Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/538

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628 OORRTaRNDA, ETC., TO VOL, VHI, t> >i ff i» t(

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p. 166 ; line 17, fw " 2d." rwd *« Ut. p. 174 ; line 22, wnAutU '* (who d. between 13 Deo. 1651 and 26 May 1653). p. 182 ; Hnea 21, 85 and 41, for *' 1897," read " 1898. p. 186 ; Note (•), laat line, for '* Annuali," read " AanaU. p. 188 : line 7, for <* He," read ** She woa Woman of the Bedchamber, 1837-41. Her huaband," p. 100 ; line 27, far " inherited," read " became the inheretrix of." p. 192 ; line 8, for ** 1892," read " 189298. p. 194; line 16, for " 1229," read *'1299. p. 196 ; Note (d), line 10, for "21," read " LI. p. 199 ; line 19, for " aam.," read •« who waa aum."; line 21, for " 7," read "27. p. 200 ; line 17, after " 1563/4," add "He m. aeoondly Theophila, da. of Sir John NiWTON, otherwise Cbadook, of oo. Qlouoeater, by Margaret, da« of Sir Anthony PoYMTz"; line 20, eonelude "Hia widow m. William Pabatt, of Pantglaa"; line 34, /0r " grandson," read "aon," p. 202 ; Note («), line 2, for ** fully," read " in a measure "; eondude " Round'a Earldtm of Glamorgan, in the Ueneatoyvd, N.S , toI. xIt, p. 213, ahould be carefully oonaulted for that Earldom, aa to which he correcta Courthope'a serious errors. Mr. Round provea that (except for the documenta mentioned below) there ta no authentic mention of the Earldom before 1645. The Signet Office Doequet Book for April 1645, oontaina the entry of a bill for ita creation. As TO THB Dukedom op Sombrsbt, stated to have been conferred on the family of that name, afterwards Dukea of Beaufort, Mr. Round kindly oontributea (1898) the following note: — " Qreat confusion has prevailed on the subject of this Dukedom in consequence of ita grant, or alleged grant, depending on two diatiuct docuuieuta: (1) The anomalous document dated 1 April 1644, which is printed in OoUina' Peerage, This document (which la in Engliah) oontaina among other oonceaaions the words ' We give and allow you henceforward . . . the title of Dukb of Sombbsbt to you and your heira male for ever.' It ia obvioua that these words cannot be regarded aa an operative patent of creation. (2) A formal patent of creation still preserved at Badminton, which ia not mentioned by Collina, or by modern writers on the peerage. Thia patent sty lea the grantee * Rdvardum, Com item comitatus Qlamoigan,' and confirma on him the dignity * Ducis de Somerset et Beaufort,* It ia dated 4 May 1645 ('anno regni noatri vicesimo primo '), but the word 'primo ' ia admittedly an addition, and Mr. Gardiner adopts aa its true date 4 May 1644. It was clearly the latter of theae two documenta which the grantee (by that time Marquia of Worcester) produced nt the Uttatoratinn ; for Dugdale's words are * The Marquia of Worcester did exhibit a patent under the Great Seal pretended to be granted to him by the late King at Oxford for creating [him] Duke of Somerset and Beaufort,* &c. [5th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., p. 178]. But Dugdale goea on to mention the other document aa then in possession of the Marquis, and aa being also probably a forgery. There are subsidiary documents and letters which Mr. Gardiuer admits are somewhat difficult to reconcile with the two documenta above. He accepta the latter, however, as being both of them genuine, but Mr. Round, who haa made a s^iecial and prolonged study of the subject, believes both to be forged, as, api^arently, did Anatis (Garter). As the point is one of hiatorical importance, reference may be made to Blr. Uuuud's article in the Academy of 8 Dec. 1883, Mr. Gardiner's reply in the Englah Hittorical Review of Oct. 1887, Mr. Gardiner'a Hietory of the Civil War, and to the correspondence between Mr. Round and Mr. Gardiner in the Athencnim of 15 Jan. and 26 Feb. 1898. Mr. Round proposes to publish hia detailed investigation of the question.' " p. 204 ; line 20, after " by," add "hia firat wife." p. 206 ; line 22, for " Pbtbb," read " Pbtbb." Note («), lino 1, after " deecendaoi," a(U " in the male line "; laat line, for " 1348," read " 1344."