Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/526

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516 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VII. p. 265 ; line 10,/or <* 1689, read " 1789." p. 267 ; line 6, after " 1829," add " in the house of the Duke of Argyll [8.], Upper Brook street "; line 26, /ur '« 1880," read *' Mhv to Sep. 1880 "; lines 84, 86, 41, and 46, /ur ** Haiuioiidibha.m," read " HarmoiuU worth." p. 268 ; in margin, for ** 1826," read " 1826." Line 80, after Abbey," add " when the Barony became exiinct" p. 270 ; line 16, for " 1787," read " 1786." It p. 272 ; line 1, after *' m.," add *< before 27 June 1876 "; line 18, for " Oodruke, read *' Oodrieke "; line 22, after " m.," add " about 1400." Note («}, last line, for ** this Roger," read " but it is possible that the christian name (Roger) is an eiTor for John, thro' confusion with that of the Lord Strange de Knokin." p. 273 ; line 14, for " (1809-10)," read " before 20 Sep. 1809 ; Inq, p.m." Note (*), line 8, for " proceeding," read " preceding." p. 274; lines 1 and 2. dde '<somo" to "issue(>)," and tuhttiiuU about 1850"; line 28, after **«».," aild "as his first wife, Sir Roger Kynabtoit, of Hordley, CO. Salop (who d. 1495/6), and "; lines 25 and 34, after *' and," add '* dejure "; lines 27. after " 1449," add *' was a pn)nounc*id Yoikiat ; K.B. at Uie coronation of Ed. IV, 28 June 1461"; line 28, /or "1446/7," read "1466/7"; line 88, for " (i.)," react " (il.) "; line 43,/i>r "i/.(*)," read - d-W Note (»), dde. p. 275 ; line 9, for "about 1608," read "10 May 1609"; line 14, for " («)," rtad " (•) "; line 29, for " anomalously," read "improperly." P 276 ; line 17, for " Nov.," read " Sep."; line 19, for " Vandbr," read " Van Dm." p. 277 ; line 16, after " 1817," add " In the house of the Rev. Joshua Qrkvillb, in South street, St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 18, for the first "May," read "Jan."; line 19, after " Marylebone," add "and was bur, 4 June at Aahford, Rent.' Note (•), line 6, for " Couningsby," read " a>uiugbby." Note (0, last line, /or " one," read "case." p. 279 ; line 18, after " 1816," add " at St. Qeo. Han. sq." p. 280 ; line 14, for " Jan.," read " March "; line 16, fin- " (0/* read " (*)." p. 282 ; line 46, for " 4th," read " 6th." p. 283 ; line 6, for " 1896," read " 1898." Between lines 21 and 22 inuri a$ under-- STRATHCONA. f.0., " Strathoona and Mount Rotal of Qlbnoob, co. Argyll^ and of Mount Rotal in the province of Quebec, in Canada," Barony (Smith), er. 1897 ; see ToL viii, p. 249 in Apfkmdix. p. 285 ; Note (•), Une 2, e^er " is," add " in." p. 286; line 19, /or 'preoeeding," read "preceding." p. 287 ; in margin, dde "to 1410?"; for <'1418?" read "1416." Line 6, aft^ "1406." add "her second cousin, Sir"; after " Qtlahau," add "of Kilpont"; lines 7 and 8, dele " 1413 " to the end, and tubstitute " 1412. The Countess d. Oct. 1416." p. 288; line 1, for " STREATHEARN," read "STRATHRARN" ; line 10, /or " 6. about 1642," read " 4 years «.Kl in 1646 " ; line 13,/tfr " 1624," read " 1654 "; line 24,yor *' 1696," read " 16»5(bt')," and innrt oj §aid noU " Q^) See yoL vii, p. 466, in the corrigenda to this page." p. 289 ; line 5, /or " in," read " at Edinburgh, 9 July." p. 290 ; line 17, /or "Staindrop," read "Cleatlam in SUindrop." p. 291 ; line 18, /or " Redburn," read " Redboume " ; line 19, dde " Rev." p. 293 : between lines 20 and 21 ineert--