Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/90

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80 WELLKSLKY — ^WELUNGTON. WELLESLEY. See *' CowLBT op Wsllkslby, co. Somerset," Barony ( WdUslej/), cr, 1828. ie,, *<DouRO OF WsLiiBSiiBT, 00. Somerset," Barony (Welledey cr, 1809, with the Vooountot of Wkllinqtoh; aee " Wslunoton/' Dukedom, er. 1814. WELLESLEY OF DANGAN CASTLK t.e., Wbllbslby op Dangan Caotlb, oo. Meath," Viscountcy [L] (WdMe^), er. 1760, with the Earldom or Mobnington [L], which see. WELLESLEY OF NORRAGH, and WELLESLEY OP WELLESLEY. ».«., " Wkllkslby of Wellesley, co. Somerset," Barony [G.B.] ( Wellealey) er. 1797, and " Wrllulbt op Norraqh/' Marquesaate [I.] ( WelUdey), er. 1799, both beooming extinct^ 1842 ; see " Horninqtoii," Earldom [I.], er. 1760, under the 2d Karl. WELLINGTON. Viscountcy. 1, «Thb Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Wkllksuby, K.B., T 1 fU)Q Lieut Qen. of Her Majesty's forces," was cr., 4 Sep. 1809, BARON ^* DOURO OP WELLESLEY, co. Somerset, and VISCOUNT Barldom. WELLINQTON OF TALAVERA AND OF WELLINGTON, T 1Q10 ^^ ^^® ^^ county. He was subsequently er,, 28 Feb. 1812, 1. i»lJ. £^m^ OP WELLINGTON, co. Somerset, being (eight months Marauessate l«ter) cr., 8 Oct. 1812, MARQUESS OF WELLINGTON, and ^ ,^ finally, 11 May 1814, MARQUESS OP DOURO and DUKE OF L 1812. WiSLLINGTON. The Hon. Arthur Wbslrt, a/(€rtoat-t/< (1798 f) DukAdom. Wkllkslbt, 5th but 8d surv. s. of Garret (Wbslbt), lat Earl op MoKNiNUTON [I.], by Anno, du. of Arthur (Hill, afUrtoanU HiLL- I. 1814. TiiKVuu), Ist Viscount Dunqannon [I], was 6. in the Provost's house (opposite Moruiugtou House) iu Upper Merrion street, Dublin, probably 29 and was certainly bap, 30 April 1769, at St. Peter's iu that ctty(^) ; ed. at Eton, and at a military school at Angers ; joined the Army, 78d Foot, 7 March 1787 ; was Aide-de-Camp to two successive Viceroys of Ireland, 1787-98 ; M.P. [!.] for Trim, 1790-93 ; M.P. [U.K.] for Rye, 1806 ; for St. Michael's, 1807, and for New|>ort (Isle of Wight), 1807-09. His 21 yeai-s of active military service began in 1794, when, as Lieut. Col., he commanded a brigade in the unsuccessful (*) He was the third of five brothers, of whom no less than four were Peers. See voL ii, p. 898, note *'a," tub ** Gowley." (^) Both the dav of birth, often given hb 1 May, and the place thereof (Dangan CastJe, oo. Meath ; Grafton street, Dublin ; or Upper Merrion street, Dublin), are matters of controversy. As to the former, see iV. d: Q., 7th S., vii, 286, and x, 337, where the place and date of baptism are fully proved. See, also, in the last entry as to the probable date of birth. See, also, " Her, and Oen," vol. viii, p. 14. As to the place of birth there is a letter, signed ^* Robert Staveley, Killiney Vicarage, 9 July 1890," to the Editor of ** Tht IrUk Tima,* stating that *' the late Arthur Gayer, Q.O., LL.D., Eccles. Commissr., assured me that he had made the fullest inquiry and had satisficid himself that the Gountess of Mornington was compelled to leave Moruington House, 24 Upper Merrion street (for a long time the offices of the Ecclesiastical Commission), on account of the painting of the house, and that her child was born in the house opposite, the Provost's, hitoly occupied by the Alliance Gas Company." This statement is confirmed by a letter to the Editor of this work, dated 4 Nov. 1890, from Charles John A. Coote, of Mount Coote, near Kilmallock {d* 20 Jan. 1897, aged 86), who writes : ** Many years ago I af>ked the late Denn Pakenham, who was brother to the Duchess of Wellington, ' Can you tdl me where the Duke loos born, OS there hat been much eoniroverty about it.* He replied, * Yet, I can on the betl authority, that of Lady Mornington, the IhMt mother,* who told him she was obliged to leave her house in Upper Merrion street, on account of painting, and that the Duke was bom in the house opposite [ie.], the Provost's house."