Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/513

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p. 450; line 4, for "have," read "having"; line 20, for "10," read " 7"; line 31, after "Joseph," add "Stevenson "; conclude "by Maria (d. 25 Oct. 1896, aged 85), his wife.". Note (a), lines 1 and 2, dele "iv." to "The," and substitute "i., p. 357, note (a), as to these creations. This."

p. 451; line 15, for "living 1895," read "d. at Pembroke lodge afsd., of influenza and bronchitis, 17 Jan. 1898, in her 83d year; was cremated, 20, at Woking and bur., 21, at Chenies. Will pr. at £26,706."

p. 452; line 12, conclude "which, however, was overruled, four months later, by the Court of Appeal." Between lines 15 and 16, insert as under-


This (a summons dated 15 Jan. 1833) is, apparently, a mistake for the Barony of Howland of Streatham, co. Surrey [cr. 1695]. See Bedford, Dukedom, cr. 1694, under the s. and h. ap. of the 6th Duke, summoned v.p., in 1888.

line 24, for "about 1590," read "(mar. lic. London, 13 Feb. 1584/5)"; line 25, for "Edward," read "Henry "; after "Cambridge," add "by Dorothy, da. of Nicholas Clerks, of North Weston, Oxon."

p. 453; line 16, for " who," read " s. and h., who."

p. 454; line 15, for "1745," read "1744/5": line 24, conclude "at Scarborough "; line 37, for "about," read "at Burnt Island, 15 Nov." Note (f), conclude "This John d. at North place, Marylebone, 11 Nov. 1886, leaving a son, John."

p. 455; line 28, for "1566," read "1565/6"; line 29, after "[S.]," add "by a da. of (—) Stewart, of Traquair"; line 30, for "Jonet," read "Jonet(cc)," and insert as said note" (cc) See, as to her, vol. vi, p. 306, note (a), sub Methven."

p. 457; Note (b), last line, after "1651," add "She d. before 25 March 1645." Note (c), last line, dele "both."

p. 458; line 11, for "the," read "a lost [!].”

p. 460; line 19, after "Haddington," add "She, presumably, was 'the Lady Ruthven' who d. at Edinburgh, 12 March 1784/5.'

p. 461 line 7, after "widow," add "who was b. 4 March 1757 "; line 13, after "Walter," add "Frederick "; after "Scotland," add "by his second wife, Mary Nisbet."

p. 466; line 25, for "1631," read "1641 "; line 20, after "widow," add "who, on 6 April 1642, is stated to be very aged, and who was living, 1 April 1644 "; line 80, after "who," add "m. 1 Aug. 1598 and)"; line 35, for "distant," read "second."

p. 468; line 45, after "d.," add "at Kolham afsd."

p. 469; line 17, for "1761," read "1760."

p. 470; line 14, for "1776," read "1775.”

p. 471; line 83, for "8," read "4"; after "1891," add, "He was cr. 17 June 1896, BARON ROOS OF BELVOIR, co. Leicester"; line 39, after " 1862," add "at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge."

p. 472; line 1, for "1885-63," read "1885-86 and 1886-88"; line 2, for "1888," read "1888-95. He was sum. to Parl., 6 June 1896, in his father's Barony [1679], as Lord Manners De Haddon "; line 10, after "Haddon," add "and, after 1897, as Lord Roos or Belvoir."