Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/136

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1 1 4 AQVITAIXE — ABB tTTHNOTT. Castile and Imv," was, on the above date, on in Purl. DUKE OF AQIHTAlNK for life ; ftad as " DIKE OS Aqiitaink. AND Lancaster " was sum. to Purl. 23 July and 8 Sep. (139-2) 16 Hie. II ; 13 Nov. (1393) 1/" Rio. II j 30 Nov. ISBfi ; BO Rip. 11; and IS July and 5 Nov. (1897) 21 Rio. If. After this creation he styled himself "Due tie (ruycruet de Lancastre." and on his man. at St. Pawl's is styled " Locum tenais Aquitanice" He (/. 23 Feb. 1398-9. See " Lancaster," Duke of, it. 1392. 1399, Nov. 10. Henry (Plantagknkt), Prince of Walks, Dl'KE ok Cornwall luiti Kaki. ok Chester, s. and h. op. of Henry IV, was declared in Pari on the above date, Hi ke ok Lancaster, and tint he should bear the titles of Prince ok Walks, DUKE OF AQUITAINF.. ok Lancaster and ok Cornwall, and Karl of Chester. On 20 March 1412-3 he aseeuded the throne as Henry V, when all his honours became tested in the Crown. See " Succession to the Crown." ARAM. See «' LEXINGTON' OF ARAM, co. Nottingham," Baron, en 1045; ex. 1723. ARASE. U "EARL AND VISCOUNT OR ILAY, LORD ORANSAV, DUNOON AND A MASK " [8,1, er. 1706 ; c.r. 1761. See " Argyll "—under Archibald, Srd Duke of [S.], who sue. to that Dukedom in 1713. ARBUTHNOTT. Viscounts is.] 2. Sir Robert Arbo'tcixott of Arbuthnott, co. Kin- I 1641 cardine, s. and h. of Sir Robert A. of the same, by his second wife Margaret, da. of Simon (Fhaser), 6th Lord Lovat [S.], sue. KU father 16 March, 1633, and, for his fidelity to Charles I, was raised by him to the peerage, being or, 16 Nov. 1641 VISCOUNT ARBUTHNOTT, and LOUD INVEUBKRVIE. both in co. Kincardine [S.], to him and his heirs male. He was a ruling elder in the Gen. assembly of the church [S.] in that year. He m. firstly, Marjory, widow of William Halibtrton of Pitcur, and 4th da. of David (Carnegie), 1st Karl ok Soutiiesk [S.], by Maigaret, da. of Sir David Lindsay. She tl. 22 Dec. 1651. He m. secondly, his first cousin, Catharine, widow of Sir John Sinclair of Dunbeath, and da. of Hugh (Fraseu), 7th Lord Lovat [S.], by Isabel, da of Sir John We.myss. He tl. 10 Oct. 1655. Fun. entry at Lyon office. Hia widow m. (for her tliird husband), in 1663, Andrew (Fraser), 3rd Lord Fraser[S.] II. 1655. 2. Robert (Arbuthnott), Viscount Arbuthnott, Ac- ts.], s. and h. by first wife. He hi. firstly, before 1663, Elizabeth, 2nd da. of William (Keith), 7th Earl Marischal [S.], by his first wife Elizabeth, 1st da. of Oeorge (Seton), 2nd Earl of Winton [S.] He m. secondly, Catharine, da. «  Robert Gordon of Pitlurgh and Straloch. He d. 16 June 1682. His widow ffl-i" 1684 Sir David Carnegie of Pittarrow, Bart. [S.], and d. Oct, 1692. III. 1682. 3. Robert (Arbuthnott), Viscount Arbuthnott, to [S.], 8. and h. by first wife, 4. 1663. He m. at Stoke NeK-inf,*™' Midx., 3 May, 1683, Anne, only da. of George (Gordon), Earl ok Sutherland [SJB Jane, 1st da. of David (Wkmyss), 2ud Earl o* Wkmyss [S.] He d. Aug. 1694 in hu 31st year. Fun. entry at Lyon office. IV. 1694. 4. Robert (Arbuthnott), Viscount Arbuthnott, Afc [&1 s. and h. He d. unm. 8 May 1710.