Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/528

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518 CORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. VH. p. 324 ; Top note, Hue 3, /f " in the/' rend ** Round'*." Note (•), line 29, etmdwU " Sir Q. Duckett, in 1898 [in his * The Oundreda OarUroveyty not re-opened btU doted '], pointe out that Qundred's age of 35 at her death, makes her birth to be in 1408, i.e., the year proceeding the decree of 1049. He conaidem that Orderio Yitalis waa afraid of ' infringing on the decree,* and ao * did not dare to say who she -really waa,' but called her aieter [tho' she was * nothing more than foster Biater '] to Qherbod, instead of placing her among the offdpriug of the annulled Royal' marriage." p. 327 ; line 14, /or *< before," read " between Feb. 1224/5 and "; line 20, for *' m.," read " have m," Note (•}, line 7, for " below note (•)," read " 329, note (*)." p. 328 ; Note (»>), Una 8, for « for," read " in." p. 331 ; lino 86, afkr <* restored," add <* 13 May 1604 " ; line 39, for **i Oct.," read '*26Sep." p. 332 ; Note («), line 13, for " Pineema," read " Pineema,'* P< 334 ; Note (*), eouciwU " This Robert, however, ia sometimes said to be a son of bia father's first wife, Anne Whethill, so that possibly the word 'mother' (when applied as Ut his relationship to the said Margaret) b used for tUp-moihw" »t p. 335 ; line 12, afUr <' thirdly." add'*U Jan. 1586/7 "; line 32, after " Oalthorfb, add by his second wife, Jane, da. of John Blbmnbrhasskt " ; line 41, for "Gray," read "Grey." p. 336 ; line 1,/or " 58," read " 57 " ; line 46, /or " 1599," read " 1595." p. 338; line 4, for *'for," read "as"; line 10, for "6. about 1590," read ""bap. 14 Sep. 1590, at Doddington, co. Liucoln(^^)," and iueett ae eaid note "(^b) His father bought that estote in 1586 and aold it in 1598." p. 339 ; line 2, for " 1684," read " 1674 " ; line 24, for " Lordof," read " Lord of." p. 341 ; Une 31 and 32, deU *' Sir," to " Drumaargand," and eubetUute " Morioe (Morat), Karl of Stbathbrnb [S.]." p. 342 ; line 29,/or " 8," read *• 9 " ; Hne 85,/or « 9," read « 10." p. 343; line 12, for <* 1527," read "1537"; line 19, fir " 6 June 1545," read " 4 No?. 1544 " ; Une 21, fir " 1556," read " 1566 " ; line 39, fur " third," read « Brst ;" last line, /or " Domock," read " Dornoch." p. 344 ; line 8, after " flrsUy," add " about 1567." p. 348 ; line S3, after " Piccadilly," add " in St. Qeo. Han. sq." p. 349 ; line 6, after " 1828," a<M " in Hamilton place, Midz "; line 10, fir " Suther- land," read "Sutherland"; line 12, for "1851," read "1861"; line 26, dele «*was," to " previoubly," and tubttitute " d. Oct 1883"; line 82, for "li?ing 1896," read "m. 12 Nov. 1896, at St. Qeo. Han. sq., as his second wife. Sir Albert Kaye Rolut, of Cogan House, Hull, a Solicitor, a ateam-ship owner at London, Hull and Newcastle, and Lieut. Col. Engineer Militia. She was living 1898." p. 350; line 8, for "James Francis Harry," read "Robert Francia"; for "5th," read ** 4th"; lines 8 and 4, <fe^ " Violet " to " York," and eubsiituU <* BUnche Adeliza, da, of Henry Fitzuot." p. S51 ; line 23, after " 1868," add " at Park Wem, Swansea, sged 35 "; line 25, for " (Bkaumont)," read "Bkaumont"; line 28, /or *' 1896," read ** 1898 "; line 88, for " againt," read " against." Note (»»), line 4, for " (I)," read " (II)." p. 352 ; Note (^), last line, for " asd," read " afsd. " Note (<>), line 5, for *' squashed,' read "quashed." p. 353 ; line 8, fir " Bubstituad," read " substituted "; line 26, fir " 77," read " 67.'