Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/156

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134 ARRAN. divorced wife of Robert (Stewart), EaBL of LrXHOI and March [S.J, 1st da, of Johu (Stewart), tth Bam of Atholb [S.) by his 1st wife Elizabeth, dn. of George (Oordos), 4th Earl ok Hi'Nrjv [S.] Her rapacity equalled that of her husband. He, after hi disgrace, lived (as C'apt. Stewart' on his own estate in Ayrshire, but returned to Court in 1698 where he was well received by the King. He d. 151/0 lieing mgftminrtod by Sir James Douglas at Symontown, eo. Lanark. VI. 1G09. James (Hamilton), Marquess of Hamilton, Earl of Arran, and Lord Hamilton [S.], nephew and h. of the (ivth) 3rd Karl of Arras, being s. and h. of John Hamilton, cr. in 1559 Marquess of Hamilton [S.], to whose peerage he had sue. in 1004, which John Was< next br. of James, the insane Earl of Arran [S.J abovenamed. He ( /. 2 March 1624-5, aged 36. VII. IG24-5. 6. James (Hamilton), Marquess of Hamilton, Earl of Arran, &c [S.] r. and b. On 12 April 1(543 he was cr. DUKE OF HAMILTON, Marquess of Clydesdale, EARL OF ARRAN,!*) &c. [S.], with a. spec. ran. He d. s.p.m. 9 March 1619.0') - KM a 1 "a [Charles Hamilton, stifled Earl of Arran, s. and b. a p. Eta (/. num. v,p., and was bur. 30 April 1640 in Westm. Abbey.] VIII. 1649. 7. "William (Hamilton), Duke of Hamilton, Marquess of Clydesdale, EARL OF ARRAN, &c. (under the above mentioned patent of 1643), of Hamilton (1599) and KARL OF ARRAN (1503, under the charter of 1540), all in the Kingdom of Scotland. He (/. s-p.m. 12 Sep. 1651, when the Manmessate of Hamilton [S.j, cr. 1559, became ex. ; but the Earldom of Arran [S.], cr. 1643, devolved, with the Dukedom of Hamilton and the other honours [S.] of that date, under the spec, rem., to his niece, while the ancient Earldom OF ARRAS [S;j cr. 1503 and regranted 1540, has since that time remained dormant.^) In. EAEL OY ARRAN [S.1 (a creation^) of 1643), see " HAMIL- TON," Duke of [S.], cr. 12 April 1643. ARRAN (in Ireland). Earls [I.] /. Lord Richarp Butler, 5tU s. of James, 1st Dure I ICf) 1 ? 0F Ormonde, by Elizabeth, suo jure Baroness Dingwall [S.], was 4. 15 June 16'39 and was a:, 13 May 1662, BARON BUTLEIi OF CLOUGHGRENAN, VISCOUNT TULLOGH and EARL OF ARRAN [I.],( a ) with spec, ran., failing the heirs male of his body, to his younger br. John Butler. P.C. 26 Aug. 1663. Alnager [I.] 2 Sep. 1666. In 1673 he distinguished himself in the sea fight with the Dutch, for which he was cr., 27 Aug. 1673, a Peerot England, as BARON BUTLER of Weston, co. Huntingdon. On 2 May 1682 he waB made Deputy to his father, then Lord Lieut, of Ireland, during his absence, and on 10 Sep. 1684, being Col. of a Regiment of Guards, was made Field Marshal. He m. firstly (8) It seems to have been very usual in Scotland to repeat all the minor titles in the patent whereby an Earl or Marquess was advanced to n higher title. This, if there were no resignation, would be a new creation. Ex. inform. R. R. Stodart, Lyon Clerk Depute. ( h ) After his death his eldest da. Anne, afterwards (1651) suo jure (under the spec. rem. of 1643) DucIicsb of Hamilton, &c. [S.], became, the harm line totheKurls of Arran [S.j, but the charter of 1540 seems to render such Earldom a male fief. (>) The heir male of the body of the 2nd Earl of Arran [S.], to whom the regrant in 1540 had been made, was in 1651 his great grandson James (Hamilton), 2nd Ear' of Abereorn [8.], but neither he nor any of the succeeding Earls took any steps towards establishing their claim to the ancient Earldom of Arran [S.] See tabular pedigree shewing such descent and representation on p. 6. ( a ) He had purchased the isles of Arran, co. Galway, from Erasmus Smith.