eondmU " WiU, 1801, in Prerog. Ct [I.]." dele, and eubstittUe " His name occurs at the end of the Cuniugl Nisbet's ' Heraldry ' (1804), vol. it, appendix, p. 289." ^ p. 432 ; line 2, fnr " by," read " of "; Hne 12, nfter " 1819," add sq."; Une 15, after " 1840," add " at Cheltenham "; line 16, at Rossmore park"; Une 22, eonelude "at Edinburgh": liue^ read " 1898."