Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/126

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104 ANN AND ALE. IV. 1GT2. ~. WiuMH (Johnston), Earl of Anxamule, ami Haktkeu., &c. [S.], s. and h., under age in 1672, was ed. at the Marquesses [S.] Univ. of Glasgow. After first plotting against James H and . subsequently for bim, he, in lCWO, made terms with William 111 L 1 ' wj, an d was sworn P.C. He was President of the Par!. [SJ 1685, Lord High Commissioner to the (_!en. Assembly of the Church [S.] uoi, and again 1705 and 1711. On 24 June 1701 he was cr. MARQUESS OF ANNAN- DALE, EARL OF HAHTFELL, VISCOUNT OF ANN AND, LOUD JOHNSTON OF LOCH WOOD, LOCHMABEN, MOFFATDALE, AND EVANDALE, t,. him ami bis heirs male whomsoever. In June 1702 he was made Loud Phivy Seal. In 1703 President of the Privy Council. K.T. 7 Feb. 1703-4 : and in 1705 one of the Principal .Secretaries of State. Though opposed to the Union he was in 1 70S chosen a Rep. Peek [S.]. and continued as sueh till his death. On the accession of Geo. I in 1714, he was appointed Keeper ok the Phivy Seal and T.C. He was active in support of the Government during the rebellion of 1715, at which time he was Lord Lieut, of Dumfries, Kireudbnght and Peebles. Bvm. firstly 2 Jan. lS83,ai Edinburgh, Sophia, only da. and h. of John Faihhoi.m of Craigiehall, co. Linlithgow, by Sophia, da. o! Joseph Johnston of Hilton. She was 6. 19 March 1608 and (having been ft mother at 14 and a grandmother at 31) </. 13 Dec. 1716, and was bur. the 18th in Westm. Abbey, M.I. He m. secondly, 20 Nov. 171S, at the Fleet Chapel, London, Charlotte Van Lore, only da. and h. of John Yandkn Bemi'DE of Pall Mall. Middlesex, by Temperance, da of John PACKER. By her he obtained a very large fortune. He </. at Hath, co. Somerset, 14 Jan. 1720-1. Will pr. Aug. 1721. His widow in. Lieut.-Col. John JonN.STo.NE, who d. 1741, being killed at Carthagena. She rf. at Bath afsd., 23 Nov. 1762.( !l ) Her will pr. Dec. 1762. Marquesses [S.] II. Earls [8.] V. 1720-1. 8. James (Johnston), Marquess of Anitas- Dale, &c. [S.1 s. and h. by first wife. He was cham as M.P. for co. Dumfries 170S, but, being the eldest s. ofa Peer, was not allowed to take his seat.( b ) He tl. nun. at Naples, 10 Feb. 1729-30, aged 42, and was bur. 25 Sep. 1730 in Westminster Abbey.(«) M.I. Earls [S.] VI. to 1792. Marquesses [S.] 1 j h Oeouge (Johnston nftmcanh Yandex jjj 1729-30. Bbmed£), Marquess ok Annandale, (1701), Eahlof Annandale and Haiitkeli. (1043), Eaulok Hahtebii (1702), Viscount of Annand (1643 and 1701), horn JollNBTON OF LOCHWOOD, LocHMADEN, MoFKATDALE andEvandale (1643 and 1701) [S.I, br. (of the half blood) and h., being s. of the 1st Marquess by his 2nd wife He was 6. 29 May 1 720. The loss of bis only surv. br. John (who d. Oct. 1742, aged 21), so affected him that he became insane, and by inquest, in Chancery, 5 March 1748, was declared to have been a lunatic since 12 Dee. 1744. By Act of Pari. 1744, he took the name of VandB Bempdf, pursuant to the will of John Vauden Bcmpde. Under the Act for abolishing hereditary jurisdictions in 1747, he was allowed £2200 for the Stewartry of Annandale and £800 for the Regality of Moffat. He d. unm. at Turnham Green, Midx., 29 April 1792, in his 72nd year, and was bur. 7 May at Chiswick. Admon, May 1792. ( !1 ) Then- s. Richard Vanden Bejii'de Johnstone of Haokness in the North Hiding of Yorkshire, inherited, in 1792, the estates of his mother and was a: a Baronet to 1795. His grandson, the 3rd Bart., was cr. Loun Dkrwentui 1881. ( b ) See p. 1, note ( n ). ( c ) On his death the estate of Craigie Hal! (which came from his mother) went | his sister (of the whole blood) Henrietta, wife of Charles (Horn), 1st Eaui. § Hopetoun [S.] She it. 29 Nov. 1750 in her 09th year. Her grandson James, 3rd Earl of Hopetoun, became in 1792 (on the death of his gnuidiinele George, 3rd Marquess of Annandale [S.]) the heir gen. of the 1st Ear! of Annandale [S.] ami, ai such, claimed the dignities under I '