Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/531

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CORRIQENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VU. 521 brother*! sonne and heire to the laste and first lord of that Barony/ adding [which also disagrees with Wood's ' Ihugiai*) that ' his mother is sister to M** James Murray,' ke. In the catalogue of the Nobility [8.], 1 July 1692 (four years before his suoceiision as given in the text), the then Lord appears as

  • young ; of 18 years, his mother, da. of Lord Roe' "; line 27, after " Ue," add
    • who was b. about 1674 "; Hue 80, afl^r ** firstly," add *< after 1 July 1692."

P 409 ; Note (•), line 2, fur " ARhrim," read " Aughrim." Note (*), Una 4, for " favourable," read " favourably." p. 411 ; line 29, after ** h.," add " male." p. 412 ; line 6, for " 1869," read " 1869-84, having been, in the interim, a Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince Consort "; line 10, for " Italy," read " Monaoo line 12, eondude "Pimlioo"; line 16, for ** Eusabeth," read " Bliaabeth line 16, for "(— ) Gwatrin, Col.," read "Edward Gwatkhi, Major Gen."; line 18, after ** 1841," add <*at Babroglfur, near Meerut, in India"; line 21, after *< 1884," add « a Lord in Waiting, March to Nov. 1889 "; line 26, for " 1896," read " 1898." p. 413; line 21, for «8.p.," re,td "s.p.s." Note («), line 1, for "(—)," read " WUliam." p. 416; line 2, for "May," read "March"; Ihie 19, for "1771,- read « 1761." p. 418; line IS, conelude "at BHghton"; line 27, for "d. leaving," read "was living 1897, with." Note («), line 4, after " year," add " (1810)." p* 419 ; line 27* for "that county," read "Kingsale, merchant [Qy., of timber]"; ofter " BuixiN," add " was M.P. [I.] for Rathcormick, 1761-68, and for Tonghal, 1768-77, and"; line 28, after "Dublin," add "in 1746; was Recorder of Yonghal, 1765-81 ; King's Counsel"; lines SO and 31, dele "or shortly before July "; after "1782," udd "P.C. [T.]"; line 32. after "m.," add " Klisabeth, da. of Emanuel Piaorr, of Chetswin, co. Cork (sometime M.P.) by his second wife, Judith, da. of Richard Warburton "; fat "in," read " 16 June "; line SS, aftinr "eitinct," add "and was hur. in Cork Cathedral. M.I. at St. NichoUs', Cork. Will, 1782, in Prerog. Ct [L]." p. 420 ; line 26, for " Todington," read " Toddington"; line 26, for " 8," read " 4." P« 421 ; lines 7 and 16, after " Toddington," add "ed. at Abingdon grammar school" p. 422 ; Hue 27. for «« IIuotlry," rend " Hunti.t "; line 89, fnr "about 1690," read "(9 Jan. 1094, contract dnt. same diiy at Canongate)"; for "Manwkll," reeul " Maxwell." p. 423; line 2, after "h.," add "6. SI March 1697"; line 8, eoneiude "privately, some months before 11 July 1746 "; linee 8 and 9, for " only br. and h," read Sd but only surv. br. and h."; line 9, after "h.," add «5. 8 Feb. 1699"; line 16, for "1746," read "a few months before 7 Aug. 1744"; line 20, for " about 81," read " 88." p. 425 ; between lines 20 and 21, intert at undft — TRELISSICK, The title of < MARQUIS [stc] of TRELISSIGK ' was conferred 20 June 1716, at the court of St. Germain by the titular King James III., on Jamm Pathtir, of 'Trelisk' [licj in Cornwall, and the heirs male of his b«MlT.(oe) Christopher." 3b