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OBKBBAL INDEX. 543 Colmrg, Reigning Dnke of 8axe— , viiiy 886, 16. Cockpool estate, t, 103, 11. CodhAm Hall, viii, 98, b. Cokarne House, ii, 485, 5. Cokehill Nunnery, viii, 56, h. Coleridge, The poet — , ii, 881, h. Coleahill, oo. Warwick, iii,122, 19; yi,819,e. Collateral adoption of coat armour, tii, 62,0. „ ■uooeeaion to [S.] peerage, lii, 97, e. GolIateralB, Commonera or. peers with spec rem. to—, i, 869, a ; Iy, 171, 6. College of Anns, ii, 270, 6. Colman, George — ,the dramatist^ i, 267, ff. Coloony, co. Sligo, i, 811, 26. ColTille, catalogue of Sooittsh nobility, It, 408, 6. Colyear, Arms of — , v, 277, ( ; 278, a. Commemorating, Peerages — achie?ementf abroad, yiii, 269, 85. Commerce, Peers engaged in — , Wi, 440, a. Commercial family first ennobled, Tii, 808. d. Commoners el. E.O., vi, 129, g. Commons, Claim to retain seat in — by one entitled to a peerage [U.K.], yii, 105, 88. Peer [S.] aitting in the [E.] H. of—, Till, 895, 18. Peers sittinff in the H. of — , ▼iii, 424, last 4 lines. Commonwealth, Peers in command of the armies of — , i, 299, d. Companies, Peers, Directors of Public — , ▼ii, 440 a. Compton, Bp. of London, ti, 72, e, „ Place, ii, 82, 24 ; vi, 74, ft.

    • Comus " of Milton, ii, 21, a ; 138 ft.

Congreve, W. — , the dramatist, ▼, 265, 25. " Coningsby," Identity of characters in — , V, 8, a ; 807, a ; ti, 430, / ; 470, d ; ▼ii, 277, e. Consistorial Law, Tii, 226, a. Consort, Are honours of Queen — merged f ▼i, 216, ft. Constable, Lord High—, !▼, 212, * „ of England, iv, 212, a ; 215, a. Constance of Britanny, ▼!, 348, e.

  • Consul * used for ' Earl ' before temp.

Hen. IIL, iv, 38, ft. Contingent remainders, ii, 59, ft. Cook, Peer, a—, viii, 285, 80. Coombe Nevill, Surrey, ii, 485; 19. Coote, Claim to barony of Ardee by Chidley— , i, 116, e. Copenhagen, Bombardment of — , W, 12, a. Copley, the artist, ii, 218, a. Copt Hall, Esaex, Tiii, 177, e. Corby, Northants, ▼, 26, ft. Comtrall, Dnkes of — , not Princes of Walei, ii, 281, ft. n II >t II II CorporetyOf Phrase 'W — ^implied, where not expressed in patents, Tiii, 164, a. Coronation of Gea IV, Peerages or. at — , U, 851, d. of Rich. Ill, Peers present at — , ill, 8, e. of Victoria, Peerages er. ii, 145, ft. of Will. rV, Peerages er. ii, 812, a. Right to carry spurs at — , iv, 107, (i Correspondents assisting Editor, Tiii, 252, 1st par. Coeteasy Hall, tIi, 219, a and & Cotswolds, '* King of the-,'* ii, 203, 85. Cotton, Charles — , the angler, i, 118, 84. Council, Ld. President of — , iv, 212, * „ of State (1649), iii, 806, ft. Count Palatine, Hered : Barons of—, U, 222, fti Counts, Norman — , i, 58, raft Albemarle. County, Earldom formerly necessarily based on — , ▼ii,184, d. „ undesirable as title of a Barony, iii, 269, €. Courtesy, Tenant by — of a Barony, Tii, 858, last line. „ titles, i, 816, ft ; ▼, 88, e. Coutts k Co., Bankers, ii, 76, 15. „ Thos. — , Banker, ▼ii, 7, ft. Coront Garden, i, 296, 34. Cowdray, ▼, 839,/; 341,/; Wi, 198, e. Cowgate, " Tam o' the—," !▼, 129, e. Cowling Castle, ii, 817, 13. Cowper, W. — , the poet, ii, 894, ft. Craggs, Jas. — , Sec. of State, ^ii, 12, 6. Craven family, ▼{{{, 867, 45. Crawford- John estate, ▼ii, 107, 2 and 29. Creation of Peera (1711/2), i, 40, a; 269, d. „ „ (1892), ▼, 126, tf. Credan, iii, 899, ft. Crew, Speech by Lord Justice—, ▼!, 176, & Crichton, Coll. Ch. of—, ii, 428, 26. Cricket, Laws of f^ame of—, ▼iii, 181,/. Crom-a-boo, iii, 358, d, ; iv, 870, e. Cromlix, co. Perth, iv, 415, 9 ; vii, 280, $, Cromwell, Frances, da. of Oliver — , tiii, 68, ft. Hered. Peerages, or. by — , ii, 88, last line ; 84, a ; 162, ft ; i^, 22, a. House of Lords of — , ii, 84, c Mary, da. of Oliver — , iii, 828, 7. reiligree of Oliver — , ii, 431, ik Cropredy Bridge, Battle of — , ▼!, 284, iL " Crouchback," ▼, 5, 1. Cruelty to a Child, ▼iii, 258, 26. Cubittii Thos.—, the builder, viii, 288, e, Culloden, Battle of—, ▼, 162, 21 ; ▼!, 8, 8; ▼ii, 112, 5. Cumbernauld estate, ▼iii, 188, cf«  II II II ft