Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/169

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ARUNDEL. 147 1 B if*

> I? :-' HKHK. She rf. 3 April 1385 and was bur. at Lewes. He m., secondly (without Royal lie., far which lie was fined 40*1 marks), in 1391, Pbilippa, 0CWA8M COV.KTBSS of Pembroke, da. of Edmund (MoRTlMEa), Eabl or March, by Pbilippa, da. and b. of Lionel (Pi.antaof.set), Duke (St Clarence. He rf. as aforesaid 21 Sen. 1397 and was 6ar. in the church of the Augustin Friars in Bread Street, London, and, having been attainted, all bis honours were forfeited. His will isdat. 4 March 1392 at " Moil Chaste! PbiKpp."M His Widow (by whom he bad no issue), was b 21 Nov. 1305 Mid in. after April 1398 (as her 3rd husband) Thomas (PGWOSOS), Loud St. John of Basixo, and d. 26 Sep. 1400, being bur. at Boxgrove. XVI. 1398 1 1. John (IIoland), Duke of Exe to K.G., bad a grant of the Castle and Honour of Ar- 1 31'0. nndel( b ) (with all lands appertaining thereto in counties of Surrey, Sussex, Essex and Herts) whe; (according to the admission ( e ) of 1133) be maybe sidercd to have become " EARL OF AKl'XDEL." He was degraded in j (g^S^f Pari, in 1399 and beheaded in 1100, whereby all his honours and estates I gjg : became forfeited. J t XVII. 1100. 1-2 or J. Teomas Fitz-Alan, 2nd but only surv. s. ami h. of Richard (xv) 11th or 4 th Earl of Arundel by his first wife, b. 13 Oct. 1381. On 4 June 1399 be landed in England, with Henry, Duke of Lan- caster (afterwards Henry IV), who delivered the captive King into his custody (though under 18), making him Governor of the Tower of Loudon. At Henry's coronation (13 Oct. Is99) he was made K.B. and officiated as " Piaecrna." In Oct. 1400 his father's attainder was reversed and be was restored in blood and in honours as EARL OF ARUNDEL AND SURREY, taking bis seat though still a minor. He was also put into possession of all his father's estates. K.Gr. 1400. Ho was victorious against the Welsh in 1405, anil against the French in 1411. By Henry V be was made Warden of the ChxjUfl Ports and High Treasurer. He was at the taking of Harlleur, where he was attacked with dysentery of which he d. at Arundel shortly afterwards. He TO, 26 Nov. 1405 at Lambeth, in the presence of the Court, Beatrix, illegit. but probably legitimated) da. of John 1, Km; or Poiituoal,() by Donna Agnes Pkhez. She was one of the thirteen Ladies for whom on the feast of St. George in 1413 (1 Hen. V), robes of the Order of the Garter were provided. ( e ) Her right of dower being with- held, she, in 1421, was naturalised. The Earl d. as afsd. 13 Oct. 1415, s.p., on his birthday of 34 and was bur. in the chapel at Arundel. M ill dat, 10 Oct. 1415. On his death, the estates and representation of the family of Warenne (Earls or Siubky) devolved on his three Bisters and coheirs('). His widow m. (lie. 20 Jan. 1432-3) John (») "Teat. Vet" and " Nichols' Wills." It is a very curious and most interesting document. In it he styles himself " Earl of Arundel «noI Surrey." t b ) They were valued at i'600 a year, ffl Seep. 13S, note " c." ( d ) See an exhaustive article by Sir N. H. Nicolas, in " Coll. Top. et Gen.," vol. i, I>. 80. Her br. Alpbonso. Duke of Braganza (ancestor of the future [1640] Kings of Portugal) was legitimated 20 Oct. 1401. See also a paper by J. R. Planche, Somerset Herald, in the " Archaeological Journal," 30 June 1S60. Her arms without any mark Of bastardy are on her seid, her tomb, &e., &c (°) A list of these, from 50 Ed. Ill to 3 Hen. VII, is in Beltz's " Order of the Garter," p. ecxxi, &c. It appear* to have been an actual diynitt) conferred, as, in several cases, the ladies so decorated were neither the wives nor widows of Knights of the Order. 0 Ws, (1) Elizabeth,. Duchess of Norfolk, whose descendants (as heirs general) opposed the claim of the junior branch of the family of Fitz Alan (as heirs male) to X% n lloU ' of Ar " u,le '- Her great grandson John Mowbray (afterwards Duke of Norfolk), was in 1451 0 ,.. Eaiil or Warren and Surrey, being ancestor to the piesent (1 S85) Emm Mowbray, who in her right is coheir to the uncinil Earls of Arundel, of the family of Fitz Alan prior to 1415 ; as also is be (by the marriage, in 1749, of his paternal ancestor, William, Lord Stourton, with Winifred Howard) to all the mcceeding Barfs of Arundel, whether of the family of Fit! Alan or of Howard, from 1416 (the'abovc date) to 1777. (2) Joan, Baroness Abergavenny, widow, who d. 1434. (3) Margaret, wife of Sir Rowland Leuthal. See Pedigree, p. 152.