Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/80

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70 WARWICK — WATERFORD. Hk widow iK. 7 a^ was l«r. 14 Not. 17«9, at KflMOglfl^ in bcr 82d ywr. lU XXX. 1759. 1. Fuun (GBsraxs), Eabl Bbooks op Warwkx Caotu [17461 and Babot Baoon or BBaDOUiin Oooht [mil waa or., IB Vor. 17M, KARL OP WARWICK, lea thaa two wtuMm afUr Um aitiMlioB of thai ttt^ kdd for 140 ycaiB I7 tha ftynflj of Badi. Saa'^BMonor Waswmk GiffU^" BarMnm, ar. 1746. See BBAUCBAifp db Warwick," B^uxmy (IKatiidkMip), er. 1350; ex. 1960. WARWICK CA8TLK See " Bboou op Warwick CASfLB," Eaiidom (GrewOU), er. 1746. WATERFORD. a e rl d o m [L] 1. Johh (Talbot), Earl op Shrbwsbubt [14431 T I IA(^ I^B>> Talbot, Ac, wu er., 1 7 Julj 1416, BARL OF THE COUMTT 1. m%». AND CITY OP WATERFORD [L] Sea "SBBBwaBUBT," Baridom, or. 1442. with which Earldom thb dignity haa ever atnea ramainad miitod. It waa, howavar, conaidarad [the* probably erronaoiialy] to haTo baan fwfdUA hf tha 4th Bari« undar tha Act (1536-87), 28 Hao. VIIL, lakting to Iriih abaantaaa (aea ▼ol. vtt, p. 180, nota ** a ")» ^t waa adEOowladgad aoon aftar tha Reatoratioo, whan tha 11th bn waa introdooad by proxy in tha Irkh Honaa of Loida, and hia vote laosived, 10 Joly 1661, aa Eari of Watarfoid [I.]C) IbrqiieeMte [I.] 7. Gkorob db-la-Pobr (Bbiubpord), Earl op I 1789 Tyuomb, Ac [I.], 4ih but Itt aunr. a. and h.(^) of Mareoa (BBBnroBD), 1st Eabl op Ttbohb, Yuooubt Ttbobb, and Babob BBBuroBD [1.], by Catharine, nio^vre(«) Babobbss La Pobb [LI, waa &. 8 Jan. 1786 ; U^td Lobd Bbbbbfobo from 1746 till he cue. fa lAa jMcro^ [I.], aa above, 4 April 1763, having been previoualy M.P. [I.] for 00. Water- ford, 1766-60, and for Coleraine, 1761-63. He waa Got. of co. Wateiford, 1766 ; He beoama, on the death of hia mother. 27 July 1769, LORD LA POER [L](«) ; X.P., 6 Feb. 1788, baing one of the fifteen original KnighU of that Order'(^) On 21 Aug. 1786, he waa «r. a Peer of Great Britain aa BARON TYRONE OF HAVERFORDWEST,!*) co. Pembroke, and on 19 Aug. 1789,(0 waa er. MARQUESS (*) In 1881, John, the 17th Earl, preaented a petition raapeeting thia dignity, poiaibly aa to ita connection with the olBca of Lord High Steward [I.] (f) The elder brothera were (1) Jamca, who d. young ; (2) Marcua, hap. 22 Fab. 1727, who d, yonng ; and (3) Marcua, aeoond of that name, 6. 28 Deo. 1783, who, alao, d. young. (•) Aooordug to tha remarkable and anomalooa deoiaion raapeeting that dignity, 19 Dea 1767 See under "La Peer." i?) S«^ vol i, p. 86. (*) " I prefer Baron Tyrone, that I may write my name the aame way in both Kingdoma * * [but] if neoeasary to be Baron Tyrone of aome place [in England]

  • * * I should chooao to be Baron Tjrrone of Haverfordweat, of St Davida, or

Hubbaraton, theae placea being all oppoaite to the coast of this oountij." [Letter of Lord Tyrone to the Duke of RutUnd, from the RutUnd BCSS., Hist. MSS. Com.] (0 In the " Forteaoue Papers " printed in the 18th Rep. of the Uiat MSS. Comm., are, under the date of 1789, aeveral letters of the Manjueaa of Buckingham, then Viceroy of Ireland, concerning the creations in the Irish Peerage. In 12 March 1789, he mentiona hia having " eearU Uaneke " in that matter. He propoaes that there ahould be at once created '*four Marqueasatea, four Earla (of whom three are Indudad in tha Duke of RutUnd'a [who was formarlv Viceroy] list), four Viscounts, and the Duke of Rutland'a Eva Barons (Gardiner, Lawleas, Browne, Gore and Stewart),