Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/102

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80 AMHERST — A MPTLT ILL. Barons. in. EARL AMHERST of Arraean in the East Indics.( a ) He m. firstly, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., 24 July'l S0O, Sarah, Dow. Countess tw PLYMOUTH, (widow of the 5th Earl), da. of Andrew f Archer), 2nd Lord Archer, by Sarah, da. of James West. She, who was 6. lfl and bap. 27 July 1762, at St. George's afsd., d. 27 May 1S38, and was bur. at Riverhead in Sevenoaks, Kent. He m. Secondly, 2S May 1839 at Knowle, co. Kent, Mary (also) Dow. Countess ok PLYMOUTH (being widow of the Ctli Earl), 1st da. of John Frederick (Sackvii.le), 3rd Duke of Dorset, by Arabella Diana, da. of Sir Charles Cope, Bart. He A 13 March 1857 at Knowle House, and was bur. in the church of Sevenoaks. Will pr. May 18fi7. His widow, who was b. 30 July 1792, and lap. at St. Geo. Han. Sq., and who had become, in Feb. 1815, coheir of her br. the 4th Duke of Dorset, (inheriting thereby the family estate of Knowle, in Kent), d. s.p. 20 July 1864 at Bournemouth, in her 73rd year. Earls. ] 3. WrtxiAM-PiTT (Amiteest), Earl Amherst, Vis- jj count Hoi.mesdale and Baron AMHERST, 1st surv. s. and h., 6. ]§->- 3 Sep 1805 in Lower Grosvenor str., Midi., and bap. at Montreal in Sevenoaks. Ed. at Westm. school and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; Second class in classics 1S27 ; B.A., 1828. Waa M.P. for East Grinstead, 1829-32. He ml 12 July 1834, at Sion House, in Isleworth, Midx., Gertrude, 6th da. of Hon. Hugh Percy, Bishop of Carlisle (br. of George, 5th Duke OF NORTHUMBERLAND), by his 1st wife, Mary, da of Charles Manners-Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury. She was I. 30 Aug. 1814. [Willi am- Archer (Amherst), BARON AMHERST, styled VIS- COUNT HOLMESDALE, 1st s. and h. ap., b. 26 March, and lap. 3 May 1S36 at St. Geo., Han. sq. Capt. in the Coldstream Guards, 1855-62, and, as such, was in the Crimean war, being present at Balaklava, Inkermami (where he was severely wounded), and the siege of Sebastopol. M.P. for West Kent, 1859-68 ; for Mid Kent, 186S-80. Was sum. to Pari. v.p. 17 April 18S0, in his father's Barony, as LORD AMHERST. He m, 27 Aug. 1862, Lady Julia Mann Cornwallis (who by' royal licence, 22 Oct. 1SI4, had been authorised, when a few months old, to bear the surname of Cornwallis only), da. and coheir of James (Mann), 5th and last Earl Cornwallis, and child of his 3rd wife, Julia, 4th da. of Thomas Bacon of Redlauds, Perks. She was b. 2 July 1S44 and sua. to the estate of Linton Place, Kent, on the death of her father, 21 Mav, 1852. She d. s.p. 1st. Sep. 18S3 at Linton afsd. Will pr. March 1SS4, by her husband and universal legatee, over £31,000.] Family Estates. These, in 1883, consisted of about 800 acres in Essex, about 1,800 acres in Warwickshire, about 800 acres in Sussex, and about 4,200 acres in Kent Total about 7,600 acres of the yearly value of about £5,800. Sec Bateman's " Great Landowners." Principal residence. Montreal Park, near Sevenoaks, Kent. The return made by Lord Holmesdalein 1883 of his wife's estates was above 18,000 acres, valued at £30,744 a year. Of these above 16,000 were in Kent, 970 in Sussex and 874 in Staffordshire. Principal residence. Linton Park, near Maidstone, the seat of the family of Mann since 1727. AMIENS, i.e. " VISCOUNT AMIENS in the Palatinate of Ormonrl " 1*1.1 See " ALDBOROUGH," Earl of [I.], cr. 1777, ex. 1875. AMORIE, see D'AMORIE. AMPTHILL. i.e. "VISCOUNT BRUCE OF AMPTHILL, co. Bedford." See " AILESBURY," Earl of, cr. 1664, ex. 1747. i.e.. " BARON UPPER OSSORY OF AMPTHILL, co. Bedford" See "Upper Ossory," Earl of [L], cr. 1751, under the second Earl. ex. 1818. (•) See p. .79, note (»)