Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/143

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ARGENTINE — ARGYLL. 123 ARGENTINE. Barons by Tenure. 1 Hen. I. Reginald de Argentine, d. before 1139 ; to whom sue, II. Rich. I. Reginald de Argentine; d. before 1223; his successor was, III. Hen. III. Richard de Argentine ; d. 1246 IV. Hen. III. Giles de Argentine, s. mA h.: '/. 1283. Y. Edw. I. Rbgihald de Aroestikb, «. and h.; saw. to attend the King at Salisbury 2!i Jan. (1296-7), 25 Edw, I, but for the reasons assigned under " Ar Adam " (page 111, note " b"), such writ civnnot be considered as a regular summons to Pari. He d. 1307, leaving a 3. and b. John de Argentine^ •') who d. 6 Rich, fl (13S2-3) s.P.M. leg. leaving three daughters and coheirs : — 1. Joan, wife of Sir Bartholomew Nauuton ; 2. Eliz., wife of Sir Baldwin St. George ; 3. Maud, wife of [to Vitz Wavin. Among their descendants the representation of these Barons is vested. ARGYLL. JEaris [S.] I. Colin (Campbell), Lord Campbell [S.],( b ) s. and h. r ii" of Archibald Campbell of Lochow, co. Argyll, styled Master ok ' " C'a.uj'bku. (by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Sommervile of Carnwath), which Archibald was s. and h. ap. of Duncan, 1st Lord Camj'iieu, [S.], sue. to the dignity of a Lord of Pari. [S.] by the death of his said grandfather, in 1 453, beiuij then a minor, and was a: by .lames 11 [S.], in 1457, EARL OF ARGYLL [S.]() He was employed in various embassies Co England and France, was Master of the Household 1404. and Chancellor [S.J 14S3, &,c. In 3460 he had a commission as Bailie of Cowal. In 1471 he had & Charter of the heritable offices of Justiciary and Sheriff within the lordship of Lome. In 1479 he had a charter confirming to him the offices of Lieutenant and Commissary of Argyll as held by his ancestors Gillespie and' C"lin Cumbel under a staffer of 1482. He m. Isabel, da. and senior coheir of John (Stewart), Lord Lorne [S.] On the resignation of her uncle Walter Stkivaht, tfaa heir male of the family, till then usually designated Loud Lorne, or Loud and Inxkumkvvh [S.], he obtained a crown charter of the Lordship of Lorne (" oVai'iiium de Lime ") 17 April ] 470 to him and the heirs male of his body, with rem. to Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy, to Colin Campbell Xelesoun, to Duncan Campbell (br. of Sir Colin, of Glenorchy), &c., &c, each in like manner respectively. It wits made a coaditfofl of this resignation that the resigner should continue a Lord of Parliament by the style of Lord of lniiermeath " or any other honourable place that pleases him." From that time the Earl is usually designed (as are his successors) " Karl of Argyll, Lord Campbell and Lonic.[ c ) Taking part in the rebellion which ended in the death of Jiunes 111 [S.] at Suueliieburn, he was deprived of the Office of Chancellor, but was, however, reinstated by James IV [S.I in 14SS. He d. 10 May 1493. IL H93. Archibald (Campbell), Earl of Argyll, tka. [S.], s. and li. He, also, wto, like his father, in the confidence of James IV [S.], who, in 1 195, made him Master of the Household. In addition to the offices inherited from his father, enumerated in his service of 1493 (Sheriff, Justiciary, Chamberlain and Coroner of Argyll and Lorue, and Lieut, witluu the said Sheriffdom), ( a ) According to an elaborate pedigree of this family in Clutterbuok's Herts., vol. ii, p. 341, a generation is hare omitted, this John, being there called s. and h. of toother John (whom ha sue. in 1819 t) le ;K g u „f <j rnontha) and pratulion of Reginald. ( ) Both the Barony and the Earldom (of which the former was a: 1443) belonf to periods at which the Great Seal is defective, and no document connected with either is extant. The usual form and spelling is " Evjile.," or, when Latiui/.ed, " Ergadia." R was in the time of the 1st Karl that the orthography of "Campbell" began to supersede the old form of " CumbeV (°)_ Walter Stewart, who had resigned the title of " Lorne," became, according to the proviso contained in the resignation thereof, Lord Inneumkatu [S.]