Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/571

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^tmxpitU 3Jciera0e or England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain AHD The United Kingdom, EXTANT, EXTINCT, OR DORMANT, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED AND EDITED B7 G. E. C. In 8 vols. 8vo. Vol. I. A to Bo ; out of print, iee below. Vol. II. Bra to C Vol. III. DtoF Vol. IV. GtoK Vol. V. LtoM Vol. VI. NtoR Vou VII. StoT Vol. VIII. U toZ, Ac The price (net) of these seven Volumes is £11 11& : that of the last six Volumes 4 (Vols. Ill to VIII), £9 9s.; that of any one of the last five Volumes separately, £1 lis. 6d, and that of Vol. II or of Vol. Ill, £2 12s. Sd. NoU,-^yo^. I and II were first issued (1884-1888) in The Genealogist,** New Series, and can be obtained from Wm. Pollard k (*o., separately piiged, therewith. Vols. I to IV of that work contain the whole of Vol. I, and part of Vol. II of the " Peerage, which volume is concluded in Vol. V of " The Genealogist** Applications to be made to the Publishers, WM. POLLARD & Co., PRINTERS, EXETER. "A monninenUl work .... absolately Indist^niable to every Ubrarj of referanoe."— QiMrter^y Rtoiew (Vol. 177, p. 886), October 1898. 81 Dkokmbkr 1898. i^-