Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/519

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OORRIGRNDA, ETC., TO VOL. VII. 509 p. 96 ; line 17, for " 1 July 1845," read '* 15 July 1826 "; line 27, nfUr " Aug. 1845,** aid « under £20,000." p. 97 ; Note («), Hoe 8, fat "Colin (Lindmy), 2d,** rend <' Alexander (Lindsay), let" p. 99 ; Note 0»), lines 2 and 8, ddt " this *' to '* misapplied,** and wMUMU " his absolute dMfness and consequently imperfect articulation were caused by a fcTer when a child.** p. 100; line 39, for '*St. Geo. Han. sq.,*' read "St Peter*s, Pimlico.** Note {% Hue 2, after " unfortunately,*' add " for him.'* p. 101 ; line 82, after " 1704,'* add "was Master of the celebrated Quom Hunt, 1800-05 *'; line 40, aftsr " 1889,** add " under £85,000." p. 102; line 10, after "year,** add "and was bur. 9 at Sefton**; far "1895," rtad "1898"; Hue 22, after " 1866,'* add "at St. Geo. Han. sq.**; line 28, eondwh " He d. after a long illness, at Sefton House, Belgraye square, 27 June 1897, aged 61, and was hur, 1 July at Kirkby. His widow Hving 1898 '*; Hnes 24 snd 27, delif and insert at wider — Sarldom [L] V. Barony [U.K.] IV. 5 and ^. Charmbs William Htlton (Molt- MBUx), Karl of Sbftoii [1771], and ViaoouvT Molthbux 1897 ^^ Martborouoh [1628], in the peemKe of Ireland, also ' Baron Skfton op Croxtrtr [U.K. 1881], also a Baronet, [1611], Ists. and h. ; 6. 25 June 1867, at Sefton HouNe, Belgrade square ; ityled Viscount Holynkux till 1897 ; ed. at Eton ; sometime Attachd to the British Embassy at Paris ; fue. to the jpeeraye^ 27 June 1897, having, but shortly before, become a lunatic p. 103 ; Hue 17, eoHclude " (Hving 1303 ; see Oentalof^Ut, N.S., vol. i, p. 68).'* p. 104; line 11, far " tUr,** read "latter.** p. 106 ; in margin, far "Barony,** read " Earldom.*' p. 107; Hue 8, after "rf.,** add "of the stone**; line 6, after "1789,** add "(at nearly £100,000)." Note («), Hue 1, far " was in,*' read " held a.*' p. 106 ; Note (<^), last Hue, for " who has so succeeded,*' read " so succeeding.*' p. 109; line 14, after "Dean," add "near Chichester*'; line 26, for "sometime Lieut.,'* read "Lieut (1807); Cspt (1812)**; line 27, after "1817,** mid "at St. Geo. Han. sq." ; line 29, after '< 60,*' add " and was bur. at West Dean afsd.** ; line 86, /or "designed,** read "designated.** p. 110 ; line 24, <^/ksr " He,*' add " was 6. about 1663 '* ; line 27, trfler " secondly," add " after 1 July 1592 ** ; line 86, after <« 1689,** add " being then under age " ; last line, condude " as a young man. His widow Hving 1687.*' p. Ill ; line 14, htfore " Awnr,** inaeri " 9.** Note (•), after " SempUl,** add " ed. at Douay, 1670, being then 15." p. 112; line 5, after "m.,** add "18 May 1718"; line 6. e^fter "by,** add "his second wife *' ; Une 17, eenelude " at Boulogne '* ; Hue 27, after «< d,** add " ap." p. 113 ; Hue 86, after "[S.],** add "aged 9 at his father's death m 1424 *' ; Hne 87, far " about 1441,** read " before I486.'* p. 114 ; in margin, for " 1645 t ** read " 1549.'* Line 13, candude " and was 5tir. st Seton**; line 18, eondude "Both were bur, nt Seton'* ; Hne 19, for *'only," read "2d snd yst but only surv." ; line 27, far "soon after 1548,** read "at Oulross, 17 July 1549, and was 6tfr. in the Abbey there, but removed to Seton " ; last line, ^ter " 1606,'* add " or Nov. 1602(«) ** and ineeri at eaid note " (•) Nov. 1602 is the date in the Lyon office of the funeral entry of ' Isabel Hameltoni Countess