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540 OBNERAL INDEX. Attainder, Cam where attainted peart h. ta not affected by—, ii, 78, d ,, . Doea not entail forfeiture, i, 256, ft. „ • Effect of—, i, 189, e ; 870, e ; vii, 265 a. „ of father not affecting titlee through mother, ▼, 887, e. „ of peera after 1715, iii, 192, a. „ M 1745, iii, 898, a. Attainted peera reatored by Hen. YII, iii, 106, A. „ QueiT if — , h. aurviving holder of title entaila forfeiture, i, 49, a ; 189, e. Attraction, Doctrine of—, vi, 172/8, d. „ of Boroniea by an Earldom, vii, 141, g. Aubigny, Ohateau, Seignorie of — , Yi, 279 6. Audley End, Enez, ii, 10, 1. Audley, Hugh — , the miaer, i, 181, 18. Aughrim, Peera killed and impriaoned at—, i, 811, h. Auld Robin Gray," i, 219, g. Aumale, i, 58, e, vili, 58, g ; 212, a. Avalon, Newfoundland, i, 226, 8. Avondale, viii, 287, a. Afranchin, The—, viii, 854, 28. Badenoch, *« Wolf of—," ii, 54, 26 ; vi, 420, 5. Balderaby Park, iii, 167, laat line. Baldoon eaUte, Tii, 107, 29. Baliol, John — , viu, 169, /. Ballinbreich eatate, Ti, 487, 8. Balveny Caatle, i, 185, e. Bantry Bav, Battle of—, vii, 409, 18. Barbados, lY, 412,44. Barclay, Ranaom A Co.,Bankera, it, 412, 5. Bargany, co. Argyll, Tiii, 514, 24. Baring Broa., Merchanta, tI, 889, 5. „ family, Peeragea cf . on — , vi, 889, 5. Barnard's Caatle, iii, 869, d. 'Wmet, Battle of—, iv, 185, laat line ; t, 889, 82 ; tU, 66, /. Baron, Diacuaaion aa to the term — , vii, 209, a. „ not a title in 14th cent., vii., 808, g. „ Refuaal to take up title of — , vii, 66,20. „ a. and h. of a — , poa ao s ii ng two Baroniea sum. v. p. in one of Buch, ii, 849, d. Baron, Title of — ^,not neceaaarily implying Bum. to Pari, iv, 804, c. „ Uae of the word — , in Scotch creations, ii, 897, e. Baronet, First—, vii, 8, a. II II II It .1 -is.], ii, 179. a; vii, 58, 28. rova Scotia], vii, 246, c. Baroniea attracted to an Earldom, vii, 141, g. by Tenure, L, 214 [note]. „ '* not in being " in 1641, ill, 878,6. c. 1500, uaually or. by writ, viu, 18, e. ., cr. at Jubilee (1897),Tiii, 289, a. cr. 1885, iv, 285, a. Devoludon of—, [E] and [I.j cuntraated, vi, 408, 6. Diacuaaion aa to Scotch-, viii, 250. luatancea of peera of high grade not holding — , v, 96, 6. „ jure uxoria, i, 892, 6. ; vii, 78 g. „ Precedence of— [I ], cr. 1800 ; iv, 205, c. „ Ranking; of early— {L], i, 171, e. Barona, not holdmg of the Crown, not peers, i, 81, h. „ " The last of the—," viii, 62, b, BarouBOuurt, near Londonderry, i, 4, 12. Barony, Case of female creation in a — [3.], u, 897, 6. „ County objectionable aa title of—, iii, 269, «. „ Earldom not neoeBHarily accom- panied by grant of a—, ii, 150, d, „ Explanation of the term—, i, 81, (. in BuapenBC, viii, 42, f . Laat aummona in right of vrife'a— , vii, 858, g. „ or Honour, Great—, vi, 842, a. ,, Premier—, aa a aeparate dignity, iu, 889, b. n Premier [I.J, iv, 400, c. Barosaa, Battle of—, v., 188, 82. Barrow Court, vii, 874, a. BasiuK House, viii, 174, e and g, fiaaa & Co., Brewera, ii, 90, 80. Bastards, Peerages cf . on Royu] — ,ii, 875, a. Bastardy, Doctrine of—, vi, 69, & Batsford, co. Qlouc, vi., 885, 44. Battersea estate, Surrey, i, 871, 2. '* BatUe of the Booka," vi, 156, d. Bayeux Tapeatry, iv, 848, L Bayham Abbey, U, 124, 10 ; 125, 17. Baynard'a Caatle, vi, 216, A. Beachy Head, Battle of—, vii, 409, 18. "Bear and Ragged SUff," origin of cogniaance — , viii, 198, a. Beaton, Murder of Card.—, vi, 484, 18. Beau Fielding, viii, 848, last line but two. Beaug6, Battle of—, vi, 298, 18. Beauuiout, Remarks on Louis and Heury de— , viii, 808, 41. Beckett, co. Berka, i, 248, 19. Bedford Level, i, 298, 24. Beggar Earl, v, 808, 28. Belgravia, viii, 109, b. II II