Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/544

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n it it u M It 584 ADDITIONAL CORRIGENDA, BTO. Vo]. ¥iii ; p. 367 ; Line 28 [tub toI. iii, p. 54], fir '< oomsumptioD/* rtud <* oon- tumpiiun." „ p. 377 ; LiNi 7 [iuh voL iu, p. 180], after " 1784," intai " h'no 10. eondude with ' (^) ' and intert m nid noU " (■*) ' In hia prefnco to Tol. vr of the Excheguer RoUi (p. clizi) the late Q. Burnett, Lyon King of Arma, calla attention to a Walter de Haliburton, who married Lady Mary Douglas, widow of Dayid, Duke of liotheaay [d, 26 March 1402], and givea it as his opinion Uiat thia Walter waa son to the Walter of Dirletoun, with whom thA ai-ticle in the present woriL begins. Walter de Haliburton, husband of the Duchess of Rothesay, drew her pension from the customs of Edinburgh and Linlithgow from 1404 to 1421, in which year — at Pentecost — she was dead. It is therefore possible that Walter the Hatiage and the Treoiurtr was the widower of the Duchess and the elder brother of John, but it is clear from the Charters relating to the annuity from Tninent, that John, Lord Haly burton of Dirletoun, 1446/7, waa son of the Walter de Haly burton who married Isabel, Countess of Ross, dau. of the Duke of Albanj^. Whether the two Walters were father and son, or what relationship they bore to each other, is matter of considerable doubt' [Ex, infirm. W. A. Lindsay, Q.O., Windsor Herald]." p. 391 ; Link 83 [mi vol. iu, p. 280], fir " the," read *' this." Limk 40 [<u6 icfm], fir *^Ult male issue who left," rwd " had two." LiMi 52 [tub idem], fir " for," read " as to." p. 393 ; Line 6 [tub vol. ui, p. 291], dde " m. Henry," to <* 1228) and«" p. 400 ; LiNB 23 [tub vol. iu, p. 858], after '< have," ineeH " line 12, defe 'probably 1st s. and h.,' and tubtiitute ' (~),' adding oj jstcf note ' (««) See Round's Barone of the Naa$ {OenealogiU, N.S., vol. xv), where it is shewn that William, who sue. his father in the Naas, waa undoubtedly the eldest son.' " p. 403 ; LiNB 40 [eub vol. iu, p. 401], after « 401/' ineert <« line 22, >br

  • Deo.' read * Jan.' '

p. 404 ; LiMi 17 [tub vol. iv, p. 2], fir '< p. 48," read '* line 48." p. 406 ; Lmsa 18 and 19 [eub vol. iv, p. 27], dde ** line 9 " to " 28," and ttdatUuU " Une 8, for • about 1688,' read « 19 April 1687 '; Una 5, for ' He IM. secondly Jean,' read * She d. 1695. He m. aeoondly (contract 16 June 1697), Jean, widow of William Faibui the younger'; line 7, for * H.p.m.,' read ' a.p.m.B.'; after * 1788,' add ' and was bur. at Larn'; line 7, for * 1688,' read ' April 1688 '; line 9, for ' about 1718, HdSn,' read * (contract 11 Feb. 1707), Helenor'; line 10, for 'May,' read «22 May'; after * 52,' add 'and waa bur. at Largs.'" Linb 20 [eub ideml after " Botlb," i»uert " line 13, /or ' 2d,' read * 2d or possibly Sd'; line 19. after ' 60,' add • and was 6iir. at LaiKS.' " Limb 21 [eub idem], after <' Edinburgh," intert "line 88, after 'ttyled,' add 'Lord Botlb, tho' in two documents (at least) after his death tigled '; line 88, for 'Aug.,' read '12 Aug.'" Linb 22 [eub ideml «f^ "28," add " and was 6vr. in the church of St. Marylebone." Linb 26 [tub vol. iv» p. 28], dde "fw ' 1890,' read ' 1898,' " and eubttituU " He was 6iir. in the Cathedral of the Isle, Cambrae'; for ' 1890/ read ' 1898'; lines 15 and 16, dele ' David ' to ' 2d,' and eubiUiute ' the Rt. Hon. David Botlb, L. Justice Clerk [S.] {d. 1858, aged 80), who was 4th but 2d surviving.' " p. 407 ; Linb 18 [tub vol. iv, p. 39]. after " Kingdom." intert " lines 13 and 14, for ' Mortaigne,' read ' Mortain.' " p. 408 ; Linb 19 [«ii6 vol. iv, p. 54], far " Briidget," read '* Bridget" p. 411 ; Linb 22 [tub vol. iv, p. 100], after •< 100," intert " in margin, for '1497,' read '1494'; line 20, fir '1407,' read '10 Nov. (1497) 10 Hen. VII.'; Ime 22, eifter ' h.,' add ' aged above 13 at his father's death.' " Linbb 28 and 29 [tub vol. iv, p. 106], for " about " " 1406 " read " about 1406." Linb 46 [tub vol iv. p. 112]. eoneiude " NoU (•), eonelude ' He was certainly living 29 Jan. (1491/2) 7 Hen. VIL' "