Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/92

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82 WRLLIKOTON. enUiled on the hein male of hit body, failing which, on tho hein famale thereof,(*) and receiving, for the 12th time, the thanka of Pari. He took hia aeat in the Houae of liorda, for the firat time, 28 June 1814.(^) He waa, from 1813 to 1827, Col. of the Koyal Rag. of Horae Ouarda ; he had been elected X.O., 4 March, receiving the enaigna at Freneda in Portngal, 6 May 18]3,(«) and waa inat. by diap., 19 April 1814. Aa to foreign peeragea receiTed during lua Peninaolar campaign, he had been a*., 18 Oct 1811, CouvT o¥ VmiBiiA ; in 1812, Marquib op Tonan Vbdras, and. 18 Dec 1812, DoKB OF Vrtoria, all 8 in PortugiU, beaidea Jan. 1812, DuKi op Ciudad Rodhioo AMD Qbavdbb op TUB PIRBT OLABS m Spain, in which Kingdom he receiired an estate Taloed at £20,000 a year. He waa or. D.C.L. of Ozfonl (by diploma), 14 June 1814. In Aug. 1814 he arrived at Paria aa Ambaaaador, prooaediug in Feb. 1815 tu Vienna, aa Joint Plenipo. to the European congreia there held, and being appointed 28 Mu^ (on the eacape of Napoleon from Blba), Oool in Chief of the Foroea on the Continent The Pruaaiana and the Engliah alone were ready to oppoae Napoleon, when, with 160,000 men, he appeared on the frontier of Belgium. The famooa victoiy of Waterioo, when for the first and laat time theae two great Oenenila (Napoleon and Wellington) were oppoaed, waa gained on 18 June 1815, Paria capitulated on 3 July, and Louia XYIII. waa restored aa King of France. On 23 J une he waa yet again tluinkeid by Pari, for the consummate ability, unexampled exertion and irreaiatable ardour dia- pUyed bv him on the 18th/' and, in July, an additional aumof £200,000 waa voted for the punmaae of landa to be held by him and his heira, on tho tenure of remlering a triooloured ilag on 18 June in every year. He, who waa Com. in Chief of the allied armiea of occupation, 181 5-18, waa cr. , 1 8 J uly 181 5, Primob op Watbrujo in the S ether- Uind§f receiving an eatate, estimated at £2,000 a year, in that Kingdom; G.O.H., March 1816. Among the numeroua foreign Orders of Knighthood conferred on him were the following, viz, (1), The Tower and Sword of Purtugal, 18 Oct 1811; (2) St Ferdinand, 11 April 1812 ; (3) the Golden Fl«»ece, 7 Aug. 1812 ; (4) St Her- mengilde, 1 Sep. 1817, and (5) Cliarlea 111., the l«at four being of Simin ; (G) Maria Thereaa of AuUria, 5 Feb. 1814 ; (7) The Sivurd of Sweden, 5 Feb. 1814 ; (8) tlie BUck fiagle of Pruuia, 4 March 1814 ; (9) St (leorge, 4 March 1814 ; (10) St. Alexander Newski, and (11) St Andrew, the laat three being of Jiuuia; (12) William of the NethertawU, 30 April 1815 ; (13) the AnnuuciHtiun of Savoy, or Sardinia, 7 July 1815 ; (14) the Klophaut of Oenmark, July 1815 ; (15) the Uue Crown of Saxony, 27 July 1815 ; (16) the Order of Fidelity, July 1815, and (17) the Lion, both of Baden ; (18) Maximilian-Joseph of Baixiria ; (19) the Saint Efiprit of Prance, 27 Nov. 1815 ; (20) St. Januarius of Naplea, 16 July 1817. and (21) St Ferdinand of Naplea, 16 July 1817. both orders of the Two SicUieB; {22) the Qolden Lion of Heiu Caeiel ; (23) the Order of Merit, of }VurUmbery, kc In Nov. 1818, being at that date the representative of his ounutry at the Congret* of Aix-la-Cliapelle, he waa made Field Manhal of Austria, Kusaia und Pruasia.(<^) From thia time till his (*) It is aomewhat remarkiible tlint none of the peerage dignities conferred ou Wellington have any »pecial remainder, so that, on failure of heirs male of his body (never at any time very numerous, tlio' those of his younger brothers nre '* legion '*), that well known and well merited title would be extinct. Ah to |K*««rnf;es uonferrMl in somewhat similar circuinKtancis (1), in the case of MarlUirough, the Dukedom endures so long aa any desceudunt of the great Duke's Uxly exists, while v^) in that of Nelson, the title waa not only limited Ut the brother, but even to the dexcf ndnnts of two aistera ; so also (3) in that of St Vincent, the spec. rem. waa to the children of n sister ; (4) in that of Hill, to the children of a brother, kc {}*) ** The patents for his auocesaive creationa of Viacount, Earl, Marquess and Duke , were read together, a circumstauce unparalleled in hiatory — all won in five years by aehievementa of greatest renown." [.4 an. Heg. 1853, in *' Life of the Duke of WeHing- ton."] («) On thia occasion he resigned the Order of the Bath, but waa re-elected thereto, becoming (with all the other existing knighta of that onier) Q.G.B. on 2 Jan. 1815. (A) He waa " Field Maraluil of the armiea of the United Kingdom, Austria, Hanover, the Netherlands, Prussia and Uussiii, Marshal General of the Portuguese, and Captain Qeneral of the Spanish armiea" [Courthope, these being almiMt all the Kuro|HSAn kingdoms but France. As t«> other noblttmen similarly honoured, John (Talbot), 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, waa, in 143(5, Marshal of France, so also was, in 1706, Jameat (Fits James), Duke of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and so also, in 1735, waa that Duke's nephew, €sb parte matemd, Charles O'Brien, titular Viscount Chu-e, and Earl of Thomond [L]